Company level is a grade in Putian shoes, which refers to shoes with the same quality as company goods.
Company-level shoes are made according to the model, color, material, quality workmanship, shoe label, and anti-counterfeiting of real shoes, which can be faked. Divided into three kinds:
1, one is no label no accessories no shoe box.
2, a kind of after with the shoe box and shoe label.
3, the last kind is the original label and box.
Expanded Information
Company level is a little higher than the real label in the classification of Putian shoes. The materials used in company-level shoes are basically the same as the original and still have a high degree of similarity, in terms of appearance is also very similar. The company level is just a stage from the real label to the pure original, however, soon after the company level is the pure original of the wind down.
But a lot of pure original level shoes are not bought by consumers, so the development of the shoe factory did not very much on the pure original level shoes, so the top of many shoes on the market is undoubtedly the company level.