Instruments and equipments of PUTIEN First Hospital

PUTIEN FIRST HOSPITAL INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS Department Equipment Treatment Programs Radiotherapy Department The latest introduction of the Varian Clinac 23EX high-energy medical linear gas pedal Three-dimensional brachytherapy Tumor thermotherapy Radiotherapy imaging verification technology x-knife treatment technology Multi-fraction whole-body irradiation Ultrasound-guided prostate precision radiotherapy Intensity modulated radiotherapy Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy Medical Imaging Department (MRI, Radiology, CT), Medical Imaging (MRI, Radiology, CT) latest introduction of advanced equipment Philips 3.0T magnetic **** vibration imaging system Intervention Diagnostic and Treatment Programs Nail and Breast Department Putian region's first U.S. Ank Breast Minimally Invasive Rotary Cutting Surgery System - Cardiovascular Department Putian advanced HARMONIC Haoyun digital ultrasound system - Critical Care Department Putian first-class pulsation vacuum sterilizer - Hematology Department Putian first-class multi-functional hematocrit - Urology Ultrasound Pneumatic Elastic Battery System Ultrasonic pneumatic ballistic lithotriptic system for urology Source