Is it good to drink soy milk before going to bed at night?

There is nothing wrong with drinking soymilk at night before going to bed, not only can help supplement protein and hair growth, I think, drinking soymilk also has the following benefits:

1, strong body

Every 100 grams of soymilk contains 4.5 grams of protein, 1.8 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, 4.5 grams of phosphorus, 2.5 grams of iron, 2.5 grams of calcium, as well as vitamins, riboflavin, etc., on the Enhance physical fitness is greatly beneficial.

2, to prevent diabetes

Soybean milk contains a lot of fiber, can effectively prevent the over-absorption of sugar, reduce sugar, and thus prevent diabetes, diabetic patients daily essential good food.

3, prevention and treatment of hypertension

Soybean milk contains soybean steroids and potassium, magnesium, is a powerful anti-salt sodium substances. Sodium is one of the main root causes of the occurrence and recurrence of hypertension, if the body can properly control the amount of sodium, both prevention and treatment of hypertension.

4, the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease

Soybean milk contains soybean steroids and potassium, magnesium, calcium can strengthen the cardiovascular vascular excitation, improve cardiovascular nutrition, reduce cholesterol, promote blood flow to prevent vascular spasm. If you can insist on drinking a bowl of soy milk every day, the recurrence rate of coronary heart disease can be reduced by 50%.

5, to prevent stroke

Soybean milk contains magnesium, calcium, can significantly reduce cerebral lipids, improve cerebral blood flow, thus effectively preventing cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage. Lecithin contained in soy milk can also reduce brain cell death and improve brain function.

6, prevention and treatment of cancer

Soybean milk protein and selenium, molybdenum, etc. have a strong ability to inhibit and cure cancer, especially on the stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, breast cancer has special effects. According to the survey does not drink soybean milk the probability of cancer is 50% higher than the regular drinkers of soybean milk.

7, to prevent bronchitis

Soybean milk contains methionine and prevent bronchitis smooth muscle spasms, thereby reducing and alleviating the onset of bronchitis.

8, to prevent aging

Selenium contained in soybean milk, vitamin E, C, there is a great antioxidant function, can make the body's cells "rejuvenation", especially on the brain cells, the biggest role.

9, to prevent senile dementia, AIDS, constipation, obesity, etc.

Soymilk, despite the nutrition, but also a lot of taboos, like to drink soybean milk friends, can be seen clearly Oh

Drinking soybean milk taboos:

1, drink uncooked soybean milk

Many people like to buy raw soybean milk at home to heat up their own heating, heating up to see the foam uprise on the wrong side. Has been boiling, in fact, this is the organic matter of soybean milk by thermal expansion of bubbles caused by the phenomenon, not boiling, is not cooked.

No cooked soybean milk is harmful to the human body. Because soybean milk contains two toxic substances, will lead to protein metabolism disorder, and the gastrointestinal tract to produce stimulation, cause poisoning symptoms. The way to prevent soybean milk poisoning is to boil the soybean milk in 100 ℃ of high temperature, you can feel safe to drink. If you drink soybean milk after the headache, respiratory obstruction and other symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention, never delay, in order to prevent life-threatening.

2, avoid playing eggs in soybean milk

Many people like to play eggs in soybean milk, that is more nutritious, but this method is unscientific, this is because the mucus protein in the egg is easy to soybean milk in the combination of pancreatic protease to produce a substance that can not be absorbed by the body, greatly reducing the absorption of nutrients in the body.

3, avoid the punch brown sugar

Soybean milk with brown sugar taste sweet, but brown sugar in the organic acid and soybean milk protein combination, can produce denaturing precipitates, greatly destroying the nutrients.

4, avoid thermos bottles

Soymilk can be removed from the thermos bottle limescale substances, at the right temperature conditions, to soybean milk as a nutrient, the bottle of bacteria will reproduce in large numbers, after 3 to 4 hours will be able to make the soybean milk rancidity and deterioration.

5, avoid drinking too much

Drinking too much soybean milk at one time is easy to cause protein indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.

6, avoid drinking soybean milk on an empty stomach