How does the network interface work?

The Console port is often used for device configuration when initializing the configuration of a network device or when a device cannot be accessed over the network. To configure a device using the Console port, you need to use a dedicated device configuration cable.

The configuration cable has two connectors, one RJ-45 connector for connecting to the Console port of the network device.

The 232 COM connector on the other end is used to connect to the computer's COMI port.

Taking a Cisco router as an example, we introduce the specific steps for configuring a device using the Console port connection as follows.

1. Use the Console cable to connect the C0M1 port of the computer to the Console port of the router, as shown in Figure 4.

2, in the computer, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Hyperterminal command, the connection description dialog box pops up, in the icon option to choose an icon, and in the name of the name of the text box to enter the connection name of the device to connect to, click OK button.

3. The Connect To dialog box pops up, select COM1 in the Use When Connecting drop-down list, and click the OK button.

4. The COM1 Properties dialog box pops up, showing the properties of the connection using the COM1 port. Usually when the router is shipped from the factory, the transmission rate is 9600bit/s, so you need to set the matching parameters for the COM1 port, click the Restore to Default button. When you are done, click the OK button.

5. Turn on the router, and in the HyperTerminal I window, the router's boot information will be displayed # indicates that the IOS image is loaded from the flash memory.

If HyperTerminal is unable to connect to the router, you can refer to the following sequence to check.

1. Win7 users check whether the connection between the computer and the router is loose and make sure the router is powered on.

2, in Figure 6, whether the enhanced computer COM port is selected.

3. Whether the correct communication parameters have been set according to Figure 7.

4. Use another COM port of the computer to connect with the Console port of the router, or make sure the COM port is normal.

5. Replace the Console cable and see what happens.

6, if you still can not troubleshoot, and the router is not the factory settings, may be the router's transmission rate has been modified instead of 9600bit/s, then test the communication rate one by one.

7. Contact the vendor.