What is the meaning of ZPL and NL in the drainage plan?

Automatic sprinkler risers, condensate risers respectively.

The water supply pipe-J, if divided into high and low zones is usually indicated by the initials that is, high zone-G, low zone-D. Drainage pipe-W, that is, sewage. There are also -F, that is, wastewater. Fire hydrant piping - XH. Automatic sprinkler piping - Z or - ZP. Stormwater piping - Y. Heating piping - R. Generally, the solid line indicates the water supply pipe, and the dotted line indicates the water return pipe.

Water supply project for the residents and factories, mines, transportation enterprises to supply living, production water projects and fire water, road green water. By the water supply source, water structures, raw water pipelines, water treatment plants and water supply network consists of a collection and delivery of raw water, improve water quality. Water supply sources include surface water, groundwater and reuse water. Water intake structures have surface water intake structures and groundwater intake.


Depending on the object of the drainage there are pumps or other water lifting machinery to discharge wastewater, which has been treated in a treatment plant to meet the specified discharge requirements, into a body of water or onto the land.

The wastewater treatment plant includes facilities such as sedimentation tanks, sedimentation tanks, aeration tanks, biofilters, clarifiers and other facilities and buildings such as pumping stations, laboratories, sludge dewatering machine rooms, and repair plants, etc. The general objectives of wastewater treatment are to remove suspended solids and improve oxygen consumption, and sometimes to disinfect and further treat the wastewater.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering

Baidu Encyclopedia - Automatic Sprinkler System