2 normative references
The following standards and analytical methods listed in Table 5, Table 6 of this standard standards and norms contained in the provisions of this standard is cited in this standard that constitutes the provisions of this standard, and the standard with the same effect. When the above standards and norms are revised, the latest version should be used. GB8978 Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standards GB3838 Surface Water Quality Standards GB3097 Seawater Quality Standards GB16297 Comprehensive Emission Standards for Atmospheric Pollutants HJ/T5 Technical Guidelines for Monitoring of Unorganized Emissions of Atmospheric Pollutants HJ/T91 Technical Specification for Surface Water and Wastewater Inspection3 Terminology and Definitions
This standard adopts the following terms and definitions. strong> This standard adopts the following definitions. 3.1 medicalorganization refers to hospitals, health centers, sanatoriums, outpatient clinics, clinics, health emergency stations, etc. engaged in disease diagnosis, treatment activities. 3.2 medicalorganization wastewater medicalorganizationwastewater refers to medical institutions outpatient clinics, wards, operating rooms, various types of test rooms, pathological anatomy, radiology, laundry, morgue and other places discharged diagnosis and treatment, life and fecal waste water. When other sewage and sewage mixed with the above medical institutions are regarded as medical institutions sewage. 3.3 sludge sludge refers to the medical institutions in the sewage treatment process of slag, sedimentation sludge and septic tank sludge. 3.4 waste gas wastegas refers to the harmful gases generated during the sewage treatment process of medical institutions.4 Technical contents
4.1 Requirements for sewage discharge 4.1.1 Sewage discharge from infectious diseases and tuberculosis medical institutions shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1. 4.1.2 County and above or 20 beds and above comprehensive medical institutions and other medical institutions sewage discharge to implement the provisions of Table 2. Sewage discharged directly or indirectly into surface water bodies and marine areas shall be subject to the discharge standards, and sewage discharged into sewers whose terminals have been constructed with functioning secondary sewage treatment plants in cities and towns shall be subject to the pre-treatment standards.