Cheng's group words (about 50) Explanation of the word Cheng_What does Cheng mean?

Pinyin of Cheng Cheng Explanation of Cheng What does Cheng mean

1. The pinyin of the character Cheng is chéng ; 2. Explanation of the character Cheng: (1) (name) rule; law: chapter | | | style (a certain format). (2) (name) program: discuss | class | lesson |. (3) (name) (traveled) road; a section of road: Kai ~ |Send you a ~. (4) (Name) journey: li ~ monument | shot | line ~. (5) (Name) surname.

A selection of some of the words in the word range grouping sentence and word pinyin and detailed explanations:

1, range sentence: in the pointer instrumentation automatic reading system, the first need to read the dial image and template to be read between the match to determine the type of instrumentation to be read with the range.

Explanation: The range of various parameters that can be tested by a measuring instrument or apparatus.

2, the head of the sentence: the results show that in the same working conditions, based on the adaptive genetic algorithm of the sewage system discharge flow to follow the speed of fast, the drainage head is more stable, the machine pump can quickly enter the state of high-efficiency operation, the comprehensive power saving effect is good.

Explanation: The height of the water pump to lift water upward, usually calculated in meters.

3, genetic engineering sentence: Scientists are trying to find a way to improve skin cells without the need for viruses. But any application of cells that involves a genetic engineering aspect is subject to strict scrutiny by the FDA.

Explanation: The artificial method of overcoming natural barriers to recombination of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules of different biological origins and recombining them to produce DNA molecules capable of reproducing in a certain kind of host cell according to the principles of molecular genetics is called genetic engineering.

4. Stroke sentence: While the modified Otto cycle engine uses the "Atkinson cycle" to provide good fuel economy, this is compared to a conventional four-stroke engine at a lower power consumption per displacement cost.

Explanation: When an internal combustion engine works, the piston moves back and forth in the cylinder, from one end of the cylinder to the other is called a stroke. Also called a stroke.

5, the program sentence: not only your multiple programs can use it, your department at the same time also like this little thing, began to call it from their own program.

Explanation: The order in which things are done: work ~ | meeting ~.

6, program action sentence: In this chapter, the main three elements that constitute the basic characteristics of opera and television drama: the television medium, opera music and program action, and dramatic conflict are specifically discussed.

Explanation: performing arts term. Refers to theater and other stage art, on the basis of life, after artistic processing, created by the performance, dance, martial arts and other normative and rhythmic action.

7, the law program sentence: I have developed a kind of teaching law and law program for each of you in the nation.

Explanation: law; program.

8, remote sentence: This process allows any queue on a device to be addressed by a single definition, thus reducing the number of remote queue definitions to the same number as the device queue manager.

Explanation: a long distance: ~ transportation | ~ navigation.

9, program-controlled technology sentence: the application of program-controlled technology and two-way spray rinsing technology, to realize the automation of the hospital supply room syringe cleaning work.

Explanation: the full name of the program control technology. Is a kind of automatic control technology for machines and equipment. Program control refers to the machine parts of the action sequence is achieved according to the pre-programmed program, as for the movement distance and so on some rely on other devices to control. Program control technology has been applied in metal cutting, welding, smelting and many other production sectors.

10, algebraic equations sentence: the key to modeling electronic systems is to ignore the transient processes within the network and make a network of equivalent circuit diagrams, and therefore the node voltage equations established in accordance with the algebraic equations.

Explanation: equations expressed algebraically.

11, engineering security sentence: the vehicle is used to complete the attempted engineering tasks on roads, bridges, terrain environment, obstacles, etc. to survey, for the attempted engineering security to provide the basic basis.

Explanation: All engineering measures to safeguard military combat operations. Mainly includes: the implementation of engineering reconnaissance, construction of fortifications, camouflage, set up and remove obstacles, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, crossings, water supply stations, the implementation of sabotage operations.

12, interval sentence: interval, is a basic concept in the basic theory of music, in recent years, some music theory books on which a number of concepts of the title, definition, type, nature, etc., the interpretation of debatable.

