2. The water supply to the dental treatment table is susceptible to contamination by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. Water supply pollution from three aspects: the old treatment table backflow pollution into the water supply system; water and air guns, high-speed head, scaler use of internal pollution, the passive suction of these devices back to the water supply pollution, as well as bacterial contamination that already exists in the tap water. Installation of backflow stop valves will partially prevent this type of contamination. Disinfection of the dental system water supply can reduce water supply contamination in the dental system. Glutaraldehyde and free chlorine are generally used because of their short residual effect.
3. Water and air guns are often contaminated after use, with severe contamination found at the tip of the gun. New water and air guns are equipped with anti-reflux devices and can be sterilized at high temperatures. If this is not possible, the sterilized tip of the water gun can be used and the handle can be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
4. The working head of the ultrasonic scaler is very contaminated after use and should be cleaned and disinfected after each use, but it is not possible to disinfect the ultrasonic scaler. The working head should be able to be disassembled, cleaned and sterilized, and the handle should be thoroughly disinfected.
5. Air compressor: in order to make the air into the water and air gun and high-speed handpiece purification, should be installed with high quality, activated carbon composition of the gas filter, and regular replacement of the filter core.