Handheld data collector, also known as inventory machine, PDA. It is the bar code scanning device, RFID technology and data terminal integration, with a battery can be operated offline terminal computer equipment. With real-time collection, automatic storage, instant display, instant feedback, automatic processing, automatic transmission function. For the authenticity of the field data, effectiveness, real-time, availability to provide a guarantee. It has the characteristics of integrality, mobility, small size, light weight, high performance, and suitable for handheld.
Types of data collector
1, batch data collector
Offline work, data batch collector, through the USB cable or serial data line to communicate with the computer.
Data collector is equipped with an embedded operating system (each manufacturer independently developed, incompatible), the application needs to be developed independently on the operating system.
The collector has an independent built-in memory, display and power supply.
Currently, this data collector has been used very little, mainly because of the lack of data processing capabilities, and the ability to work on the move (only through the USB and computer wired connection).
2, industrial data collector
Data collector through the wireless network (WIFI, GPRS or Bluetooth) to connect to the local application software database, the data is updated.
The data collector is equipped with a WINCE, windowsmobile or andrios operating system and a built-in wireless communication module (WIFI, GPRS or Bluetooth). The industrial data collector is equipped with a high-performance laser scanning engine, a high-speed CPU processor, and is waterproof, drop-proof and pressure-resistant.
Collector with independent built-in memory, display and power supply.
3, RFID data collector
Industrial RFID data collector with durable design and excellent performance, additional RFID reader engine, can achieve faster reading speed and greater throughput.
The new breakthrough azimuthally retarded antenna makes it an extremely versatile device for use in a variety of customer-facing environments such as retail stores, healthcare facilities, and offices.