Silent Hill 3 Hospital Problems

Give you the full password and secret code Method of operation Save you from looking for it

Bookstore Puzzle


Two Shakespeare Anthology books have fallen on the floor

There are three other books on the shelf, reinsert both of them back in, and the number on the spine will be the password for the back door.


Five Shakespeare anthologies have fallen on the floor, rearrange them to spell out the code on the spine.


Pick up the five books on the floor, the book numbers are:

1. Romeo and Juliet

2. King Lear

3. Macbeth

4. Hamlet

5. Othello

There is a piece of paper taped to the side of the combination lock with the following long text:

The opening five paragraphs are an allusion to the order of the five books:

--- A deranged man, a mad dancer. Refers to Hamlet (4)

--- Plays the game of death, but really dies.... Refers to Romeo and Juliet (1)

A lie would contain truth? Truth with a false mask is a lie? --- Refers to Macbeth (3)

---Truth and lies, life and death, are but a game of black and white transformations --- Refers to Othello (5)

Is not silence filled with love more precious than flattery? --- referring to King Lear (2)

The next change is to imply five numbers:

The blood-splattered avenger doubles, referring to Hamlet, and gets 8

The two weeping young men triple, referring to Romeo and Juliet, and gets 3

The three witches disappear on this, referring to Macbeth, which doesn't count

The rest of the numbers remain unchanged.

So the password is 8352

Hospital second floor puzzle


Press, move two squares to the right, press, move one square up, press, move two squares down, press.

The whole operation can only be completed if the first number is 4, so the password is 4639


The first number is bigger than the second

The second number is twice as big as the third

The third number is smaller than the fourth

The fourth number is 1/2 as big as the first

There is no duplicate in the four numbers.

There are no duplicates in the four numbers

Three of them are not in the first row

Two of them are not in the third column

One of them is the last fankey

Calculating this, we can see that the password is 8634


There is a super gross and perverted poem plastered on the blackboard:

Like glass beads of Pure and flawless eyes, you're always looking at me and I'm always looking at you---

I caress your face with my left hand as if we're about to kiss, and suddenly my thumb gouges into your eye---

I bite your tongue and chew on your lips--- I've been longing for your cheek as well, and it seduces my tongue---

My teeth sink deep into your My teeth sink deep into your delicate left ear---

Take the password disk as if it were a face facing you, and based on the positions of the right eye, mouth, cheek, and left ear,

try to find the password as 4896. although the position of the cheek may be 9 or 7, 9 is the correct solution

Hospital Room M4 Password Box


The alarm clock is pointing to a certain time. At the same time the alarm clock face has this time written in red, which is the password to the combination box.


There is no time written on the clock face, just read the time that the alarm clock hand points to is the password.


Converting the time on the alarm clock to the 24-hour system (that's the number of hours plus 12) is the password

The Incinerator Puzzle in the Nightmare Hospital's B3 Morgue


The incinerator was already on.


Four of the ten beds in the room had bodies on them, each with a number, and the order of those numbers was written on the door of the incinerator.


Each of the ten beds had a piece of paper with words written on it describing some kind of bird.

And on the door of the incinerator is written:

"Burn the one that isn't dead, and all that are above him will envy him."

Referring to the sparrow who killed the robin, the bed number is 1.

"That thirsting seeker, whom the fire of the earth's heart has brought back to life..."

Referring to the cardinal who sings love songs, the bed number is 7.

Also the second-floor men's locker room caller said Stanley Coleman, who adored Heather, was body number 7 in the morgue.

"Burn its heavy body and let it fly through the air."

Referring to the owl that kept eating, bed number 2.

"The blood on its ridiculous lips, now take it to the gates of hell, where it will burn that soulless carcass for all eternity."

The wren is referred to, and the bed number is 9.

This would make the four numbers 1729, but in the first passage it says, "The rest are above him."