Explanation: the pitch relationship between two musical notes. Expressed in 'degrees'. In short form, for example, from 1 to 1 or from 2 to 2 is one degree, from 1 to 3 or from 2 to 4 is three degrees, and from 1 to 5 is five degrees.

13, linear equation sentence: If you know the precise direction of the shot put and the magnitude of its speed as it leaves the hands of an Olympic athlete, then you can use a linear equation to predict exactly how far it will fly.

Explanation: see〖One equation〗.

14, process sentence: Therefore, your guide is going to reflect each of these process roles using a simple description of where and how all of these roles should work together.

Explanation: (1) the distance traveled by the current: the canyon has a strong current, and in an hour or so, you can cross a hundred miles ~. (2) The procedure for arranging the various processes in the production of industrial goods, from raw materials to finished products. Also called process flow.

15, and the process of the sentence: from 1851, London on the Thames, the inaugural World Expo has been organized for 40 sessions, in nearly 160 years of wind and rain in the years, the "big wheel" I do not know how many laps.

Explanation: One day to walk two days of the road: ~ forward.

16, co-equation sentence: the two-way empirical research on the relationship between urban land prices and housing prices is not much in the country, this paper on the relationship between urban land prices and housing prices co-equation modeling research to a certain extent exploratory.

Explanation: a new equation obtained by the juxtaposition of more than two equations, in which the unknowns represented by the letters x, y, etc. are subject to each equation.

17, elevation sentence: This paper studies the methodology and technology of automatically extracting digital elevation model (DEM) using spaceborne remote sensing imagery, and establishes a complete set of programs for extracting DEM using SPOT imagery.

Explanation: the vertical distance from a point on the ground to a horizontal plane. Elevation is divided into: (a) absolute elevation, also called elevation. (ii) Hypothetical elevation, which is the vertical distance from a hypothetical horizontal plane, can also be called relative height.

18, quadratic equation sentence: According to the quadratic equation of the right-angle coordinate trend and its Taylor expansion, the node injection power increment expression was derived, and the steady-state frequency prediction equation was established by combining the generator governor and the static characteristics of the load.

Explanation: an equation containing unknowns whose highest number is two, the quadratic equation has two roots.

19, tutorials sentence: We do not aim to replace the documentation and tutorials in the workbench help system, but to supplement those guidance documents by providing additional help information.

Explanation: courses in specialized subjects (mostly used as book titles): modern history ~ | political economy ~.

20, primary equations sentence: Huashi version of the experimental textbook "system of quadratic equations" the main features of this chapter are: compact organization, language expression is simple and easy to understand;

Explanation: the highest number of unknowns contained in the equation is one, for example, 2x + 6 = 0. Also known as linear equations.

21, gauge sentence: Instead of starting with a test gauge, I will consider the risk management principles for each RUP phase in turn, and ask experienced testers what they might do to promote those goals.

Explanation: a chapter-by-chapter regulation of some policy, system, etc.: operation ~ | security ~.

22. engineering sentence: We have defined software engineering in a variety of different ways and have tried to take some of those definitions into account, as you will soon see from the comments of my students.

Explanation: civil engineering and construction or other production and manufacturing sectors with relatively large and complex equipment to carry out the work, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, mining engineering, hydraulic engineering, aeronautical engineering.

23, the argumentative process of the sentence: this thesis takes these issues as the entry point, the choice of business management strategy of network economy enterprises to carry out a detailed argumentation, in the argumentative process of the combination of case analysis and theoretical research methods.

Explanation: refers to the process of getting the thesis from the argument, which is actually the reasoning process.

24, equation sentence: If you know the precise direction of the shot put and the magnitude of its speed as it leaves the hands of an Olympic athlete, then you can use a linear equation to predict exactly how far it will fly.

Explanation: an equation containing unknowns such as x + 1 = 3 and x + 1 = y + 2. Also called an equation.

25, the distance of the sentence: later, he no longer used the time to measure the distance traveled, but used the miles, yards, and feet learned at school to calculate, knowing that it was eight miles to school and eight miles back.

