Is IVF reimbursed by medical insurance

In vitro fertilization is not reimbursed by medical insurance.

All the costs of infertility in our country are currently not covered by health insurance, and the costs of IVF will also have to be paid out of pocket. However, you can use money from your health insurance card, and you cannot be reimbursed for hospitalization (if there is a hospitalization) because it is not a hospitalization for an illness.

The cost of IVF includes the cost of medication and surgery, and the cost of a case of IVF is higher because of the higher cost of medication to promote ovulation, and the higher cost of the external conditions required for fertilization of the egg and development of the embryo.

Therefore, if infertile couples want to undergo IVF, they should not only meet the requirements, but also consider their own financial strength. Since the dose of drugs used for each patient is different, the cost required for each case of IVF varies. Generally speaking, younger, ovarian-responsive patients have a higher chance of success and require slightly lower costs.

Expanded information:

The scope of the treatment items for which basic insurance does not cover the costs

(a) Service item category

1. Registration fee, Out-of-hospital consultation fee, medical record labor cost, etc.

2. Special medical services such as consultation fee, expedited fee for examination and treatment (except for emergency), surcharge for named surgery, quality premium fee, and fee for self-invited special nurses.

(2) non-disease treatment program category

1, a variety of cosmetic (cosmetic life, medical cosmetology) fitness program as well as messy non-functional cosmetic surgery, orthopedic surgery, etc.;

2, a variety of weight loss, gain weight, increase in height projects;

3, a variety of health checkups;

4, a variety of preventive, health care treatment programs;

(C) diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and medical materials

1, the application of positron emission tomography device, electron beam CT, ophthalmic excimer laser therapy instrument and other large-scale medical equipment for the examination and treatment of the project;

2, eyeglasses, dental prostheses, eye prostheses, prosthetic limbs, hearing aids, and other rehabilitation appliances;

3, all kinds of health care for their own use, massage, examination, rehabilitation and treatment of the device.

(4) therapeutic items category

1, all kinds of organ transplantation or tissue transplantation of organ source or tissue source;

2, in addition to kidney, heart valves, cornea, skin, blood vessels, bone, bone marrow transplantation other organs or tissue transplantation;

3, myopic eye orthopaedics;

4, qigong therapy, music therapy, health care of the nutritional therapy, magnetic therapy and other complementary treatment programs.

(E) other

1, a variety of infertility (pregnancy), sexual dysfunction diagnosis and treatment programs;

2, a variety of scientific research, clinical verification of diagnosis and treatment programs;

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia Medical insurance reimbursement scope