I have to place an X-ray machine in the room where I am staying for a medical checkup. The room is relatively small, about 7 or 8 square meters, and the checkup takes place on one day, right? I live a

I have to place an X-ray machine in the room where I am staying for a medical checkup. The room is relatively small, about 7 or 8 square meters, and the checkup takes place on one day, right? I live again will not be harmful? Rest assured, all right, the X-ray machine is not electrified is no ray, X-ray is not radioactive elements radiated, is the X-ray machine ball tube child this part of the high-voltage current produced. X-rays hit the wall part of the wall is to penetrate through, bounce back with attenuation, in the process, the residual part of the X-rays will slowly disappear. Your house will decay faster because there is no lead protection. The opposite is slower, because X-rays can't penetrate the lead sheet, they just bounce back and forth and disappear again, so hospitals don't do lead protection on 6 sides, and even if they did, they would have to leave a hole in the top or somewhere else to administer the residual X-rays.

In a day, you'd have to be able to just wait a day or two before staying, but it just doesn't matter, the dose isn't enough to hurt you.

I am Tianjin Bangsheng medical equipment, there is a problem you can find me again to talk about.