So the code reading should be in reverse order, and the code is 9271

The haunted house pegboard room

The best way to go through the haunted house is to take notes

< p> It's best to keep track of the haunted house, and you can walk right through it on EASY difficulty.

He'll drop halfway and stop,

then tell you it was supposed to go to the bottom but things got inflexible over time.

Normal and hard difficulties, hold down the ready to fire button (PC default right mouse button) and you can walk through it,

that is, hold the gun (knife) up and walk, walk or run directly and you will die.

Choice of church

Inside the church, when you go in, you'll go into a room where you hear people's confessions.

Then you will hear a woman say that she has killed someone and wants to confess, and then you will be given the choice of agreeing, or ignoring it.

This is a branching option that will have an effect on the story's plot.

If you killed as many monsters as you could in the previous game, and you chose to forgive in the prayer room,

that would increase the likelihood of a possessed ending.

Inside making of sh3, Hiroyuki Owaku has a specific account of this plot point.

"In the course of a person's life, no choice is truly right or wrong. This confessional scene allows the player to choose one of two options, but either one is wrong. If you say to this penitent, 'Yes, I forgive you,' then you are either lying or justifying his her evil deeds. If you say no, I can't forgive you, to this person who wants to redeem her soul, then you have burdened her conscience by denying the case the right to be saved. This scenario puts you in a very difficult position, an awkwardness in the face of choice. I myself have been caught in such a dilemma, so I want players to share that experience."

The Church's Five Tarot Cards to Find and Puzzle

Places to Get the 5 Tarot Cards:

The Eye of the Night - the Church Pulpit The Moon - the Library Table The Inverted Man. -The Morgue

The Fool - Alessa's room The Pope - Claudia's room

About the Fool: Go downstairs, back to the elevator. Walk into the penultimate door on your left.

It's a narrow passage. Go through the door on your left and the footprints reappear in front of a white floor.

The footprints stop at a wall on the left, push that wall. The wall was a secret door, in a small room inside.

Turn over the book on the chair and get the tarot cards


The positions of the five cards are drawn in Alyssa's drawing book on the bed, so just put them on as they are.


The drawing book contains a long passage:

"---Each row has cards, but no more than three at the most--"

"--The man hanging upside down is on the ground, and there is no one to the left or right-- "

This sentence indicates that the Hanged Man tarot card is centered underneath. And there is only one card in the third row. All other cards should be in the first two rows.

"--- The Moon is high in the sky, and its light shines on the Joker's head---"

This indicates that "Moon" is in the first row, and "Fool" is below it.

"--- You always pray with devotion, why do you always look at the night sky above you---"

It says that "Eye of Night" is in the first row and "High Priestess" is below it.

".... Scary stuff.... You can see it if you turn to the left"

Suggests that "Eye of Night" is in the leftmost column.

Finally you get "Eye of Night" at (1, 1), "High Priestess" at (1, 2),

"Hanged Man " at (2, 3), "Moon" at (3, 1), and "Fool" at (3, 2).


The sketchbook draws nine sets of symbols, and in addition it says:----

Five are true and four are false, and the true ones have a few little lies mixed in--

So find out which five are true and find out how they correspond to the tarot cards.

The five cards all have Roman numerals on them:

"High Priestess" - II

"Hanged Man" - XII

"Moon" -- XVIII

"Fool" -- 0

"Eye of Night" -- XXII <

Each of the nine groups of symbols consists of six letters, mixed with letters that are not Roman numerals.

Cross out these mixed letters. Match the remaining letters in each group with the most similar sign to get the answer:

"High Priestess" is at (1, 1), "Eye of Night" is at (2, 1), "Fool" is at (2, 1), "Fool" is at (2, 1), "Fool" is at (2, 1), and "Fool" is at (2, 1). "Fool" at (2, 2),

"Moon" at (3, 2), "Hanged Man" at (1, 3).

Boss fight

The first boss

is very easy, just open it up and hit it with 3 shots. hard down more maneuvering and stay patient.