Explanation: the distance of the road: five hundred miles ~ | three days ~ ◇ the ~ of the revolution.

26. agenda造句: Unfortunately, most parents, after conflict and protest, will reluctantly attach themselves to the school district's established agenda, even if they realize the harm it will do to their children.

Explanation: a program of action scheduled on a daily basis: deliberations ~ | work ~ | mentioned ~ on.

27. process sentence: Since we only have one additional machine in our network, we only had to copy the configuration once, but you can repeat the process for each machine in your network.

Explanation: the process through which something goes on or things develop.

28, process sentence: If you have only one CPU or a limited number of CPUs, then you must decide how to **** between several computing processes to enjoy these limited CPU resources.

Explanation: the process by which something changes or proceeds: the ~ of history | the ~ of revolution.

29, engineering plastics sentence: This product is a good performance antioxidant, widely used in polyethylene, polypropylene, polyformaldehyde, ABS resin, PS resin, PVC, engineering plastics, rubber and petroleum products.

Explanation: usually refers to a class of plastics that have good mechanical properties and can be used as engineering or structural materials. In addition to replacing metal, but also has a lightweight, corrosion resistance, electrical insulation and other characteristics. Such as nylon, polytetrafluoroethylene, polyformaldehyde, polycarbonate and so on.

30, the course of the disease sentence: Although antiretroviral therapy makes it harder for patients to transmit HIV by reducing the amount of virus they carry, this therapy also slows the course of AIDS.

Explanation: the whole process of having a certain disease.

31, degree of sentence: Whenever I look back, the shower scene uses an extraordinary degree of skill, so as I grew up I became fascinated with the movie because nothing else had affected me so much.

Explanation: (1) The level of culture, education, knowledge, ability, etc.: culture ~ | awareness ~. (2) the condition reached by the change of things: although the weather is cold, it has not yet reached the frozen ~.

32, program control sentence: It is possible to change the session lifespan while keeping the user still connected by killing the session or overriding the server's default timeout and resetting it to a shorter or longer period of time through program control.

Explanation: automated control achieved by means of a pre-programmed fixed program. It is widely used to control various manufacturing and process machining processes.

33, chemical equation sentence: In fact, the similarities between heat transfer and mass transfer are so obvious. So, the chemical equations derived from the former usually apply to the latter as well, except that the meaning of the symbols has changed.

Explanation: A formula indicating a chemical reaction, usually with the molecular formula of the reactants on the left and the molecular formula of the products on the right, connected by an arrow or equal sign, with equal numbers of atoms on both sides, also called an equation.

34, engineer sentence: Because we now live in the midst of two Americas: one inhabited by rich people who trained to be pilots or engineers, and eventually astronauts who accomplished space missions, and the other inhabited by poor people.

Explanation: one of the job titles of the technical cadre. Specialists who can independently complete the design and construction work of a specialized technical task.

35, the journey of the sentence: I'm lucky that many of these brave souls recorded their journeys, so that others (including me) can be inspired to do that kind of thing.

Explanation: the journey of traveling.

36, equation sentence: So perceiving the meaning of life as a religious creed written on a piece of paper or an equation written in parentheses is not the theme of our life, deeper, richer experiences of this life: that is our theme.

Explanation: (1) See equation. (2) See chemical equation.

37. Course of treatment: Unfortunately, interferon is not universally available worldwide, it is not always well tolerated, some genotypes respond better than others, and many people treated with interferon do not complete their course of treatment.

Explanation: A medically prescribed period of continuous treatment for certain diseases is called a course of treatment.

38, the whole course of the sentence: England's first full training session at the Royal Bavouachen training ground, Ferdinand and Emile? Heskey an inconsequential scramble led to an ankle ligament strain, for him, the World Cup trip is over.

Explanation: all the way.

39, dedicated sentence: Two British Conservative Party campaign strategists made a special trip to Washington to advise the elder Bush's campaign team to destroy me the way the Conservatives discredited Labor leader Neil ... six months ago. Kenoch.

