Lost Zone Battlefield Clear Sky main guide

The following cheats are done on Normal difficulty in the early stages. The later stages are on Veteran. The full weapon patch is installed. So there are some places where the SVD may pop up. Please don't be offended.

I. Swamp Area

After the animation. After the animation, you're done talking nonsense. Go straight to the bartender for a bit of a chat. Boss Haruko has spoken again. He wants you to meet him. This time he'll be waiting for you on the first floor. When you see him, it's the same old crap. He wants you to go to the merchant to get a weapon. After you get the weapons, go to the guide at the entrance of the village. He will take you out of the camp.

Out of the camp. There are two places that can definitely be called newbie killers. One is the Ability Point. The other is the water in the swamp. The former will deduct a lot of blood, the computer better reflect faster can quickly dodge after entering, the latter will be hit by radiation. There's a meter in the lower right corner. When you enter the radiation zone. The pointer will move from left to right. The distance depends on the intensity of the radiation. But just because the needle moves doesn't mean you've been hit. There's a semicircular red line underneath the pointer. That means the radiation's already inside you. Until the red line is depleted, you'll lose blood. The solution is to drink the vodka and the anti-radiation pills mentioned above. If you don't have any. Use a medical kit or eat a lot of food.

After familiarizing yourself with the two new killers, there's one more important little thing. It is the small screw, the default button press 6 can be taken out, the role of the small screw to detect whether the front of the foreign energy point. When you get close to a power point, there will be a ticking sound. Anomalies will appear in the vicinity. Throw a screw at the "abnormal" spot. If it reacts, it's an anomaly. By the way. If you find a lot of anomalies in an area. You might want to press "O" and pull out the Magic Detector. Follow the signal. The stronger the sound, the closer you are to the artifact's location. When you have the detector in your hand. The artifact is buried in front of you. The artifact will come out automatically. Press F to get it, but you'll have to work with the screws to get it. There are a bunch of anomalies wherever there are artifacts.

Back to the game. There are a lot of wind-attributed anomalies in the swamps along the way. Use the small screws to detect them. Follow the mini-map to a watchtower. A guy tells you to get up there. Don't doubt it. At night, you'll get hit by a boar, so get up there and scavenge. Then the guy in the clear sky will tell you that a storm is coming. If you get to the tower and no one tells you. Then shoot some boars with your pistol. When the storm comes. The guy next to you will be on his way before you. Take whatever's on his body. It's worth it. After seeing the power of the storm. The protagonist faints. When you wake up, you've been dragged back to the Clear Sky base by the Clear Sky brothers.

After returning to the base. The Boss is looking for you again. He forces you to join the Clear Sky organization, so I won't go into that. In the town to organize their own equipment. Follow the mini-map indicator to find another guide. Then you can head out of the base and into the swamp.

After the guide takes you to the swamp. At this point, the mission will require you to follow the clear sky team to attack various strongholds, then press tab. There will be a lot of green dots and light green dots on the map. The light green dots are the squads that are going to attack certain strongholds. You have to follow them. I'm not going to talk about how to fight the strongholds, so let's just practice our marksmanship. Both sides are armed with pistols and old shotguns. The rebels on Normal are no match for Clear Sky's team. After capturing the last stronghold. You'll be able to leave the swamp and head to the blockade through the guide, the first time you leave. The first time you leave, you can only do so through the guide. If you want to leave again, you can reach the blockade from the southern farm.

II. The Lockdown Line

From the Southern Farm, you'll reach the Lockdown Line. You'll come to a cave entrance. This is the place to look out for. Not far from the exit. There is a military base with an RPD machine gun waiting for you. The only way to get there is to rush, if you're on Veteran or above, we recommend going back to the main menu and changing the settings to Easy or Normal and then coming back to rush, since you're going to the camp on the left side of the cave entrance. So you need to go left. Be careful, there's a tree that's fallen over. Don't get stuck. I got stuck a couple times. I tried to jump out. I got shot to death. Good technique. You can jump. But I'd advise anyone not to. Once you're through the tree. You're not far from the target camp. Then an old man will say hello. Says you're damn lucky. That you escaped the military blockade or something. When you get to the camp. Follow the map to the old man's basement. After you've taken the quest. You're on your way to the Stalker's camp. It's not advisable to follow the old man's shopping. He's expensive as hell. You don't have much money up front. It's better to buy them when you get to the Stalker's camp.

