What kind of food can you eat to protect your liver, preferably practical and easy, thank you!

Bee's milk can protect the liver

Japan's Porabi Cosmetics has confirmed after experiments that bee's milk can promote liver cell proliferation and other liver protection effects.

According to the company's recently released scientific research information, the company conducted experiments on liver cells using bee's milk produced in China, and the results confirmed that ROYALACTIN, a protein contained in bee's milk, has a liver-protecting effect that promotes the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid in liver cells and inhibits cellular suicidality, which is comparable to the function of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). The company believes that this substance can be used to make the hepatoprotective agents needed when transplanting livers.


Vitamin E's Liver Protection

The latest study in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences reports that foods rich in "antioxidants" are effective in preventing or reducing the risk of liver cancer.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health's Center for Cancer Research found that rats were able to effectively reduce their risk of liver cancer when they received adequate amounts of vitamin E from birth.

It's worth noting that the results of this experiment are only applicable to rats, and may not be applied to human efforts to combat liver disease; therefore, the researchers hope that the medical community can further explore the impact of vitamin E and antioxidant nutrients in preventing and treating the disease, so as to help human beings achieve the dream of preventing and treating cancer.

Researchers studied rats born with a genetic predisposition to liver cancer to see how well vitamin E works.

When the rats reached three weeks of age, the researchers started the experimental group on a diet high in vitamin E. By the time the rats reached 10 weeks of age, the rats had begun to show signs of liver cancer, but the rats in the experimental group that consumed the high levels of vitamin E weighed less than the rats in the control group, which did not consume any vitamin E. By the time the rats reached six months of age, the rats had a liver weight of about 20 pounds. By the time the rats were six months old, the experimental group had 65 percent fewer liver cancer tumors than the control group, and the liver tumors were more centrally located and did not spread randomly.

Researchers believe that c-myc and TGFa, two of the root causes of liver cancer, have already been identified, and that treatment for these two causes should be able to achieve considerable efficacy in preventing and treating cancer. But the researchers also advised the public, do not just buy and take a lot of vitamin E, thought this will be able to achieve the effect of liver protection; because of greasy vitamin E, it is very easy to pile up in the body, if there is no proper metabolism, will cause liver toxicity reaction, but the loss is not worth it.

Corn, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, potatoes, soybeans and other beans are the most vitamin E-rich foods. The Department of Health, the recommended intake of adults is 25-30 milligrams (mg) per day, you want to prevent cancer and liver protection, you can eat more healthy and nutritious Vitamin E food yo!


Protecting liver health is not about taking medication

Currently, 12 million people are suffering from chronic hepatitis, and 300,000 people are losing their lives to liver disease every year. It is worthwhile to pay attention to, in recent years the prevalence of fatty liver appeared rising trend, by ultrasound examination, the prevalence rate is as high as 30% or more! Huashan Hospital Liver Disease Research Center Professor Wu said: "Unfortunately, in the survey of 300 hepatitis virus carriers, regular liver function tests only 8%, and more than 90% of hepatitis liver disease patients listen to false medical advertisements, private and indiscriminate use of 'hepatoprotection drugs' and 'secret formula for conversion', about 20% of hepatitis liver disease patients due to improper use of medication and lead to liver function damage."

At present, there are two major misunderstandings in the prevention and treatment of hepatitis and liver disease, one is to seek medical advice in a hurry, blindly seeking medical treatment, blindly using medication; the second is to incorrectly believe that "the higher the price of the drug, the better the efficacy". Liver is an important organ of the human body, once the hepatitis liver disease, must not blindly listen to false medical advertisements boast, indiscriminate treatment, indiscriminate use of medication, and should be under the guidance of specialized physicians, accept the "method of the correct, advanced measures, the efficacy of the exact" symptomatic treatment. He said that some patients with hepatitis liver disease will interferon as a "panacea", in fact, interferon is only applicable to high aminotransferases, low virus concentration, short course and active foci of the patient, and to have six months to one year of a longer course of treatment, if the patient has jaundice, low white blood cell indicators, cirrhosis, and psychiatric disorders, the effect of interferon will only be counterproductive, but the patient will not be able to use interferon to treat the disease. If the patient has a low white blood cell index, cirrhosis compensation and mental system and other diseases, the effect of interferon will only be counterproductive. In addition, the pitcher plant, Yinzhihuang and other Chinese herbs, although inexpensive, but the yellow fever and detoxification efficacy is significant, and no toxic side effects, is not lost for the prevention and treatment of hepatitis and liver disease of the medicine.


