How much does a CT cost?

It depends on the level of the hospital, the three hospitals is the most expensive, may be about 300, is the price of the scan, enhancement of the words to be a lot more expensive, is to hit the contrast check, generally there is no disease if the scan on the right, the whole body on the very expensive, is calculated according to the part of a part of the calculation, a part of the calculation of a money, it may be turned over 4-5 times, but it is recommended that do not do the whole body of the CT, it is best to do it separately, a time to do the rays! The amount of radiation is too large, which is not good for the body. The first thing you need to know is that the price of medical care is the content of the government's pricing or guidance, generally by the local price department for pricing, there will be a big difference between the cities.

CT (Computed Tomography), that is, electronic computed tomography, which is the use of precise collimated X-ray beams, γ-rays, ultrasound, etc., with a very sensitive detector around a part of the human body for a cross sectional scanning, with a fast scanning time, the image is clear and so on, can be used for a wide range of diseases; according to the different rays used can be divided into: X-ray beams, γ-rays, ultrasound, etc., can be used for a variety of diseases. According to the different rays used can be divided into: X-ray CT (X-CT), ultrasound CT (UCT) and γ-ray CT (γ-CT) and so on.