The second BOSS (rooftop duel)

When it raises its weapon, go behind it and shoot it with a bullet, then use other weapons to hit it after it falls down, or don't step on it in Hard difficulty. The monster will be able to strike when it stands up, so it will have to defend itself, so several times basically become a set of rules. In short, it's a good time to follow, and pay attention to the defense, let him out of the move, and then take the opportunity to go around to the back to give him a shot.

The third BOSS (waterway duel)

Recommended scattershot + katana, requires some skill and judgment, knocked down and cut it in the water shadow. If you don't have confidence in the operation, don't use other weapons to hit it when it falls down, because it is very fast to get up and attack, it's hard to block, or don't get up and attack directly underwater (this situation will occur when it is not much blood), so if you don't want to hurt the blood, slowly wait for it to stand up.

The fourth BOSS (the main character's doppelganger)

We recommend scattershot. Approach it, long distance is very dangerous, and close when it does not shoot, in close proximity to do the aiming position, while the other party raised the weapon to shoot (otherwise she / it will be defensive), not raised when it will block, the time must be accurate, otherwise it will cut you, in the hit it she will be a small step back, will not attack you. After you kill one, hide behind a random horse and wait for it to come to you before it fires its machine gun when you find it and approach it.

Final Boss Battle:

Pistol Boss Killing Method: The best weapon is the pistol because it has the longest range. The machine gun is fine but the number of bullets is too small (unless you have an infinite machine gun). Shotgun is not good because it's too close, and the boss's close range attack is stronger. boss's abdomen is God, which is also her weak point. When she finishes her fire, between 3-5 seconds, shoot 2 shots with your pistol at the boss's abdomen, and the boss will lower her head due to the hit on her God (you don't have to wait long for her to lower her head after she finishes her fire 2 times). With this method, you only need 80 rounds, and 3 minutes 40 seconds to finish the final boss. the end of the final boss battle is rated 2 stars (2 stars is full).

I usually hit it on hard difficulty and then after it lowers its head, I wait for him to pass his tentacles and then go up to the katana and slash it twice (not more), go back to the pistol and then go up to the katana as I did before.


There are 3 endings for Gen 3 I***:

NORMAL ENDING: The most common ending, GOD is killed by HEATHER and the world returns to normal.

Making any choice in the game selection ends up having no effect on the ending.

Reaching condition: just pass the game normally.

POSSESSED ENDING: HEATHER kills GOD. holding a blood-dripping dagger in his hand, DOUGLAS falls in a pool of blood.

Requirements: kill more than 100 bodies in one playthrough, watch out for some monsters blocked by obstacles and monsters in the fog of Silent Hill. Choose to forgive the woman next door in the final confessional, and total more than 2,000 points of damage from attacks.

UFO: Go home and find your father with the aliens, then the group leaves in a UFO and blows up Silent Hill. The production crew sings as a group at the end.

Reach condition: To reach the UFO ending, wear the TRANSFORM costume and use it to kill all the enemies you meet on the way (30 or more), but don't use your feet to kick them, and the UFO ending occurs when you arrive at Heather's house.


COSTUME CODE that you get when you break the level,

Select Extra Costume or Extranewgame before you start the next game,

then input it again, and pay attention to the case-sensitive, and then you can get the corresponding costume.

After the game starts, select ITEM and then EQUIP to put on a new costume.

If you have the code, you only need to break it once to get all the hidden costumes.