Explanation: to specialize in something (to a place): ~ to go forward to meet a guest.

40, course sentence: The first piece of advice, which had to do with how not to get blown up in Kabul, was politely given by an American TV reporter who was on the course with us.

Explanation: the subjects and processes of school teaching: ~ table.

41.起程造句:Sorensen said as he started for South Korea, "As a goalkeeper, you have to recognize the fact that the manufacturers are designing soccer from the standpoint of the players, not the goalkeepers."

Explanation: to hit the road; the start of a journey.

42, engineering soldier sentence: Huawei has released some information about their boss, including Ren Zhengfei's youthful experience, being born in a poor rural village in China before entering the Chinese army, the equivalent of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Explanation: a branch of the military that performs complex engineering support tasks. Performs engineering tasks such as constructing fortifications, bridging, road building, camouflaging, and setting up and removing obstacles. Also referred to as soldiers of this branch of the military. Older known as engineers.

43, process process sentence: If British politicians want their scientists to continue to make a dent in the Nobel Prize and open up new processes, they need to realize the need to support and fund research of interest.

Explanation: see process.

44, operating procedures sentence: Now, under strict operating procedures and safety management, scientists have received approval to continue to study the potential role of these drugs in the treatment of mental illness and the study of consciousness.

Explanation: The regulations that must be observed during operation are based on the conditions and nature of the work: technical ~ | safety ~.

45. Journey sentence: We have already taken steps in the midst of this journey: most of the digital media we create can now be labeled (i.e., certain specific keywords that provide contextual and semantic value to the media) for people to identify.

Explanation: journey.

46, hydraulic engineering sentence: the Yarlung Tsangpo River originates in the Himalayan Mountains, from the roof of the world downstream into the downstream impact plains of India and Bangladesh, the construction of hydroelectric power stations in her big bends is the world's hydraulic engineers have long been dreaming of.

Explanation: engineering to utilize water resources and prevent water hazards, including flood control, flood discharge, flood storage, irrigation, navigation and other water utilization projects. Abbreviated as water conservancy or water engineering.

47, mileage sentence: at least in long-term sane Canada, you can actually trade air miles for environmental rewards, with donations from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), such as a collapsible solar electric panel or an electric scooter.

Explanation:(1) A distance traveled. (2) Refers to the process of development: the ~ of the revolution.

48, the course of the sentence: In the course of my life, I have been a farmer, an unsaddled bronc rider in a rodeo show, a large-animal veterinarian, a medical researcher, a meat prosecutor's office, a *** veterinarian, and a public defender.

Explanation: the process of going through.

49, one-way sentence: renting out the house and taking two one-way tickets to Japan, we began what turned out to be a two-year journey, as our money lasted much longer than originally anticipated.

Explanation: a one-way or one-way trip (as distinct from 'round trip').

50, program sentence: ESPN has always followed a simple program: show the main news stories on the front page, populate it with a few other popular news links, and have easy-to-find links for each sports story.

Explanation: a certain format: official document ~ | performed ~.

51、基因工程造句:For example, if genetic engineering transfers genes from one common food ingredient of a safe food crop to another crop alone, this does not expose consumers to the new ingredient in the supply of things.

Explanation: see genetic engineering.

52, range sentence: North Korean troops were on alert today and warned of war if anyone tried to stop the delayed satellite launch. The experiment has been described by several countries as a camouflage for the longest-range missile experiment ever conducted by North Korea.

Explanation: the distance a warhead can reach after it is launched.

53, itinerary sentence: teammates talked about the trip along the way: to Peru and Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, recalling the long roads, the splashes of mud, and the almost-lost, all those things they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Explanation: (1) journey: ~ 10,000 miles. (2) Process: historical development ~. (3) See 〖stroke〗.

54, civil engineering sentence: Hidry said, "We had a class in Chicago where civil engineers taught them about building bridges, and in Idaho, there was a class that asked scientists to help them build a river delta that could be run in a classroom."

