The ccie exam does not require a ccna/ccnp certificate first, you can directly take the ccie certification exam, so you just need to master enough technology can directly take the ccie exam.
ccie exam is divided into written and experimental two parts, candidates must first pass the written exam, before being eligible to participate in the experimental exam, you can register in any sylvan test center written exam, the experimental part of the exam must be to cisco to participate in the current China has Beijing and Hong Kong two test center, which Beijing opened ccie - routing and switching, ccie - security Two types of exams; Hong Kong opened ccie-routing and switching; ccie-communications and services; ccie-safety three types of exams.
ccie certification is divided into active and inactive two states, cisco company in order to allow ccie can track new technologies, and to maintain the expert level of ccie, from the beginning of the ccie certification, every two years to carry out a re-certification, or else you still have your ccie number, but your state from active to inactive, the corresponding enjoyment of ccie certification. into inactive, the corresponding enjoyment of some of the rights given in the cisco company is gone. The harsh certification rules make ccie become one of the most valuable certificates in the it industry, of course, also become the most respected, one of the most difficult to obtain the certificate.
cisco opened ccie exams from 1993, as of July 31, 2003, the global *** have ccie 10,144, including routing and switching ccie 9,455, security ccie 252, communication in the service of 93, there has not been a person through the voice of ccie exam. There are 842 ccie in mainland China***, more than half of whom work abroad.
Gaining ccie certification not only proves that your skills have reached the expert level, recognized and affirmed by the industry, but is also a symbol of honor and a reflection of self-worth. Getting ccie certification has become the dream of every network technician.
cisco in order to allow customers to obtain expert technical support, in its certification agent system in the provisions of the gold and silver certified agents must have a certain number of ccie, which directly stimulates the demand for ccie, in the period of 1999, in mainland China ccie's annual salary of as much as 800,000 rmb. Now in the system integration project, many owners proposed that contractors must be have ccie certified experts to be eligible to undertake projects, thus showing the degree of recognition of ccie experts in the industry.
Passing the demanding ccie certification, you will get a ccie account, directly get the support of cisco second level experts, enjoy the privileges of ccie. If you intend to technical immigration, through the ccie certification can obtain additional points, in China through the ccie more than half have immigrated to foreign countries. Currently, ccie in the U.S. can earn up to $150,000 a year, not including stock options and other benefits, in mainland China, a ccie's annual salary of at least 100,000 yuan, if you add bonuses and other benefits will be far more than this number.
To get the demanding ccie certification, you must first pass a written exam and qualify before you can take the lab exam. It is only after passing the lab that you finally become a ccie. there are roughly two ways to learn and get ccie certification: first, self-study. To obtain ccie certification through self-study you must have more than two years of work experience, have enough time and energy, and to have a perfect laboratory environment, in addition to the most important thing is that you must have perseverance and never give up faith. Second, participate in training. Find a genuine training institutions to use spare time or concentrated time to participate in training, make full use of the training institution's experimental equipment, in a good learning atmosphere, students can not only communicate with each other's skills more importantly, you can also get the training institution's ccie expert counseling to improve learning efficiency.