What is the abbreviation of POC?

POC is the abbreviation of Proof of Concept (providing evidence for a point of view). In the hacker circle, POC refers to the point of view verification program. In chemical terms, it refers to particulate organic carbon. In communication technology terms, POC (PTT) Over Cellular) means wireless push-to-talk function, also known as PTT (Push To Talk), and in image technology, POC (picture order count) refers to the image serial number. In addition, in the field of medical equipment, POC (point-of-care) refers to point-of-care testing.

Proof of concept (POC) is an incomplete implementation of certain ideas to prove its feasibility and demonstrate its principles. Its purpose is to verify some concepts or theories. In computer security terminology, proof-of-concept is often used as an alias for zero-day or exploit. (Usually refers to exploits that do not fully exploit this vulnerability)