Characters of Inganok under the Flame

Man who seeks relief and extends a hand of relief

Gi CV: Binou Takeda

The Counting Doctor (Cracking Doc) who makes his living as a traveling physician in the lower part of the city. He is a long and thin male. He often has a melancholy expression on his face.

Originally, he was a young medical student at the National Institution University in the upper class. After losing both of his parents at an early age, he worked as a quasi-level 3 organ mechanic in a workshop to earn money for his education, and through his tireless efforts, he was admitted to the upper-level university, where he continued his studies with the goal of becoming a level 1 physician. However, due to the collapse of the city and reality caused by the "Resurrection" that appeared in the whole layer of the city Inganok, the medical technology and knowledge he learned to serve "pure human beings" in the "well-equipped medical facilities" lost almost all of its meaning and made him fall into the depths of despair. He fell into an abyss of despair.

In the 10 years following those dark years, he acquired new knowledge and power. That is, the knowledge of the Number Healer, which uses the phenomenal Number Forms, and the power of the Odd Arms, which protects him.

While saving humans has become almost meaningless in インガノック which has been transformed into 『Alien City』, he is unwilling to give up, and day in and day out, he extends a helping hand to others. Even if the other person is the person who will die tomorrow.

"Odd Arms" Polsion (Early Type)

The distinctive feature is what appears to be a wide-open right eye in appearance. He looks like a human being who is filled with secret organs, and is about 2.5 meters tall. From the "Gate" installed in his chest, he can summon various things and use their powers.

The girl who stood still and watched the humans

Kia CV: Kawashimarino

The girl who was inseparable from Gia and watched him all the time.

Those eyes can even see through The Beautiful Thing. Her origin is unknown. It's also unknown if she came from the upper or lower classes, but she looks as if she's not used to the lower class life.

Gi met her after drifting around Alien City for 10 years with despair, and she has since been operating alongside him as a traveling physician.

Barely ever smiles, giving the impression of a serene person, but still (contrary to the impression) very expressive.

Has been quietly showing gratuitous kindness to Gie, who saved his life by using the power of the Odd Arms.

A rare race of people who can show a smile to anyone in the chaotic underbelly of the city.

Unbelievably, almost no one has shown hostility towards her. However, this assumes that the other person is a rational human being, which is not the case with people in a frenzy or a kuritas. From time to time, they would talk to something invisible to ギー. That is neither a goblin nor a phantom beast, it should only be a non-human something--

Cat looking up at the sky, the woman who sighs

Atea CV: Nozuki Mahiru

Character bright, frivolous and like to sneer at the girl.

Flesh flexible and agile, sharp nails, energetic.

Originally, she was the daughter of a merchant's family living in the upper class, but two years after "Resurrection", she developed "Jealousy Disease", a disease that is characterized by the fantastical Inhuman species of "Cats and Tigers", and she lost her right to be a citizen of the upper class. His real name is アティ・クストス, but in fact the クストス family no longer exists.

He has cat ears on his head, as well as golden pupils (cat-like golden eyes.) that are different from those of ordinary people. Slightly larger than normal people as well) right eye.

Overall, he has the physical characteristics of a "black cat". In order to make a living, he puts a number of secret mechanisms into his body and makes a living as a martial arts fighter.

Adapted to the world and obsessed with life. This is the language that best expresses her.

Man who understands relief and expects death

CV: Koshiyuki Kou

An assassin in a gray suit. A dangerous man designated as Special 1 in both the upper and lower classes.

Denial of the world and life has been personified in the certainty of death. Propagating that only death can save インガノック, killing with the blade in his hand and the phenomenal number of styles.

The wounded, the sick -- the "weak" will die. To be taken away from everything. This is the truth that most people in the city are forced to believe, the law of the city, as set forth by the Grand Duke.

The city law says that "those who are impaired in life above the second degree will be executed". He was the original Execution Executive who was sent from the top to the bottom.

But now his sword ignores the difference between the lower class poor and the upper class nobles, and is entirely at the mercy of his own judgment. Freed from the law, he is incarnated as a god of death. He shows clear hostility to Gigi, who is bent on saving people who are supposed to be dead.

The weak deserve to die. That's the only "answer" he's come up with in a city that's turning into an alien.

Kiryu Kセルクセス

Kiryu brings death by giving the impression of being the Grim Reaper. A full-length 3m steel armor. Wide-open, empty, skull-like eye sockets are the most obvious feature. The body is human-like, with two long arms and only a tail-like thing extending from the spine from the waist down.

Normally not one to show up easily, unlike Gigi's Odd Arms, it will be summoned freely at Caelucaan's will.

The Girl of Steel

Luaha CV: Yukari Aoyama

The Girl of Steel is what is known as an unattached "automaton" that has lost control of its threads. An incomplete cyborg.