On your way to Stalker's camp, you may encounter a military attack on a station controlled by the Lone Ranger. Don't bother. It's a soldier with an AK74U fighting a bunch of guys in cloths and old shotguns and pistols. You can't beat them. Take a detour. When you get to the Lone Ranger camp. Follow the pointer to the building on the left and talk to the Stalker boss. There's not much more to say. You'll be given a mission to kill a soldier. This is still probably one of the most difficult places in Clear Sky. There's a big difference in weapons, so be careful. Remember to save, and don't forget to pick up the soldiers' weapons. It'll make you feel like you've got a gun for a gun, and when they're all dead. The boss sends you a message. He wants you to go with another team to take care of the soldiers in the other stronghold. Do the same. Then you go to the Stalker's camp where the soldier is being held, and after a conversation, you're told the location of the chest. It's on the third floor of the three-story building where you and your team killed the first soldiers, and the soldier has a side mission for you. He wants you to help him escape. Just give him a small pistol. He'll give you the location of one of his caches. It's a matter of opinion at this point. It doesn't affect the relationship with the Lone Ranger, the only thing it does is when you return to the camp. The soldier escapes. The Lone Ranger's boss will be surprised and say where he got the weapon.

Go back to the building where you first fought the soldier. Go up to the 3rd floor and get the chest. Return the quest chest to the old man. After that, you can leave for the abandoned field. Talk to the Lone Ranger boss before you leave. You can join the Maverick. You'll earn some extra money by taking over territory, and if you're already a member. If you're already a member, you'll be asked to join your brothers in attacking the Far Side Outpost. The Far Outpost is the blockade's connection to the Abandoned Yard. It's full of thieves at first. It's best to take it down, unless you want to run into the Abandoned Yard in a hail of bullets.

Three. Abandoned Yard

After entering the Abandoned Yard. Behind the armored car is a Thief stronghold. Some of the thieves have MP5s, so it's up to you if you want to fight them or not. If you don't, just charge. Follow the mini-map to the mission site. Scavenge the bodies. Beware of the strong radiation in the neighborhood. When you're done. Follow the pointer to a stalker named Rat. Jump on a stump and help him fight the dog. When you're done, you'll be given a quest to find the Freedom Corps boss in Dark Hollow, so if you don't have the mod that removes the requirement for firearms upgrades, you'll have to buy the clues to the hidden spots from him. This guy has a lot of Flash Hidden Spot clues. This map is mostly a staging area. There's no quests. Let's go to the Dark Valley.

Four. Dark Valley

If you're entering Dark Valley from the north. A few psychotic Freedom Corps people will tell you to stay put. If you do, they will shoot you. Don't move if you don't want to get shot. After a while he will ask you to talk to him. After that, you can move. When you get to the Freedom Corps base. Follow the pointers to the quest giver and receive a new quest. You'll be asked to take care of an unusual monster base near the Freedom Corps base. When you arrive at the monster's stronghold. Watch carefully. The monsters coming at you are all alters. The main body is far away from you. Once you've killed them, the doppelgangers will disappear. Go back to the base. You'll get a new mission. You have to deliver ammo. Get the ammo from the merchant and go to the mission site. You'll find all the Freedom Corps dead. This is a good time to scavenge. The IL86's on the Freedom guys will allow you to replace your AK74U's or MP5's. After you find the PDA's on one of the corpses, head back to the Freedom base. Enter the factory and go up to the 2nd floor to the Freedom Corps boss. You'll get a new kill mission. You'll be asked to hunt down the Freedom Corps traitor who gave you the mission earlier, and you'll get a new message when you get near the location. You'll be asked to follow the Freedom Corps to attack the traitor's camp. Once you've cleared it out, you'll have to kill the corpses. Each of the mercenary's guns has a component. Don't miss them. Get the traitor's PDA. Go back to the mission. You'll get a mission to capture the party, so upgrade your usual weapons. All the money is gone. Don't keep a penny. Why you should do this will be mentioned below.

