Horojet's honors

2002 - Gen-Probe was awarded the "Key to the City" by Mr. Zhu Qingsheng, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Shanghai Blood Center, and Mr. Yi Mei, Director of the Blood Management Division of the Ministry of Health.

Selected by Forbes as one of the "200 Best Small Businesses in America"; ranked third in terms of earnings growth; ranked 60th overall.

Gen-Probe ranked 33rd for "Masterful Innovation, Technology and Strategic Vision - Top 40 Companies Driving the Global Economy".

BusinessWeek named Gen-Probe to its "100 Best Small Businesses for Hot Growth" list.

The Wall Street Journal recognizes Gen-Probe as a "Shareholder Scorecard - Top Performer in 1 Year".

2005 - Received the National Technology Award, the nation's highest honor for technological innovation.

2006 - Ranked #94 on Forbes' "America's 200 Best Small Businesses"

2006 Adaptive Business Leader in Healthcare Innovation - Winner of the ABBY Award for Innovative Medical Technology

Business Week's "Business Scorecard - Top Performing Company in 1 Year". >Ranked #67 on BusinessWeek's "100 Best Companies to Watch"

Medical Outsourcing recognizes Gen-Probe as a "Top 15 Company" in the in-vitro diagnostics space

2007 --Forbes ranked Gen-Probe #52 on its list of America's 200 Best Small Businesses

2008 - USLBA recognized Gen-Probe as one of the "Top 15" companies in the in vitro diagnostics sector

2007 Gen-Probe as a 2008 "Best of San Diego" in the medical device and consumable industry.

Forbes' "America's 200 Best Small Businesses," ranked #123