cabbage n. cabbage
cafe n. cafe; restaurant
cage n. cage; birdcage
cake n. cake; pastry; pie
call n. shout; call; telephone; call v. to call; to call out; shouting, calling
camel n. camel
camera n. camera; camcorder
camp n. (summer) camp vi. camping; camping
can1 (could) can't = can not modal v. may; can; can cannot
can2 can; can
Canada* n. Canada
Canadian a. Canadian; Canadian n. Canadians
cancel vt. to cancel
cancer n. Cancer
candle n. Candle
candy n. Candy
cap n. ( brimless or brimmed only at the front) cap; cap (of a bottle); sleeve (of a pen, etc.)
capital n. capital city, capital of a province; capitalization; capital
captain n. colonel; captain; captain of a ship; captain
car n. car, caravan
card n. card; business card; cardboard
care n. care, protection; careful v. mind..., care; concern
careful a. careful, careful, cautious
careless a. careless, careless
carry vt. to take, carry, carry, lift, carry, carry, carry, transport, etc.
Cartoon n. a car, a small sleeper; a captain; a captain
cartoon n. a car; a card; a card
card n. car; cardboard
cartoon n. cartoon; caricaturecat n. 猫
catch (caught, caught) v. catch; catching; catching up with; catching (a disease)
cause n. 原因,起因 vt. 促使,引起,使发生
CD光盘(compact disk)
CD ROM information storage disk (abbreviation for compact disk read only memory)
ceiling n. ceiling, roof
celebrate v. celebration
celebration n. celebration; celebration party
cent n. cents (100 cents = 1 dollar)
central a. central, central; principal
centre (U.S. center ) n. center, central
century n. century, centennial
certain a. (unspecified real name) Certainly a. (unspecified real name) a. Certainly, undoubtedly; definitely will...
certainly ad. certainly, yes; definitely, undoubtedly
chair n. chair
chairman n. chairman, president; speaker of the house
chairwoman n. female chairwoman; chairwoman
chalk n. chalk
challenge n. challenging
challenging a. challenging
champion n. champion, winner
chance n. opportunity, likelihood
change n. change; change v. to change, vary; replace; exchange
chat n. & vi. to chat, gossip
cheap a. cheap, cheaply
cheat n. & v. to trick, cajole, cheat
cheat n. & v. to cheat, cajole; cheat
check n. & v. to make a mistake
cheat n. & v. to make a mistake
cheat n. & v. to make a mistake
check n. check; criticize vt. to proofread, check; inspect; criticize
cheer n. & vi. to cheer; applaud
Cheer up! Cheer up!
cheerful a. exuberant, cheerful
cheese n. cheese
chemical a. chemical n. chemicals
chemist n. pharmacist; chemist
chemistry n. chemistry
cheque (U.S.) n. check
check n. check. check) n. check
chess n. chess
chest n. box; case; chest
chick n. chick
chicken n. chicken; chicken
child (plural children) n. child, children
chimney n. Chimney, pipe
China* n. China
Chinese a. 中国的;中国人的;中国话的,汉语的 n. Chinese people; 中国话,汉语,中文
chips n. (pl.) french fries(片)
chocolate n. chocolate
choice n. choice; selection
choose (chose, chosen) vt. choose
chopsticks n. chopsticks
Christian n. a general term for Christ and Catholics
Christmas n. Christmas (December 25)
Christmas card
Christmas tree
Christmas Eve
church n. church; ecclesiastical
cigarette n. paper cigarette, cigarette
cinema n. cinema; movie
circle n. the name of a place where a person can be seen and heard. p>
circle n. vt. circle to encircle
citizen n. a citizen; a resident
city n. a city, town, metropolis
clap vi. to clap; to applaud
class n. a class (in a school); a grade; a lesson
classical a. traditional; classical
classmate n. classmate
classroom n. classroom
clean vt. to make clean; to wipe clean a. clean, clean
cleaner n. cleaner; cleaner; cleanser
clear a. clear; bright; distinct
clearly ad. clearly, undoubtedly
clever a. intelligent, clever
climb v. to climb
clinic n. a clinic
clock n. a clock
clone n. a clone (a group of organisms produced asexually)
clone n. an organism that is cloned from an organism that is not a clone Clone n. Clone (a group of organisms produced by sexual reproduction)