For your convenience. Do not join a disciplinary or free group. If you are unfortunate enough to join one. Adding back the solo will stop the hostility of the other side towards you.

The location of the captured party's mission is at the Abandoned Yard Flea Market. Unsurprisingly. It's a Lone Ranger stronghold. When you arrive at the flea market. Go up to the 2nd floor and there's a chest. Throw all your gear in. Don't worry about anyone picking up your stuff. This isn't an online game. When you're done, follow the indicators down to the basement of the flea market. Just as you enter, there's a boom. You're fucked. Two robbers took all your stuff. When you get up, pick up the small pistol next to you and the PDA, and you'll be given a mission to the Discipline Corps base. At this point, you can also choose to go after the two thieves to get your equipment back. However, the equipment has already been stored. So there is no need to go after them. If you're going after them to get your money back. I suggest you give up on that. You can't get your money back. That's why I mentioned spending all your money to get your equipment back. Your equipment isn't on those two thieves. It's in a chest near them.

V. The Agricultural Research Institute (I don't know if that's what it's called)

After entering the area. You'll be faced with what's known as a "Monkey Zombie". But you won't face it right away. Upon arriving at the Discipline Corps post. The kind officer tells you. One of their squads is on its way to a certain stronghold. Follow the squad. On the way, you'll see a monkey zombie kill one of the team members and then disappear. Don't worry about it. The team will stop to rest when they reach the stronghold. You'll have to make your way to the Disciplinary Base on your own. It's not far. Once you arrive at the base. Go straight to the head of the Discipline Corps. You'll be given a mission to drain the water from the Underground Institute. When you get to the entrance of the cave, you'll find a bunch of monkey zombies gang-raping two poor Discipline Corps members. It's up to you to fight or run, there are a lot of zombies. It's not advisable to fight when you're low on ammo. If you want to kill them, you can follow them around in circles and get rid of them without any injuries.

After entering the cave. Be careful. The pipes will start emitting flames. Crouch down and walk through. Be careful not to get burned, and you'll see a couple of stupid monkey zombies up ahead that have turned into fire-roasted monkeys. Just shoot them and send them on their way. When you get to the end. Go up the ladder.

After you get up. Enter the pool of radiation. Then the quest is updated. You will be asked to kill a certain monster. Don't be afraid. It's really just a way to kill the brain-dead monster in the shadow of Chernobyl. The Brainiac attacks by sucking you in. I'll show you a close-up picture of it. In the shadows. He doesn't have a melee attack, but in the clear sky he's been given a melee attack by the production company. So don't insult him with your sword. Beware of insulting you with his claws on the higher levels, and when you're done. When you get to the control room, press F on the valve and count down to about 45 seconds. Don't panic. There's a slowly opening steel door next to you. Enter the door. Follow the map to the end of the quest. That's where the rats came out. To your left. There's a ladder. Once you're up there, you're safe, and then the mission updates. You'll be asked to find the Stalker Squad's hideout.

Walking around. You'll find the first bandit. Kill him. Look at the wall. The hideout is nearby. Enter the hideout. There's a PDA in the upper left corner of the hideout. Pick it up and update the quest. You'll be asked to go to Yang Tower to find the doctor. Eliminate the thieves on the way. On the way up the stairs, you'll meet a fireball monster. It's up to you whether you want to destroy it or not. If you don't, wait for the flames to die down and go straight up the ladder. Get the hell out of here.

After reaching the ground. Go back to the Discipline Corps. You'll be able to leave for Young Tower, where you'll find a team of Stalkers who need help. You'll need to escort them in order to make a few extra bucks. You'll encounter a Vampire and a group of Human Zombies, which are the enemies you'll meet at the Young Tower. They're no different than humans. They also shoot bullets and go over obstacles, but their mouths are black. So the timid people do not fear.

