Method 1:
EXE files can be recovered by modifying the registry. Because EXE files can not be opened, so the only first Windows directory registry editor "Regedit.exe" to "", and then run it, in turn, find HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command, double-click on the "default" string, change its value to "%%". Double-click on the "default" string and change the value to "%1"%* and you're done!
Method 2: (only for Win2000/XP):
1, rename cmd.exe to or cmd.scr.
2, run
3, run the following two commands:
ftype exefile="%1"%*
assoc .exe
This is the first time that I have tried to use the command.
assoc .exe=exefile
4, change back to cmd.exe
Method 3: Of course, the use of third-party tools, such as go to download Rising Star's Registry Repairer: /zsgj/, use it to repair the file associations.