close1 a. intimate; near; close ad. close, near
close2 vt. close
cloth n. cloth
clothes n. clothes; clothing of all kinds
clothing n. (general) clothes
cloud n. cloud; cloudy; cloudy
clothing n. (general) clothing
cloudy a. cloudy; overcast
club n. a club; clubs in cards
coach n. a coach; a carriage; a long-distance coach
coal n. coal; lumps of coal
coast n. the coast; the seashore
coat n. coat; coating; epidermis; fur vt. to coat...; coat
cock n. cock
cocoa n. cocoa powder
coffee n. coffee
coin n. coin
Coke n. Coca-Cola
cold a. Cold n. Cold; cold; cold
collect vt. collect, gather
collection n. collection
college n. college; specialized school
colour n. color vt. to color
come (came, come) vi. come, come to
comfort n. comfort; consolation
comfortable a. comfortable; at ease; at ease with oneself
common a. common, ordinary; ****ed
Communicate v. communicate; convey (to a college; to a college)
Colour (color) n. college; college
colour (color) n. color v. color vt. color sth. communicate v. to socialize; to convey (feelings, information, etc.
communication n. to socialize; to interact; to communicate
company n. company
compare vt. to compare, contrast
compete vi. to race, to compete
competition n. a race, a contest
competition n. a competition, a contest, a race
competitor n. contestant, competitor
complete a. finished vt. complete, end
composition n. composition
computer n. electronic computer
computer game electronic game
company n. company
compete vi. computer game videogame
concert n. concert; recital
condition n. condition, state of affairs
conductor n. manager; instructor; conductor (of a train); conductor of an orchestra
conference n. (formal) meeting; discussion
congratulate vt. congratulate
congratulation n. congratulate, congratulate
connect vt. connect, connect ......
consider vt. consider
continue vi. to continue
control vt. & n. to control
conversation n. to talk, to converse
cook n. cook, chef v. to cook, to make a meal
cooker n. cooking utensil (a pot, stove, oven, etc.
cookie n. cookie
cool a. cool, cool; cool
copy n. transcript, copy; a (copy, book...) v. to transcribe/photocopy; (computer term) to copy (a back-up disk)
corn n. corn, grain
corner n. a corner; nook; corner
correct v. to correct; rectify a. correct, right; proper
correction n. to correct
cost n. expense
cost (cost, cost) v. to be worth (how much); to cost
cotton n. cotton a. of cotton
cough n. & vi. cough
could modal v. (past tense of can) can; (to give permission or ask for) may, can
count vt. to count, counting
counter n. counter, checkout
country n. country; countryside, rural <
countryside n. countryside, rural
couple n. a couple
courage n. courage; boldness
course n. process; course
cousin n. cousin
cover n. cover; covering v. to put over; to put over. cover; hood v. to cover; cover up
cow n. cow; cow
cowboy n. cowboy; ranch rider
crayon n crayon; crayon drawing
crazy a. crazy
create vt. to create; to cause
cross2 n. a cross-shaped thing vt. to make; a cross-shaped thing; a cross-shaped thing. cross-shaped thing vt. to cross over,across
crossing n. intersection,crosswalk
crossroads n. intersections
crowd n. crowd vt. to crowd, cluster
crowded a. crowded
cruel a. brutal, cruel; merciless
cruel a. a person who has been killed or injured in a crime
cruel a. a man who has been killed, killed or injured in a crime
cruel a. a person who has been killed or injured in a crime
cry n. yell; cry v. shout; cry
culture n. culture
cup n. teacup
cupboard n. cupboard; cupboard
curious a. curious; singular
custom n. habit, custom, customary
customer n. a person who has a habit, customary, customary
customer n. a person who has a habit, customary, customary
customer n. a person who is a member of a group of people.
customer n. (of a store, etc.) customer, patron
cut (cut, cut) v. n. to cut, shear, pare, slash a wound