Explanation: a collective term for projects such as houses, roads, bridges, and harbors.

55, higher order equations sentence: using mathematical induction to prove a property between two types of higher order equations, this property is a generalization of the corresponding results in the existing literature.

Explanation: equations containing unknowns (x) more than two times.

56, milestone sentence: Because at each iteration of the milestone, we will be in a different position of the trip (see Figure 1), so for each section of the trip the entrance and exit criteria will be different for each participant.

Allusion: a roadside monument marking the number of miles. It is a metaphor for a significant event that serves as a marker in the course of history.

57, the beautiful future of the sentence: in the 21st century, we warmly welcome the sincere cooperation of our customers, willing to work with you **** into, to create a beautiful beautiful future.

Allusion: Describe the future is very beautiful.

58, each to the future of the sentence: you are about to go to the future. My hope today is that you will always keep your eyes open for opportunities to give and seize them, which is the bright path to your success.

Allusion: Ben: cast to, run to; Mileage: future. The first is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.

The first thing that I want to say is that I'm not sure what I'm talking about.

59, Peng Cheng Miles sentence: zero hour of the bell ringing through the end of the world, the New Year's train on time. It packs to the unforgettable years, ushered in another round of red years. I wish you a happy new year and a prosperous future!

Allusion: According to legend, the roc bird can fly ten thousand miles.

Allusion: It is said that the bird of prey can fly ten thousand miles.

A list of words with the character Cheng Cheng's group words Cheng how to group words Cheng's polyphonic group words Cheng word group words