6. Yanta

The same as the Shadow. The tower is a zombie hangout. But Clear Sky doesn't need you to get down to the nasty X16 lab, so let's get back to the flow of the game. Enter the Scientist Camp. An alarm will sound. Don't worry. It's not your alarm. It's the zombies attacking the camp. There's nothing to say. Kill them all. Leave no one behind. Or the scientists won't open the door. When you're done, go to the research base and find the scientist. The mission has been updated. You have to go to the left side of the map and get a PDA. Don't worry about anything. Even if the zombies attack. The chances of the base falling are too high. Even if it does, it won't affect the mission. Follow the perimeter of the Janta factory to the mission site. By the way. The mission site is not inside Jantar. The walls of Janta are the boundary. Inside the walls is inside the city. The mission site is outside the walls. When you see the body. Scavenge the body. Find the PDA on the body. If you're late, a bunch of mutants will come and beat you up. Don't fight, get it and run back to the research base. If the base has already fallen, be prepared to take on 10 or even 20 of them. I killed almost 20 zombies. The usual. The cowardly scientists won't open the door until you've killed all the zombies.

Give the PDA to the scientist. Update mission. Go to the mission site and follow the Stalker Squad into Jantar City and meet up with the team. Begin the assault. Once inside. The captain will assign you a job. You'll go up to the top floor of the building as fire support to back up the squad against the zombies. There's a staircase or a ladder to get up there, and after a few seconds, the clock will start counting down. Your job is to make sure your team survives the countdown, and when it's done. The team will retreat. Don't do anything. You can't kill all the zombies. Follow the team into the Red Forest. I was slow to enter the Red Forest. There's nerve gas all around. I was able to get through it by hitting the medkit.

VII. Red Forest

After entering the Red Forest, you'll see a guy running. That's the main character in the shadows. Our mission is to stop him. After chasing him. He will enter a tunnel and an ambush will appear before him. Don't follow him. Even if you do, he'll blow up the tunnel beforehand. The result will be the same. Clear out the soldiers and head back. You'll see what looks like the entrance to the park. Follow the instructions to the mission site, and I won't go into the details. It's worth noting. The boss from the X18 lab in the shadows will appear here and has a lot of blood. The melee is a shockwave when it hits you far away, so it's up to you whether you hit or run, and eventually you'll arrive at a tank. Climb on the tank and jump into the light sphere and you'll be transported to a Discipline Corps stronghold. Follow the mission cursor to the 2nd floor of a building. Talk to the old man to update the mission. Head to the military warehouse.

VIII. Military Warehouse

After arriving at the Military Warehouse. Immediately, you'll come across the Freedom Corps' frontline position. Talk to him and he'll ask you to head to the Mercenaries' stronghold. Beware of the bloodsuckers that will stealthily attack you on the way. Find the mercenary team. Update the mission objective. You'll be asked to go to the tower to receive a signal. When you get to the tower, the signal is complete. A few dogs will appear below the tower. Destroy them and return to the Old Man of the Red Forest. The mission has been updated again. He wants you to find the compass that he took from you. The mission is in a small mine nearby. The rebels in there are well equipped. There's a man with a thunderbolt. Clear it out and give the old man the artifact. Then go back to the mercenary stronghold at the military warehouse. If you haven't joined the Discipline Corps, you can get help from the Freedom Corps, so follow them into the military warehouse and clear out the soldiers there. Climb the tower and activate the communication device. After a bunch of conversations. Boss Clear Sky has spoken. He wants you to go back to the bridge in the Red Forest. Cover the mercenaries with the Clear Sky organization to open the drawbridge.

It's worth mentioning that during this battle. The rebels that keep popping up aren't your target. Your target is the snipers that come out of the hills. If you don't take them out in the first place. They'll snipe the mercenaries who open the drawbridge. If you don't kill the snipers. The bridge activation process will start all over again. The snipers are all in the same place. You just need to hear the mercenaries yelling. When you hear the mercenary call out to take care of the snipers, just take care of them. I was on Veteran difficulty. I used my SVD to clear out 3 snipers in a row before the bridge was lowered and I reached the other side of the river. The clear sky boss wants you to follow the team into the tunnel .

Side note. If you let the snipers kill too many mercenaries, a bug will appear. a bunch of stealthy animals are attacking members of the Clear Sky organization. And the mercenaries won't activate the drawbridge.

Once you've entered the tunnel, you can't go back. You can't come back. If you want to continue experiencing the Faction War. Then you'd better create a new archive.

There's not much more to say after the tunnel. By this time you've become a battle-hardened stalker. Need a guide just for the newbies? Go for it! You'll be facing a very difficult enemy in the form of the Blackstone organization.