What is the percentage of social security contributions in Beijing

Legal subjective:

Social insurance includes five insurance: pension insurance, medical insurance, maternity insurance, industrial injury insurance, unemployment insurance. At present, Beijing pension insurance contribution ratio: unit 20% (of which 17% into the overall fund, 3% into the personal account), personal 8% (all into the personal account); medical insurance contribution ratio: unit 10%, personal 2% + 3 yuan; unemployment insurance contribution ratio: unit 1.5%, personal 0.5%; injury insurance according to the unit is divided into the scope of the industry to determine the rate of its injury; fertility Maternity insurance contribution rate: 0.8% for units and 0.5% for individuals. The above are all stable units and units to the workers on the social security situation. If the unit does not give on the social security, they intend to on the social security if the following three grades (monthly payment of 893.6 yuan, monthly payment of 601.23 yuan, monthly payment of 455.15 yuan), you can choose one of the grades to the talent or the location of the social security institute to pay social security fees. Individual social security contributions include only pension, unemployment and medical care, and can only be paid in a bundled manner, i.e., you cannot pay for social pension insurance without paying for medical insurance. The cost of individual social security payment is generally adjusted once a year, and the above three grades are only applicable to those who have applied for the program from April 2008 to March 2009, and the cost of individual social security payment is generally adjusted once a year. It is true that individuals paying social security as you know need to pay at least 15 years, and pay more to receive more. If your organization has given you social insurance, then the organization will pay most of the expenses for you (usually about 70%), which is more suitable for you, but if you bear all the expenses by yourself, you need to evaluate whether it is worthwhile or not. As social insurance is the most basic protection provided by the state to individuals, it can only realize a low level of "insurance", not a full "package". For example, if an average woman in Beijing retires at age 55 (having paid 15 years' worth of social insurance contributions before age 55), she will only receive 5 years' worth of social insurance contributions if she dies at age 60 due to illness or accident. However, she has already paid 15 years of social security contributions and will not receive the remaining 10 years of pension, i.e. the social pension insurance does not guarantee a pension for 10 or 20 years, which is a big difference from the commercial pension insurance. Social security medical insurance: 50% of outpatient and emergency medical expenses exceeding 2,000 RMB in a year, i.e. 500 RMB for 3,000 RMB. The expenses that are not reimbursed by the medical insurance are as follows: 1. Services: registration fee, out-of-hospital consultation fee, medical record cost, etc.; consultation fee, expedited fee for examination and treatment, surcharge for named surgery, surcharge for named surgery, quality and premium fee, self-invited special nurses and other special medical services. 2. Diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and medically useful materials: application of positron emission tomography (PET), electron-beam CT, ophthalmic excimer laser therapy device and other large-scale medical equipment for examination and treatment programs. Spectacles, denture, eye prosthesis, prosthetic limbs, hearing aids and other rehabilitative devices. All kinds of self-use health care, massage, examination and treatment equipment. Provincial price departments do not charge separately for disposable medical materials. 3. Treatment items: organ or tissue sources for various types of organ or tissue transplants; organ or tissue transplants other than kidney, heart valve, cornea, skin, blood vessel, bone and bone marrow transplants; orthopedic surgery for nearsightedness; auxiliary treatments such as qigong therapy, music therapy, health care nutritional therapy, magnetic therapy and other auxiliary treatments. In addition, the basic medical insurance will not pay for the following expenses: transportation fee, emergency vehicle fee, air-conditioning fee, telephone fee, baby warming box fee, food warming box fee, electric stove fee, refrigerator fee, and compensation for damages to public property, single number nursing fee, nursing fee, cleaning fee, outpatient decoctions fee, meal fee, recreational activity fee and other special living service fees. The patient's medical expenses for the above items are to be paid by the patient.

Legal Objective:

The Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 60

Employers shall declare themselves and pay the social insurance premiums in full and on time, and shall not suspend or reduce them except for force majeure and other legal reasons. The social insurance premiums to be paid by employees shall be withheld and paid on behalf of the employer, and the employer shall inform the individual of the details of the payment of social insurance premiums on a monthly basis. Individual entrepreneurs without employees, part-time workers who do not participate in social insurance with their employers, and other flexibly employed persons may pay social insurance premiums directly to the social insurance premium collection organization.