Is a hospital an institution or a business?

A hospital is a business organization.

Hospitals are medical institutions that provide medical care and recuperative services through medical examinations, tests, treatments, and other equipment provided by hospital staff. Institutions are established by the government using state-owned assets, engaged in education, science and technology, culture, health and other activities of social service organizations, with the nature of public welfare institutions.

Hospital Symbols

The current four Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, officially recognize three field ambulance identifying marks, namely, the Red Cross, Red Crescent, and the Red Lion and Sun. 1982, the Red Lion and Sun standard was abolished. The Armed Forces Medical Service, in the course of its field service, uses these emblems to indicate that medical equipment, personnel, vehicles, ships, aircraft, premises, etc., belonging to the Armed Forces, are protected by the Geneva Conventions and may not be attacked at will.

In 1998, China's Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Ministry of Health of the General Logistics Department issued a joint document, starting with the symbol of the saffron and white cross as the unified symbol of China's medical and health care institutions, consisting of four saffron flowers (red heart) with white edges around the white cross. The symbols are: patient-centered in medical institutions, and protection and promotion of people's health in other health institutions.

Which, four red heart on behalf of the medical staff to the patient's - love (above, the most noble and most important meaning) patience and care (a left and a right, complementary and indispensable) sense of responsibility (below, for the foundation, carrying all the above), the cross shows that our modern hospitals originated in the church hospitals.