What is the principle of adsorption method of Xining dyeing wastewater treatment process?

Adsorption (including ion exchange)

The wastewater will be passed through the solid adsorbent, so that the dissolved organic or inorganic substances in the wastewater adsorption on the adsorbent, through the wastewater to be treated

Adsorbent activated carbon, cinder, soil, etc. Adsorption tower, regeneration device

Dyeing, pigment wastewater, but also adsorbed phenol, mercury, chromium, cyanide, as well as the removal of color, odor, odor, etc., for the depth of the treatment. Treatment. Edit this section of the sewage treatment process

Modern sewage treatment technology, according to the degree of treatment, can be divided into primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.

Primary treatment, the main removal of sewage in a suspended state of solid pollutants, most of the physical treatment method can only complete the requirements of primary treatment. After primary treatment of sewage, BOD can generally remove about 30%, not up to discharge standards. Primary treatment belongs to the pretreatment of secondary treatment.

Secondary treatment, the main removal of sewage in the colloidal and dissolved organic pollutants (BOD, COD substances), the removal rate of up to 90% or more, so that organic pollutants to meet the discharge standards.

Tertiary treatment, further treatment of difficult to degrade organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus can lead to eutrophication of the water body, such as soluble inorganic substances. The main methods include biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal, coagulation and precipitation, sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption, ion exchange and electro-osmosis analysis.

The whole process is through the coarse grating of raw sewage through the sewage lifting pump, after lifting, through the grating or sand filter, and then into the sand sedimentation tank, after the sand and water separation of sewage into the initial sedimentation tank, the above for the first level of treatment (i.e., physical treatment), the primary sedimentation tank of the effluent into the biological treatment equipment, there are activated sludge and biofilm method, (which activated sludge method of the reactor aeration tank, oxidation ditch, etc.), biofilm method includes biofilter, and biofilm method includes biofilter. (The reactors of activated sludge method are aeration tank, oxidation ditch, etc., and biofilm method includes biofilter, bio-turntable, bio-contact oxidation and bio-fluidized bed), the effluent of the biological treatment equipment enters into the secondary sedimentation tank, and the effluent of the secondary sedimentation tank is disinfected and discharged or enters into the tertiary treatment, which is the end of the primary treatment to the secondary treatment, and the tertiary treatment includes the biological denitrification and removal of phosphorus, coagulation and sedimentation, sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption, ion-exchange and electrodialysis. Part of the sludge from the secondary sedimentation tank is returned to the primary sedimentation tank or biological treatment equipment, part of it enters the sludge thickening tank, and then it enters the sludge digestion tank, and after dewatering and drying equipment, the sludge is finally utilized.