Sleeping Stick, Sleeping Vapor belongs to which category of trademarks

Sleeping Stick, Sleeping Vapor belongs to which category of trademarks

A: It may belong to the 44th category. 

Forty-fourth class

Medical, cosmetology, horticulture

4402 Health and beauty services

440019 Steam bath

Seventh class

Mechanical equipment, motors, transmissions

0733 Machinery for construction, railway, civil engineering

070014 Steam roller

0752 Cleaning, Waste Disposal Machinery

070485 Steam Cleaning Apparatus

0737 Steam Power Equipment

070429 Boilers for Steam Machines 070242 Steam Machines 070115 Steam Condensers (Machine Components)
0750 Couplings for Machine Transmissions, Drive Belts, and Other Machine Parts 070152 Steam or oil separators C070359 Parallel tapes (incl. transport belts, conveyor belts, excl. engine drive belts for land vehicles)