Natural red dates can protect the liver

The latest answer from the Chinese Institute of Medicine is to eat jujubes, the medicinal material red dates and black jujubes often eaten by the Chinese.

Chinese people have long been hepatitis B rate increases, other symptoms such as cirrhosis, liver cancer also often occurs, so a variety of hepatoprotective drugs or some of the origin of the liver protection products are very much, resulting in many adverse side effects and jeopardize the human body's health. In view of this, China Medical Research Institute researcher Lin Yunlian encourages everyone to eat more natural jujube to protect the liver. Because according to her latest research findings, red dates, black dates contain three post class compounds components, can inhibit the activity of hepatitis virus, which also to red dates to inhibit the activity of hepatitis B virus than the role of black dates good, so for patients suffering from chronic hepatitis with the original patient, in addition to regular medical treatment M industry doctors to diagnosis and treatment, can be in the daily and then with eating red dates to protect the liver.

The director of internal medicine of Guangtian Hospital, Dr. Ke Wansheng, pointed out that one in every five adults in Taiwan is a hepatitis B carrier, and adults are in the process of taking on the heavy burden of the family and society, but because of chronic hepatitis B carriers have immune deficiencies, so they should have more rest than the normal people in their daily lives.

Lycium barbarum + jujube (the amount as you grab, but boiled will be better than with the effect of soaking!!!)

Wolfberries are best used to eliminate fatigue

Wolfberries can prevent atherosclerosis and prevent aging; they also have a warming effect on the body. The amazing healing effects are marvelous!

Wolfberry is a plant with strong vitality and energy, which is perfect for eliminating fatigue. It can promote blood circulation, prevent atherosclerosis, but also to prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver; coupled with a variety of vitamins, essential amino acids and linoleic acid contained in the wolfberry to operate comprehensively, but also to promote the body's metabolism, but also to prevent aging.

Wolfberries can be divided into three parts to use: wolfberry leaves can be used to brew "wolfberry tea" to drink; red fruit "wolfberry" can be used in cooking or brewing tea; wolfberry root is also known as the "ground bone skin", generally as a medicinal herb to use, so it is really the best of all possible uses. And long-term consumption of goji berries or drinking goji berry tea, there will be no side effects. It has a wide range of medicinal effects, with antipyretic, diabetes treatment, cough and phlegm, and the decoction of goji berry root can lower blood pressure: as for the goji berry tea, it has a variety of effects such as the treatment of coldness, coldness, stomach, liver and kidney diseases, tuberculosis, constipation, insomnia, low blood pressure, anemia, all kinds of eye diseases, hair loss, stomatitis, skin care, and so on. However, because of the strong warming effect of goji berries, it is best not to consume them if you suffer from high blood pressure, are too impatient, or if you are a gourmand who consumes a lot of meat on weekdays, resulting in a reddish complexion. On the contrary, if you have a weak body, often cold, poor resistance to the people best to eat every day.

'Red dates' protect the liver? g friends who often stay up late to take more oh!

The small one red dates, but the effect is very strong. Red dates are not only very nutritious, but also protect the liver. In the usual health, make good use of jujube, the body's great help.

Chinese herbal book "Benjing" recorded that red dates taste sweet and warm, to the spleen and stomach meridian, have tonifying the middle and benefit the qi, nourish the blood and tranquilize the spirit, and moderate the function of the drug; and modern pharmacology has found that the red dates contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, micro-calcium, a variety of amino acids, and other rich nutrients.

Modern pharmacology also found that jujube can improve the body mononuclear - phagocyte system phagocytosis function, have to protect the liver, enhance the role of physical strength. This discovery coincides with the method of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) of using jujube to formulate a "Liver Nourishing Soup" to nourish the liver and detoxify the body.

