What types of safety devices

In November 10, 2007 , the State Administration of Safety Supervision on the issuance of "hazardous chemicals construction project safety facilities directory (for trial implementation)" and "hazardous chemicals construction project safety facilities design guidelines for the preparation of special chapter (for trial implementation)" notice (Safety Supervision General Hazardous Chemical 〔2007〕 No. 225), the safety device lists the directory:

Hazardous chemicals construction project safety facilities Catalog



I. Meaning of Safety Facilities

It refers to the devices (equipment) equipped and measures taken by the enterprise (unit) in the production and operation activities to control the dangerous factors and harmful factors within the safety range as well as to prevent, reduce and eliminate the hazards.

Two, the classification of safety facilities

Safety facilities are divided into accident prevention facilities, accident control facilities, facilities to reduce and eliminate the impact of accidents in three categories.

Third, the scope of application

This catalog applies to the Chinese people*** and the State of new construction, alteration, expansion of hazardous chemicals production, storage devices and facilities, as well as production of chemicals with hazardous chemicals and facilities for the construction project safety assessment and safety facilities design review and completion acceptance.

⒈ accident prevention facilities

(1) detection, alarm facilities

Pressure, temperature, level, flow, composition and other alarm facilities, combustible gases, toxic and hazardous gases, oxygen and other detection and alarm facilities, for safety inspections and safety data analysis and other inspection and testing equipment, instruments.

(2) equipment safety protection facilities

protective cover, protective screen, load limiter, trip limiter, braking, speed limit, lightning, moisture, sun, frost, corrosion, leakage and other facilities, transmission equipment, safety locking facilities, electrical overload protection facilities, static grounding facilities.

3 explosion-proof facilities

A variety of electrical, instrumentation, explosion-proof facilities, inhibit the mixing of combustion-inducing substances (such as nitrogen sealing), flammable and explosive gases and dust formation and other facilities, barrier explosion-proof equipment, explosion-proof appliances.

(4) workplace protection facilities

workplace radiation, anti-static, anti-noise, ventilation (dust, detoxification), protective fences (nets), non-slip, anti-scorching and other facilities.

(5) safety warning signs

Including a variety of instructions, warnings, operational safety and escape shelter and wind direction and other warning signs.

Peak control accident facilities

(6) pressure relief and non-return facilities

Facilities for pressure relief valves, rupture discs, vent pipes, etc., for non-return valves and other facilities, vacuum system sealing facilities.

(7) emergency treatment facilities

Emergency backup power supply, emergency cut-off, diversion, discharge (torch), absorption, neutralization, cooling and other facilities, through or add inert gas, reaction inhibitors and other facilities, emergency stop, instrumentation interlocks and other facilities.

3 Reduce and eliminate the impact of the accident facilities

(8) to prevent the spread of fire facilities

Firestop, safety water seals, flashback preventer, oil (fire) dikes, explosion-proof walls, explosion-proof doors and other explosion-proof facilities, firewalls, fire doors, steam curtains, water curtains, and other facilities, fire-resistant material coatings.

(9) fire extinguishing facilities

Water spray, inert gas, steam, foam release and other fire extinguishing facilities, fire hydrants, high-pressure water gun (gun), fire trucks, fire hose network, fire stations and so on.

(10) emergency individual disposal facilities

eye wash, sprinkler, escape, escape rope, emergency lighting and other facilities.

(11) emergency rescue facilities

Leak plugging, engineering rescue equipment and on-site medical rescue equipment for injured personnel.

(12) escape and refuge facilities

Safe passage (ladder) for escape and refuge, safe refuge (with air breathing system), refuge signals and so on.

(13) labor protection supplies and equipment

Including the head, face, vision, respiration, hearing organs, limbs, torso fire, poison, burn, corrosion, noise, light, fall, smashing, stabbing, etc. from the workplace physical and chemical factors of the labor protection supplies and equipment.