Is it better to use a fascia gun before stretching or after stretching, Is a fascia gun better or is it better for people to stretch?

The fascia gun is a great relaxation tool. Many people do not pay attention to muscle relaxation after exercise, which can lead to muscle soreness the next day. So is the fascia gun typically used before or after stretching?

Use before stretching

Fascial gun can reduce tissue adhesion, relax the tense and stiff fascia, and restore the elasticity of muscles and fascia, while stretching can stretch the muscles and ligaments, which can reduce the excitement of nerves and muscles. Generally fascial adhesion or high viscosity after exercise will lead to muscle tension and stiffness, which will affect the stretching of muscles. That's why a fascia gun is usually used before stretching.

Is fascia or human stretching better?

1. Each has its own advantages and both work better together.

2. Generally you need to let your muscles grow vertically if you want to have good looking muscle tone. However, after exercise, your muscles will be tense. If your muscles are not stretched out, long-term exercise can easily lead to poor muscle lines, especially in the calf area, which will stand out significantly and be less aesthetically pleasing.

3. The fascia gun can directly act on the deep muscles, which can break up the muscles and prevent them from sticking and growing. Stretching can make the muscles develop into vertical strips, and prolonged stretching can form smooth and beautiful muscle lines. Using the fascia gun to break up the muscles and then stretching can achieve more obvious results.

How long is the Fascia Gun used for each session?

1. Do not exceed a maximum of 3-5 minutes per section.

2. As the fascia gun uses a high-speed motor to drive the gun head, it generates high frequency, reaching 2000-3000 times per minute of strength and vibration, which is transmitted to the muscles and fascia of the human body. Massage time is too long, it will aggravate muscle fatigue and even damage the muscles, so don't use it for more than 3-5 minutes for each muscle part.

What are the benefits of using a fascia gun?

1. Fascial relaxation can effectively comb myofascial

Let the "balloon like" myofascial stretch, get the possibility of extension, so that they will not be wrapped up in the muscle to affect the muscle activity, reduce muscle friction, joint mobility and muscle stretching is very helpful.

2. Increase sympathetic excitability.

Makes it easier for muscles to work. Imagine you're working on kicking your butt or pulling up your gear, but your brain can't communicate effectively with your glutes or abs. How do you make sure the training is effective? Do you rely on your trainer to do magic?

3. Avoid "too much stability"

After training, the sympathetic nerves become over-excited, causing the muscles to become too tense at rest, which can interfere with growth recovery or make girls feel "too strong". By releasing these excesses through fascial relaxation, these problems can be solved and alleviated.

4. Fuller muscles and longer muscle lines.

After the training, the muscle fibers get a good contraction experience. When in order to get a better muscle shape, such as guys wanting their muscles to be fuller and girls wanting their muscle lines to be longer, stretching is needed to achieve the goal. Dynamic stretching before training and static stretching after training make muscles and joints more beautiful and safe.