MedStar consultant Dr. Chuang Shu-chi strongly recommends that women who have had a cesarean section should drink liver-supporting soup before giving birth. She believes that women who have had a cesarean section should drink liver-supporting soup not only to detoxify the toxicity of anesthesia, but also to protect their livers and reduce post-surgical pain, and that the recipe for the soup is as follows: Wash seven red jujubes and cut straight lines with a knife on each to help the nutrients to escape, and then cover them with 280 cubic centimeters of boiling water to soak them for eight hours, and then cover them again with a lid for steaming. Then cover it with boiling water for eight hours and steam it for one hour. Red dates have such a wonderful effect, but also inexpensive, the people should be more use.

"Red dates" tonifies the vital energy and nourishes the blood

The effect of a small red date is very strong. It is often found in the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), because jujube has the function of moderating medicinal properties; it can nourish qi and nourish blood, and is a very good nutrient.

Chinese herbal medicine books "Ben Jing" recorded that the red dates taste sweet and warm, spleen and stomach meridian, have the function of tonifying the middle and benefiting the qi, nourishing the blood and tranquilizing the spirit, and moderating the medicinal properties. Modern pharmacological research now, jujube can make the blood oxygen content enhancement, nourish the whole body cells, is a kind of medicinal effect moderate strong agent.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the application of jujube can be divided into the following kinds:

1. Strengthening the spleen and stomach: people with weak spleen and stomach, diarrhea, tiredness and weakness can eat seven jujubes a day or use them together with Codonopsis pilosulae and Atractylodis macrocephala***, which can replenish the middle of the body and strengthen the spleen and stomach, and achieve the effect of increasing the appetite and stopping the diarrhea; jujubes are used with ginger and half-summers, which can treat gastritis such as bloating of the stomach, vomiting, etc., caused by dietary indiscretions. The symptoms.

2. Replenish qi and nourish blood: jujube is a good product for nourishment, and jujube is often added to therapeutic diets to replenish the body and nourish qi and blood. Dr. Andy Sun of NTU's Department of Immunology strongly advocates eating more jujubes, yellow jujubes, and goji berries, which can enhance the body's vitality and strengthen the immune system.

3. Nourish blood and tranquilize the mind: women with bipolar disorder, crying, restlessness, etc., with red dates and licorice, wheat with 〈Gan Mai Jujube Soup〉, can play a nourishing blood and tranquilize the mind, soothe the liver and relieve the effects of depression.

4. Moderating medicinal properties: red dates are often used in medicinal formulas with strong medicinal properties to reduce the side effects of strong medicines and to protect the vital energy. For example, in "Ten Jujube Soup", jujube is used to alleviate the toxicity of laxatives such as Gansui, Dajia, and Wuhua, and to protect the spleen and stomach from being harmed.

Red jujube is a sacred product that replenishes qi and nourishes blood, and at the same time is inexpensive, so the public does not need to buy expensive tonic products in the market, and can achieve the effect of health care by making good use of red jujube.




Being up late and waking up late is the biggest fatal injury.

2. Not having a bowel movement in the morning.

3. Overeating.

4. Skipping breakfast → Overdrawing your energy without realizing it.

5. Overdosing on medication.

6. Preservatives, additives, colors, artificial sweeteners (e.g. salsa).

7. Improper fats and oils (e.g., salad oil is an unstable oil), use as little oil as possible in cooking, even if it is a good oil, e.g., olive oil. Do not eat fried food when you are tired, if you want to eat while in good spirits.

8. Not raw food (fully cooked) is not good for the liver. Eat raw vegetables or boil three or five cooked, fried vegetables eaten the same day, do not eat overnight.

9. Wrong values, only the pursuit of excellence, lack of peace and fraternity.

10. Impatience.

1. not abusing alcohol; 2. not eating moldy food; 3. not abusing drugs; 4. actively preventing viral hepatitis.

11. Sunscreen, sleep, stability of emotions during the day to try to avoid exposure to the sun, travel to wear a good sun hat, umbrella and sunglasses; at noon, if possible, to take a nap half an hour to an hour, and in the evening to minimize the night life, to ensure that 8 hours of sleep; to maintain the stability of the emotions, not irritable.