Musk announced the successful implantation of a chip into a monkey's brain, what kind of technological revolution will this lead to?

Somewhat like computers, cell phones, and other computing devices, and even further than wearable devices, bold scientists and engineers are now trying to configure man-made devices more directly into the human body;

If things like artificial joints and artificial hearts (stents) have long been a reality, and are widely used, we are indeed only just beginning to see some experimentation with brain chips. just beginning to see some experimentation.

The Musk-invested startup has brought us one such development in the brain-chip field: a chip applied to a monkey's brain, which has been successfully used to play human computer games by means of implantation logic;

Of course, we don't yet know the details of this news.

Acting as a nerve center

A brain chip of advanced design could act as a component of a nerve center that drives skeletal muscle movement and glandular secretion changes.

The brain chip could be a boon to those suffering from neurological disorders. It could help correct errors and make body movements more correctly coordinated.

Delivering memories

The brain chip could provide the ability to deliver data to the brain efficiently (bounded by the maximum access bandwidth of the nervous system).

Of course, let's also be clear that there probably isn't much valuable, mature data that is worthy of being delivered directly to our brains through such an interface.

Blocking Nerve Conduction

In a subset of neurological candidates, the use of brain chips has been successful in helping his or her formerly uncontrolled nerve conduction and correcting it so that limb movements become properly coordinated.

Additionally, it is possible that people may have such needs for normal people as well.

Easy communication with cell phones and computers

With a brain chip, a person is able to communicate more easily with our cell phone apps, computer programs.

In the era of brain chips, the design logic of many mobile apps and computer programs may change.

Further than instant communication

In the earliest times, humans didn't even have a language. And then, illiterate people, who have always been in the majority, communicated with the help of sound for a long time. Then, text and multimedia began to change into information carriers.

In the case of human-to-human communication, instant messaging software provides a powerful capability that humans did not have before.

Brain chips will undoubtedly take this capability one step further.

Conceptual Museums and Conceptual Sites Possible

If humans have already seen or factually built, through various types of computers and cell phones, through the microprocessors in them, a ? Museum of Logic? Logic Museum? Logic Ruins?

The brain chip, then, will be used to make all kinds of conceptual museums, and logical sites. conceptual museums? and? Conceptual sites? become possible.

Because concepts, at least for the time being, are capabilities that belong only to the human brain (and still have nothing to do with computers, cell phones, programs, or clouds), and even more so if they are localized to an individual.