Shooting Cheng, and Cheng, standard Cheng, times Cheng, Cheng Lao, Cheng Xie, Cheng Gong, Cheng wine, Cheng Li, Cheng, while the Cheng, Crew Cheng, Che Cheng, Cheng Kaohsiung, Cheng Wen, Cheng more, Cheng Zi, Cheng material, Cheng Deng, Cheng Tou, Cheng Profound, Cheng Governor, Cheng Food, Cheng Deng. Cheng Mi, Cheng Fa, Cheng Ri, Cheng Dai, Cheng Li, Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao, Test Cheng, Calculation Cheng, Violation Cheng, Xin Cheng, Yan Cheng, Xia Cheng, Xiao Cheng, Effective Cheng, Hasten Cheng, Levy Cheng, Wild Cheng, Agenda, Stage Ceremony, Post Ceremony, Member Ceremony, Quasi Ceremony, Determination Ceremony, Book Ceremony, Specialized Ceremony, Gah Ceremony, Middle Ceremony, Returning Ceremony, Light Ceremony, Railway Ceremony, Official Ceremony, Sea Ceremony, Public Ceremony, Eunuch Ceremony, Process, Beacon-Ceremony, Merit Ceremony, Works, Journey, Lee Ceremony, Courses, Scriptural Ceremonies, Processes, Calculations, Tutoring, back to the course, course selection, course work, course Li, course class, course way, program, course life, course skill, course piece, course respect, course strategy, course industry, course service, village course, first course, course can, course of action, two courses, single course, degree of course, equation, schedule, offenses course, autumn course, the whole course, the whole process, pan course, course of treatment, journey, pengcheng, the course of the year, the course of the twilight, the course of the ink, the program, the program, the program effect, the program Yi, the line of Cheng, the Cheng position, the course of Cheng, the course of Cheng, the course, the course, the course, course, course, course, the course, course, course, the course, course, ChengYe, ChengZhu, ChengTest, ChengLuo, ChengFang, ChengLevel, Degree, ChengCheng, ChaoCheng, XiangCheng, WangCheng, ShuiCheng, GreedyCheng, TouCheng, DiseaseCheng, BaoCheng, ShanCheng, ShiCheng, ChasingCheng, ZuoCheng, YunCheng, YinCheng, PostCheng, TourCheng, ZiCheng, YunCheng, Statute, YouCheng, LongDistance, TrainingCheng, YaoCheng, YanCheng, YCheng, YangCheng, WuCheng, HeungCheng, LanternCheng, Itinerary, LearningCheng, WearinessCheng, HakCheng, BoundaryCheng, PrecautionaryCheng, Kuan Cheng, Measure Cheng, Ke Cheng, Step Cheng, Even Cheng, Jiang Cheng, Foot Cheng, Custody Cheng, Audit Cheng, Hop Cheng, Voyage, Regulation Cheng, Road Cheng, Therefore Cheng, High Cheng, Cheng Cai, Cheng Qi, Chang Cheng, Cheng School, Dai Cheng, Chuan Cheng, Cheng Ruo, Cheng Jun, Cheng Qian, Cheng Shu, Cheng Limit, Cheng Quasi-Constantiation, Cheng Zao, Cheng Ying, Cheng Mo, Short Cheng, D Cheng, D Cheng, Dang Cheng, Deng Cheng, Cheng Officials, Cheng Yi, Catching up Cheng, Wide Cheng, Returning to Cheng, Law Cheng, Fa Cheng, Going to Cheng, Getting to Cheng, period course, spread course, proposed course, start course, starting course, its course, servant course, front course, process, two courses, examination course, departure course, mileage, famous course, land course, horse course, journey, journey monument, no heart course, no front course, milestone, milestone, milestone meter, course schedule, equation system, Cheng Da Bit, Cheng Bu Gao, engineering academy, taxi, a course, micro-program, statute book, the course of this course, the course of the wine, the course of procedure, the course of the law, enzyme engineering, flowchart, the course of that course, no back course, schedule, schedule, this course, this course, this course, that course, that course, that course, that course, that course, that course, that course, that course, that course of the course, that course, that course , no back Cheng, schedule, equation, Du Peng Cheng, Cheng Zhi Jie, Cheng Zi Yi, program library, Cheng Bite Jin, Cheng Chang Geng, engineer, engineer, subroutine, main program, small Cheng Zi, a Cheng Zi, Cheng Yan Qiu, Cheng Ji's disease, Cheng Men Du Xue, indeterminate equations, compilation program, editorial program, half of the front range, software engineering, project hope, linear equations, irrational equations, tail engineering, homogeneous equations, unitary equations, Effective projections, cloudy brevet, primary equations, process flow, engineering food, national defense engineering, fractional equations, brocade future, interpretive programs, counting work, concurrent progress, concurrent progress, chemical engineering, process control, program control, program Zhu's school, Cheng Zhu's school, algebraic equations, creation engineering, trigonometric equations, MileagePlus, programmed actions, day and night, simultaneous equations, transcendental equations, operating procedures, Parametric equations, earthworks, civil engineering, million *** programs, differential equations, hydraulic engineering, rational equations, cloudy miles, diagnostic procedures, knowledge engineering, medium-range missiles, Zhouzhang Chengzhu, day and night, day and night, agenda, genetic engineering, Hangshi Chengshu, baht abrasion, distance learning, absolute elevation, adiabatic processes, Jinchuan Qianqi, proximity missiles, day and night, genetic engineering, Heungshi Chengshu, bearded engineering, each goes its own way, compilation programs program design, bioengineering, ecological engineering, Chengmen Flying Snow, Cheng Zhu Science, binomial equation, bright future, prosperous future, monthly schedule, target program, great future, snowy future, chemical equation, formula racing, ionization equation, tofu-dreg engineering, environmental engineering, ionic equation, binary equation, positive equation, positive equation, ionic equation, chemical equation, formula racing, ionization equation, tofu-dreg project, environmental engineering, ionic equation equation, binary equation, Cheng Yang Yong Ji Bridge, program counter, bioengineering, senior engineer, course of suffering, Chinese Academy of Engineering, double quadratic equation, Three Gorges Project of Yangtze River, Shanghai Land Lease Statute, quadratic equation, digital programmed switching, engineering thermophysics, plains greening project, environmental systems engineering, principle of storage program, Luan Yuan Yuan Jin Project, biomedical engineering, thermochemical equation, South-to-North Water Diversion Project, Modular Programming