Suspense 13eme Rue

PutHere2FeelJoy Block head


EGMpretaporter EGM Shirt

Gameinformer Game Informer gameinformer Game Informer Tank Top

ProTip GamePro

SH3_Wrestlarn Gamereactor


GMRownzjoo GMR shirt

IwannabeaGJ GN

GangsterGirl God of thunder

cockadooodledoo Golden Rooster

HappyBirthDay Heather Shirt

IGN_pickleboy Shirt

BlueRobbieWin Killer rabbit

SH3_OPiuM Official Playstation Magazine costume

I_Love_You Onsen <

extra_thumbs OPS2

sLmLdGhSmKfBfH Play


badical PSM Tank Top

01_03_08_11_12 royal flush

LightToFuture The light

PrincessHeart Transform

ShogyouMujou Transience

Shut_your_mouth Zipper

A few ways to get the code for the shirt

Royal Flush shirt in the decoding of the PS2RO

badical PSM Tank Top

01_03_08_11_12 Royal flush

Royal Flush shirt Played in the extranewgame case on hard difficulty, and found in the sticky note posted behind the library bookshelf in the chapel.

Golden Rooster shirt The ending gets a 10-star rating ?

God of Thunder shirt Play on action difficulty easy normal hard extremelevel1-9.

Heather Shirt Complete the game once.

Transform costume Pass the game once on extranewgame.

Block head shirt has fewer than 10 kills in the entire game.

Transcience shirt has been cleared once each on Easy, Normal, and Hard.

Don't Touch shirt Investigate the fashion magazines in the ladies' restroom in the Extranewgame.

Extreme Modes Reach condition.

Extreme Mode Pass the game with Action difficulty at hard and Deconfusion difficulty at hard.

Extreme 2Mode Pass in Extreme Mode.

Extreme 3Mode Pass in Extreme 2Mode.

Extreme 3Mode passes under Extreme 3Mode

And so on

Extreme xMode passes under Extreme 9Mode.

God of Thunder Costume on Extreme 9Mode pass (with strings attached, see above)

When you first start playing the game, it works fine, and you can archive it fine.

But the second time I entered the game, reading the file jumped me out of the game,

Then I tried restarting the game, and I was able to enter it and read the file during gameplay, which was also normal.

But if I read the file a second time during the game, it fails again.

In fact, the reason for this is that I have used a modifier to lock the ammo SAVEGAME.

This SAVE has a problem with direct loading, so I can only restart the game and then load again.

And also, after using a modifier to lock the ammo and playing to the back of the game to get the shotgun, as soon as I open the item bar in the game, it will pop up on the desktop.

Taking a lot of ammo and not using some of it, the game jumps out of the desktop as soon as you read the item bar and SAVE and have data issues.

Modifiers that lock the blood portion of the game have no problem.

Solution: (1 of 3)

a. We want to play comfortably, do not use the modifier, to use the most to lock the blood function.

b. In the future, every time you play, you can only NEW GAME and then LOAD GAME.

c. If you don't want to play every time, you should LOAD the record, then turn off the modifier, save a disk, and then go back to the title screen and then LOAD the record.

Strength Display

Generation 3 also debuted the display of vitality and strength as a secret. Pass it once, on any difficulty.

After selecting "EXTRA NEW GAME" in the next game, press the select button in the game, and then press R1 or L1 in OPTIONS to go to EXTRA OPIIONS, where you can choose to show or not to show your stamina and vitality.

The slightly blue screen represents health, which turns yellow when attacked, then orange, then red, then death.

The green screen is for stamina, which is automatically restored when you stop, and will automatically fill up after episodes and opening doors.

Strength decreases as you run, and your movements change, such as running less and less

Special Weapons

Beam Saber (Laser Sword) If you kill more monsters in a fight than you do in a shootout, you can transform into a Sexy Beam by putting on a transform costume

Where to get it: At the end of the corridor near the storage room on the 2nd floor of the shopping center at the beginning of the game, there is a door that can't be opened, investigate and get it.

Flamethrower (Flamethrower) If you pass the level with less monsters than you shoot, you will automatically get it after starting again if you don't get it after passing the level for the first time.

Obtained on the front counter of the bakery.

Heather Beam / Sexy Beam (JP Version) (When not equipped with any weapons, hold R2 + circle to fire a laser tracking attack from Heather's eyes).

