There is no corresponding FDA registration classification for food contact materials, including food, medical devices, medicines, cosmetics, radiation electronic products, etc. But it does not include the corresponding registration of food contact materials.
For food contact materials, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has special requirements for food contact materials, and the specific regulations are extremely complicated. For example, some food contact materials can be used in the United States without FDA approval or notice; Some food contact materials are restricted or prohibited; Some food contact materials can only be supplied to certain companies or franchisees.
How to judge the controllability of your product depends on the chemical composition of the product. Any component of the product needs to be audited according to the following laws and regulations: the United States Federal Code, the Federal Register, the current food contact notice, the use approval letter, the notice generally considered safe, the basic exemption list, and the FDA's enforcement actions (such as refusal to import, import alarm, warning letter, etc.). ).
If you don't know the specific content of the ingredients, you can choose to let the laboratory test first, and submit the report of the testing organization together with the basic information of the product to a professional auditing organization to audit the product in accordance with the provisions of the above laws and regulations. If the product can be exported directly after examination, then the product can be exported normally according to the customs declaration and clearance process. Click to learn about FDA regulations for free.