The world's first mega-ton large specialized hospital ship

The world's first mega-ton-class large-scale professional hospital ship

Driven by the development of the overall economic strength of the Chinese state, the naval equipment construction, and even the entire equipment construction of the Chinese army has achieved rapid development. Naval construction and development has also been greatly improved from the concept. The Central Military Commission made a major decision on the strategic transformation of the navy, that is, the navy from coastal defense to distant sea defense, in the process of the transformation of such a major strategic thinking, the naval equipment construction, including the naval guard construction has gained a greater development, especially in the area of maritime medical rescue.

In the construction of medical equipment at sea, including China's first standard hospital ship - "Peace Ark" hospital ship, including the "one ship, five boats, four machines" sea The medical three-dimensional rescue equipment system has been basically completed, realizing the transformation from nothing to something.

This is the first time in the 60 years since the Navy was founded that such a complete maritime three-dimensional ambulance system equipment has been built. Peace Ark hospital ship is the entire medical system structure in the top of the largest standard equipment, with the hospital ship, the entire chain of three-dimensional rescue at sea is complete, the level of competence is a rapid development, on a fairly large level. The birth of the first domestic 10,000-ton hospital ship, marking a major breakthrough in the construction of China's maritime security capabilities.

Peace Ark hospital ship is China's specialized for the sea medical rescue "tailor-made" professional large hospital ship, the ship name "Daishan Island", gangway number 866, by the Guangzhou Shipbuilding International production and manufacturing.

Daishan Hospital Ship is the first large-scale professional hospital ship independently designed and built by China on December 22, 2008, and also the first large-scale professional hospital ship in the world --- 866 Daishan Island ship named and flagged, and began to serve in the Navy's large-scale professional hospital ship.

The main mission of 866 Daishan Island ship: to undertake wartime rescue and medical evacuation of the sick and wounded at sea; maritime defense support; medical support for the troops stationed on the islands and reefs, and medical research; international peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, emergency rescue and evacuation of overseas Chinese.

The Peace Ark hospital ship carries certain medical facilities and equipment to reach the level of a third-class hospital, and its use of vibration and noise reduction measures can effectively alleviate the vibration and noise problems of sea navigation, which can be called a "quiet" modern mobile hospital at sea, and is known as "Life Boat" by officers and soldiers sailing to the ocean. The hospital is known as a "quiet" modernized mobile hospital, which is known as the "life boat" to the ocean by the officers and soldiers.

Hospital ship can be understood as a "mobile hospital at sea", the reason why the sea, mainly from the sea in this regard to receive "injury" and "sick" two categories of personnel. According to the form of points, these two types of personnel from the war (action) and non-war (state), war refers to the sea war, non-war refers to accidents, natural disasters and other states.

As a hospital ship, it should firstly meet the need of saving the wounded at sea in war, and secondly consider the handling of emergencies at sea in non-war as well as the international rescue.

On Nov. 21, 2013, the hospital ship Peace Ark undocked and set sail from a military port in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, and went to the disaster area of the Philippines to carry out a humanitarian medical aid mission.

The delivery and use of the 866 Daishan Island ship has ended the history of our navy's lack of a large-scale standardized hospital ship, marking a major breakthrough in the construction of China's maritime emergency equipment system and making China one of the few countries in the world with distant-sea medical rescue capabilities.

As of 2013, only a few countries in the world, such as the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom, have hospital ships with far-sea medical rescue capabilities, but most of these hospital ships are converted from civilian ships. The U.S. Navy's Mercy-class hospital ship has a tonnage of nearly 70,000 tons, which is comparable to a large aircraft carrier.

Before China's "Daishan Island" was commissioned, it was the only professional military medical ship in the world. Because the "Peace Ark" is closer to the ship's function, media reports often use the name "Peace Ark". As the U.S. medical ship for the oil tanker conversion, and the Peace Ark hospital ship for the special construction of the medical ship, so it is called the world's first mega-ton large-scale professional hospital ship.