Truth was as white as playdough. However, when a person who has paid the "toll" enters the Gate of Truth, the "toll" will appear on his body.
Von Hohenheim was originally a slave in the ancient city of Kesselkreis, without a name, number 23 (slave 23); later, he was taken by his master to do experiments on his blood, and made a "man" in a flask who possessed all the knowledge (similar to the man in the door); later, the "man in a flask" was a "man" in return for the "man in a flask". "Later, the Man in the Flask, in return for the blood given to him by Slave 23, gave him the name Von Hohenheim, and taught him alchemy and writing; thus he became his master's assistant; later, when the king asked the Man in the Flask if there was a way to live forever, he taught the king to make the Stone of the Magi in the domestic daytime, and then to make the Stone of Kesselkerseth into a "man". He taught the king to make the Sage's Stone by day in the country, and to make all the people of Kesselkessis into the Sage's Stone, which would be used to form him and remake Hohenheim's body, and thus he would become immortal. The "Man in the Flask" left the flask and took on Hornheim's appearance and separated the negative character of the "Seven Deadly Sins" from himself into an artificial human being, who was called "Father-sama" (父亲大人). He is called "Father-sama". 03TV Original Storyline: Hornheim of Light, who 400 years ago succeeded in creating the Sage's Stone, transfers his soul into another person's body to live on. However, when he transferred his soul once, he lost his resistance and his body deteriorated. Since he did not want his wife to see his body starting to decay, he left her.
Alchemy (Alchemy) is a medieval idea and originator of chemical philosophy, and is the prototype of contemporary chemistry. Its goal was to chemically transform some base metals into gold, to make cure-alls and to prepare elixirs of immortality. Present-day science shows that this method does not work. But until the 19th century, alchemy had not been disproved by scientific evidence. A number of famous scientists, including Isaac Newton, made attempts at alchemy. It took the advent of modern chemistry to cast doubt on the possibility of alchemy. Alchemy existed in Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, Persia, India, China, Japan, Korea, ancient Greece and Rome, as well as Muslim civilizations, and then in Europe until the 19th century - under a complex web spanning at least 2,500 years.
The basic principle of alchemy is equivocation, and the alchemy of Amestris was predominantly military in nature, having been instrumental in the early victory of the war by investing the nation's alchemists as weapons in the Ishuvaal civil war. The process of alchemy is divided into three steps: comprehension, decomposition, and reconstitution.
Alchemy, prevalent within the new state, is similar but not identical to alchemy (e.g., source of energy), and is widely used in medicine, while alchemy is primarily used in the military. The two are inextricably linked, as the plot will explain.
Basic Principles of Alchemical Formation and Alchemy Generating the Energy Required for Alchemy - The Power of the Circle All Alchemical Formations are based on a circular shape. A circle must have a center point, and the gathering of the rising force that is concentrated from the circumference of the circle to the center point is the cycle of power = the power of consent. In addition, the circle also indicates the process of refining or the time cycle required for the operation. Constructs that represent the process of refining and the composition of matter Constructs are things that represent the composition of matter and the process of refining. From a modern point of view, it can be regarded as a chemical equation. When the formula is combined with the circle, the refining formation is complete. The alchemist then feeds the idea into the alchemy array, and the alchemy is initiated. Since Ed is a construct itself, it can be refined without the Alchemy Formation, but if you do not understand the composition of the substance you want to change, you will not be able to break it down and reconstruct it. Each Alchemist's Alchemical Formation Design is Different Even if the same thing is to be refined, the Alchemical Formation drawn by each Alchemist will be different. Some alchemical formations would be composed of drawings and words, while others would be composed of simple formations. This was because each alchemist's understanding and method of constructing formations differed, and countless alchemical formations were thought up. The better the Alchemist, the simpler the Alchemy Formation can be used to perform a complex Alchemy, such as Dr. Marco. Raw Materials By placing the raw materials in the center of the alchemy formation, the energy produced can be used efficiently without waste. Even if there are other substances wrongly placed in the refining array, as long as they are not included in the construct, they will not be directly affected. Because of this, when the energy providing the substance in the alchemy is not enough to sustain the alchemy, then the alchemist must do so at the cost of losing a portion of his or her own body, which is known as alchemy rebound.
The purpose of alchemy is to restore matter
The Sage's Stone The legendary alchemy enhancer, said to contain the power to make people immortal. In reality, it is a highly concentrated form of the soul, and practicing the Sage's Stone actually still requires the principle of equivalence, requiring many living people to practice it. Red, solid and liquid, strictly speaking, no fixed form. Corresponding to the variety of forms, the Sage's Stone also has a variety of names, such as: the Philosopher's Stone, the Stone of Heaven, the Great Alchemical Elixir, the Red Ultimate Substance, and the Fifth Entity. The energy of the Sage's Stone is not infinite, depending on the number of souls it concentrates.
Human Alchemy In alchemy, humans are considered to be made up of three things: body, soul, and spirit. This means that as long as these things can be alchemized, it is possible to bring a human being into being without relying on a mother's womb. However, since this is an act that violates the laws of nature and social ethics, it is considered a taboo. Although no one has been able to refine the body, soul, or spirit at the same time so far, there have been successful instances of being able to refine one of them.
Artificial human beings Artificial human beings are called Homunculus, the original meaning of which is dwarfs, another "self" inside the human mind, and the meaning here is that they are created by alchemy.
Weaknesses of Bioroids: There are several ways to deal with Bioroids
The first is to find the bones of the people who made them, and the Bioroids will be weak. (This is the setting of TV03 version)
The second one: find a way to take out the Sage's Stone inside the body and smash it, the Bioroid will die automatically. (For example, after the FA version of Mastan took out Rasta's Sage's Stone but didn't shatter it, Rasta was still able to come back to life.)
Third: Dr. Malko has built the Sage Stone, so he knows the refining formation that destroys it. (That's why Marko is the Bioroid's nemesis.) Fourth: Ruthless Riot K. Let the Bioroid use up the Sage Stone's recovery power, and the Bioroid will be killed like a normal human. (That's how Sloss was killed)