Accumulated kills up to 333 (actually there are not that many enemies in a single playthrough, you can accumulate them over multiple playthroughs, and bosses count) can be transformed into Sexy Beam after wearing the transform costume

UNLIMITED SUBMACHINE GUN (Machine Gun, Unlimited Bullets) can be obtained after one playthrough. You can get it after passing the level once.

The first place to get it is at the end of the game when HEATHER leaves the restroom to the left.


Endging Type - Normal

Actiong Level - Normal - 3/5 (3 stars out of 5, same as below).

Riddle Level (puzzle difficulty)-Normal difficulty-3/5

Description: The difficulty chosen by the newgame at the beginning of the game is estimated to be easy to get a 1-star rating, normal to get 3 stars, and hard to get 5 stars.

Description: The difficulty chosen by the newgame at the beginning of the game is estimated to be easy to get a 1-star rating, normal to get 3 stars, and hard to get 5 stars.

Clear Time-1h48m00s-10/10

Description: The game passes time, estimated to be 2h20m00s or less to get a full score of 10 stars.

Split Worm kill time Fight time-1m21s-2/2

Missionary kill timeHome rooftop boss fight time-36s-2/2

Leonard kill time Sewer Area boss fight time-1m57s-2/2

Memory of alessa kill timeMerry-go-round boss fight time-4m23s-1/2

The God kill time final boss fight time -2m06s-2/2

Note: The faster the better, it is estimated that it is about 3m or less to get a full 2-star rating;

Clear Number of passes -3 times -5/5

Description: I guess it's more than 3 times to get 5 stars;

Save and Continue Number -4 times -4/5

Description: The less, the better, the full score is less than 2 times;

Defeated Enemy by Shooting -3 - 0/15

Defeated Enemy by Shooting -3 - 0/15

< p>Defeated Enemy by Fighting Number of enemies fought -31 - 6/15

Description: need to properly kill enemies instead of dodging.

Full 15 stars, estimated 90+ for a full rating.

Shooting kills require the use of a gun-type weapon,kills with the flamethrower count as fighting kills.

Total damage -985-4/5

Description: the total extent of the protagonist's injuries, the lower the better;

Rank reduction -extra weapon used -minus the number of times a special weapon was used. USED used a special weapon-minus one star.

Description: using a special weapon will reduce the evaluation star, but if you don't use it, it's more laborious to kill the enemy, and it's hard to keep the game time short, so it's a contradiction.

The left side of platform 4 will have ghosts pushing you down, which is just a plot point, and will be crushed if you walk through the iron gate.

See the picture, the correct route is to go down the right half of the stairway from Platfrom 3, towards Bergen Street to the head.

At this point the camera will automatically give an angle where you can see both Heather and the little door with the overhead light on.

Then jump off the tracks, investigate the red door at one end of the tunnel, run back when you hear the whistle, dodge the dogs, and climb up to the platform, CG

Gold & Silver Pipes

Throw your iron pipe (get it from the wall of the bar at the caterer's bar on the 2nd floor of the business center)

into the sewer pool where the hairdryer electrocutes the monster! in it, and a goddess will appear.

Answer her question and you can get it (answer yes, no, or yes), or pay for the wrong answer.

Answering correctly and holding it is also mostly a sign of good luck.

After getting it, you can still throw it at the pool, but this time, you can throw it down to nothing ----


Construction in the building on the 5th floor before jumping, there is a wall with obvious traces of repair.

Tapping the wall with your weapon to reveal two human legs inside will give you the silencer.

The silencer can be attached to a pistol or machine gun to disable the Teacher Xuan's defenses, but its power is also reduced.

Note that this is for the Japanese version, but for the US version, you'll have to press ○ and then × at the end, and so on for the PC.

Enter the game when you hear Heather's voice, and watch out for his underwear~

□: Switch on the flashlight

△: Map

○: Investigate, Decide, Attack (with R2)

╳: Run, Cancel