She spends most of the day in "stop". Doesn't blink. Ego and emotions are also rather weak.

But she is more "human-like" than anyone else in that she seeks what is enclosed within and long lost.

She barely reacts to other people and only replies mechanically, but she seems to be able to communicate with Kia without words, and gradually, she listens to Kia and becomes very obedient.

She has "grown" to the point where those whom Kia likes, Kia likes, and those whom she doesn't like, she treats as her enemy--

The old man who watches over the human race and travels


It's considered to be the one who understands what's going on in the city, the "outside" of the city. "The eternal traveler who knows the city from the outside. A bystander who reaches out to the world.

The size is a little over 1m (maxing out at no more than 1m50) of the male of the creature, The Observer (エゼク). It is a furry creature, and among the creatures that appear in the unusual nature of the isolated city of Inganok, it is one of the more friendly to humans.

Possesses deep thoughts and intellectual eyes. Wearing worn out traveling clothes, he never stops wandering around.

Legend has it that he is very powerful, but the reality is unknown. Originally from outside the city, he traveled around the world before Inganok's "Resurrection". Legend has it that he knows the reason why the city of インガノック has become what it is now, but he has yet to understand the mechanics of it. As he traveled, he kept watch over all kinds of people. Twin young children

Agnes&フランシスカ CV: Yukie Matsunaga&CV: Goori

Twin young children who make a business out of trading information in the lower levels. Large foreheads.

Both are ヤギ people's "Felt Sheep", with hooves with animal hair on their hands and feet. About the same age as ミース, life experience is something they have much more of. As battle-hardened intelligence merchants, they were so worldly that even Gigi had to be taken aback. It's just that the capricious feeling from the precocious tone affects the intelligence business. . In the darkness of his mind, the masked clown

Dao Chemist Greem=Greem CV: Yukito Sanada

Guy's "vision" is a phantom of the masked clown that appears from time to time.

From time to time, he appears in the corners of reality's field of vision and dream's field of vision, and speaks enigmatically to Gia.

Gi was sure that he was a subspecies of "Klawuin", a fantasy creature that had materialized from the cruel world of its own will. This clown would often say to him "I'll be waiting for you".

The city Inganok changes into the "image" in Giger's mind, and finally gets the "Beautiful Thing", which is more important than anything else.

With no words, Joker kept saying this in Gail's ear. . Dominating "Urban", the king of delusion

Grand Duke Astea CV: Takizawa Atsuya

As the king of Urban インガノック, is a grand duke of terror and madness. He is said to be the only person who knows the truth of "Resurrection" which changed the appearance of the city, but the truth is unknown.

Leading the people who are in despair and confusion due to the "Resurrection" 10 years ago, he creates several mysterious mechanisms and phenomena to make humans and fantasy creatures form "some kind of ****existence relationship" and keep the city alive. He was praised as a hero who saved the people for three years after "Resurrection", but suddenly, with "Upper Staircase", he separated the rich upper class, which was less affected by "Resurrection", from the lower class, which was in chaos, and created a relationship in which the upper class nobles dominated the lower class.

Additionally, the Deadly City Law, which declares that "those who have more than two levels of life impairment will be executed," was enacted.

There is no one who knows the reason for the Grand Duke's hasty change.

Legend has it that from time to time, he would order the heavily-armored machine soldiers on the upper floors to conduct strange and cruel human experiments on the lower floors, and was feared in the lower floors as the "Nageki Duke".

The crazy, messenger boy who mocks the city

Remur・Remur CV: Rito

The original and strongest owner of Kiken. He is the closest thing to the Beautiful Thing, and a young man who is at the far end of the world.

He is the regenerator of the past and the multiplier of the present. Formally known as アポンダンス・レムル=Remu. His spirit is filled with terror and madness and joy and supreme bliss.

Imprisoned in the innermost part of the Special 1 blockade built on the upper floors of the metropolis built by Grand Duke Astia in 3 years, all activities other than life activities are forbidden. A part of the upper class aristocrats rumored that he was the real reason for the urban インガノック "Resurrection". In the 10 years since "Resurrection", his appearance has remained virtually unchanged.

Obsession with the existence of キーア, hatred of ギー is so strong that it has reached an abnormal level──

"Chimei" ラウダトレス

Classified as a late-type of 『Chimei』's steel armor. Destructive. The original and strongest of the Chimeras.

Total length 3m. 2 pairs of **** 4 arms, wearing a cloak depicting fantastic shapes. Wears a helmet on his face, no visage. No eyes.

No offensive abilities. It has the ability to regenerate its target's past indefinitely and multiply its target's "unbearable present" indefinitely - by using the white "Zenaru I ga Left Hand", it transforms the opponent's body and mind. There are no sentient beings that can withstand the left hand of this "Kijiru".