The traveling life of ancient people is very different compared with modern people, but in some aspects, they also have some special traveling equipment and living supplies. Here are some common ancient travel gear and household items:
1. Transportation: In ancient times, people mainly relied on horse-drawn carriages, oxcarts, sedan chairs and other means of transportation to travel. These means of transportation were not only tools for traveling, but also important means of transporting luggage, furniture and other items. In addition, there was also walking, and people would bring lightweight hiking equipment, such as walking sticks and straw shoes.
2. Tent: Camping in the wild was an important part of traveling in ancient times, and a tent was an indispensable piece of equipment. Ancient tents were usually made of animal furs or fabrics with items such as beds and pillows inside.
3. Dry food: Ancient travelers usually needed to carry enough food and water for a long journey. Dry rations were a common food choice, including cookies and dried food. In addition, people would also carry food such as vegetables and meat that could be easily carried and preserved.
4. Daily necessities: The daily necessities of ancient travelers mainly included daily toiletries, cutlery, cooking utensils, knives, flints, bows and arrows. They also needed to carry some clothes and shoes for daily needs, as well as simple medical supplies, such as herbs, painkillers, antiemetics and so on.
5. Lighting equipment: In ancient times, traveling at night was a common situation, so lighting equipment became an important part of the traveling gear. People would carry lighting devices such as torches, candles, oil lamps, etc. in order to walk in the dark.
6. Weapons and self-defense: Ancient travelers usually carried some weapons to deal with the dangers they might encounter on the road, such as wild animals, thieves and so on. Weapons can be cold weapons such as swords, bows and crossbows, or lances, clubs and so on.
7. Currency and silver: When traveling in ancient times, people needed to carry currency and silver to pay for various expenses during the journey. In addition, they would also carry a certain amount of valuables such as gold, silver and jewels for use in emergencies.
In short, although the travel equipment and necessities of ancient people were different from those of modern people, they also needed to face various challenges during their travels and make sure that their basic needs were