The most expensive metal list 100 million a gram

The list of the most expensive metals is as follows:

1, Rhodium (Rhodium) - the world's most expensive precious metal

Rhodium metal is usually used in the lighting industry, mirror production; in the automotive industry, used as a catalyst, headlights, reflectors; rhodium is also known as jewelry, especially "white gold" scratch-resistant finishes. Reflectors; rhodium is also known as a scratch-resistant finish for jewelry, especially "white gold". Rhodium can be used as a bright and hard coating for other metals, e.g. on silverware or camera parts. Evaporating rhodium onto a glass surface to form a thin layer of wax creates a very good reflective mirror finish.

2, palladium (Palladium) - aerospace and automobile manufacturing indispensable key materials

Palladium is aerospace, aviation, navigation, weapons and nuclear energy and other high-tech fields and automobile manufacturing indispensable key materials, such as palladium is the most common use of the catalytic converter, automobile exhaust up to 90 percent of all the Palladium is most commonly used as a catalytic converter, which can convert up to 90% of all harmful gases in automobile exhaust gases into less toxic substances. In particular, it is a non-negligible investment in the international precious metals investment market.

3, gold (Gold) - gold has an outstanding anti-inflation and risk aversion

Gold has a very wide range of uses, especially as a commodity collection and trading, not only for jewelry, gold in the cosmic navigation, medicine, electronics and other industrial sectors also play a very important role.

4, iridium (Iridium) - iridium is the most corrosion-resistant metal

Iridium is usually used in metallurgy, medicine, automotive industry, electronics, aviation and other fields. Products such as pen tips, compass bearings and balances, surgical instruments, computer storage devices, solid-state lasers, and low-thrust rocket engines are all made from this metal. It can even be used to treat cancer but the material is not suitable for use in jaw crushers.

5, platinum (Platinum) - platinum is the most valuable is never fade and tarnish

Platinum as a precious metal is used in jewelry and many industrial applications, including fuel cells, dental work, electronic components, medical, glass and oil. Laboratory equipment, cancer drugs, hard disk drives, spark plugs, and turbine engines all involve platinum.