What is the meaning of negative and positive

What is the meaning of negative and positive

What is the meaning of negative and positive, we have all heard of negative and positive here two words, right, then the woman is pregnant is also used to identify these two terms, but we are not very familiar with this terminology, so what is the meaning of negative and positive?

What does negative and positive mean1

Negative, indicating that there is no reaction with the reagent, indicating that the corresponding antigen does not exist in the body fluid.

The results of a laboratory test or report card are often expressed as (+), (-). The (+) and (-) are not mathematical symbols for addition or subtraction, but are used to indicate a positive or negative result. In some of the routine tests for women, there are also many that are expressed as negative, positive.

Positives and negatives are usually routine indicators given by the clinician during an exam or lab test, and usually positive means significant and negative means normal, but there are differences depending on the significance of the test, for example, the test is usually written as negative for double adnexa, which means that the double adnexa are normal.

And in the laboratory tests, for example, a negative AOI indicates that the person is not a carrier of the hepatitis B virus, for example, a positive syphilis serum test indicates that there may have been a syphilis infection, and so on. In general, this is the case, but there are exceptions, so positive, negative is a sign of the test, the vast majority of this is the case.

Simply introduce a few:

1, blood HCG test. If the test is positive, it means pregnancy and a specific value is usually given; if it is negative, it means not pregnant.

2. Routine leukorrhea test. Routine leukorrhea test includes vaginal pH, vaginal cleanliness, vaginal microorganisms and so on. If leukocytes are positive, it means that there is a bacterial infection; trichomonas is positive, it means that there is a trichomonas infection; mycobacteria is positive, or fungi is positive, it means that there is a mycobacterial infection. If the combination of abnormal leukorrhea symptoms, such as high volume, odor, vulvar itching, combined with the positive part of the laboratory indicators, can be diagnosed as a certain nature of vaginitis, need to give symptomatic drug treatment.

For the examination of women's diseases, a positive test is not necessarily a diagnosis of a disease, combined with specific clinical symptoms, to be comprehensive judgment to reach a conclusion.

What is the meaning of negative and positive 2

What is false positive pregnancy, the causes of such a situation

A psychological factor

Many married but delayed pregnancy women, very hope that they can have a healthy and beautiful baby, so every day Hopefully, they can get pregnant, the psychological implication may lead to the body to appear some of the pregnancy will only appear. Such as craving for acid . , nausea, strong sense of body fatigue, and even symptoms such as cessation of menstruation. At this time, the level of HCG indicators may rise, so the results obtained through the test paper and pregnancy test stick, there may be a weak positive.

Second, suffering from tumors and other diseases

When a woman suffers from tumors, cancer, gynecological diseases and other diseases that affect the endocrine function, the deterioration of the cells in the body will occur, which affects the secretion function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in our body. Pregnancy will also cause the body's endocrine secretion to be different from the usual, because the principle of early pregnancy test paper is to determine whether a woman is pregnant by detecting the concentration of HCG in the urine. When the body has an endocrine disorder, the early pregnancy test paper may test positive.

Three, there are problems with early pregnancy test strips

There are some drugstores that may sell expired early pregnancy test strips and pregnancy tests, or there are a few invalid cases in the same batch of early pregnancy test strips. So when women go to the drugstore to buy pregnancy tests, they must carefully observe the date of manufacture and the formal sign. In addition, if the pregnancy test paper has been opened for a long time and is exposed to moisture, and stored in too high or too low a temperature, it will also lead to the destruction of the substances inside the pregnancy test paper. Problematic pregnancy test strips can produce inaccurate measurements, leading to false-positive results.

Fourth, ectopic pregnancy

If the pregnancy test results of the morning pregnancy test paper, and go to the hospital ultrasound did not find the fetus, it may be ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy will lead to a rise in the concentration of HCG hormone in the body, but the onset of ectopic pregnancy is usually in the fallopian tube, is unable to normalize the birth of the fetus down. Ectopic pregnancy usually requires the removal of the fallopian tubes in the area of the disease, and if it is not treated in time, the risk of harm to the woman's body is very high.

What is false positive pregnancy we have understood, it is psychological and physiological and some external factors **** the same role and lead to. Wang Baolai suggests that women should not have too much pressure on fertility, try to let nature take its course and relax. If the test paper and pregnancy test stick test result is positive, can not be fully believed, must go to the hospital for HCG test to confirm. Even if there is infertility, you can still choose to use IVF to help you have children.

What does negative and positive mean3

There are many reasons for false positives in pregnancy, the main reasons are as follows:

First, it may be that the use of pregnancy test paper or pregnancy test stick is not properly operated, and false positives occur, if the pregnancy test paper or pregnancy test stick has a quality problem, or in the use of the process of the wrong method, can lead to such a situation. This can lead to such a situation.

Secondly, it may be that the pregnancy time is too short, the woman is too short to detect whether the pregnancy, in the process of detection may react to the symptoms of false positive pregnancy.

Third, consider that the false positive reaction is caused by taking drugs or foods that affect the results before the test.

Fourth, it may be caused by factors such as expiration of the test product or moisture.

All of these results can lead to inaccurate results of the pregnancy test stick, or pregnancy test paper, and need to go to the hospital for a specific test, which can be a blood HCG test.