Essential Skills for Product Managers

Product managers should have a product thinking, product thinking is essentially a thinking system, not just a certain kind of thinking, we understand it as a product thinking system may be more accurate. Here, to share with you about the product thinking system in a link - scene thinking.

What is scenario thinking

If we want to define scenario thinking, I would think that scenario thinking is a kind of deduction and simulation thinking ability. On the one hand, we need to output requirements, and on the other hand, we need to simulate the product usage scenarios in our mind.

It can be said that scenario thinking is to a large extent a kind of deduction ability, excellent scenario thinking, before the product is launched to accurately predict the actual effect and the user's behavior, which requires us to have a very powerful imagination.

Archimedes has a classic saying - give me a fulcrum, I can pry the earth.

If Archimedes was a product manager, for example, then this quote is one of his conclusions after building a scenario.

Scenario thinking can also be seen as computational thinking about large amounts of information.

As with Archimedes, there are still many great people who are constructing scenarios and processing large amounts of information to project into the future, such as each of our entrepreneurs and product managers.

Can you build scenarios about the future? That depends on your imagination and your ability to process information.

Scenario thinking is the same as imagination, but imagination is not the same as scenarios. The difference lies in the processing of large amounts of information, processing and calculation.


We need to build a scenario in our mind that belongs to the future, so we need to think about the people, the time, the place and the events. I.e. who is in what place at what time and what has happened?

Character: the scene is mainly related to the role of the user

Time: includes the instantaneous time of the occurrence of the time, as well as to the end of the event before the time period

Location: more refers to a kind of environmental background, including the psychological, emotional, reality, or even the virtual space, the process of the link

Event: the main body of the story, but also the main motivation of the scene

How about we try to construct a scene in our mind?

Let's try to imagine a Spring Festival scenario:

The time is the date of the Spring Festival;

The characters are the group of people who need to go home and who need to use the train service at that time;

The location is the environment of the New Year's festivities and the emotional environment of the reunion of loved ones, which of course includes the environment of the concentration of people caused by the background of the traffic jams, queuing, and the rush to get tickets.

Event: This scenario will include a series of events such as purchasing tickets, queuing up, and taking the bus.

Massive information processing

I believe that we can all understand the imagination, and we all have the ability to do so, as mentioned above, the scene is the same as the imagination, but the imagination is not the same as the scene.

Our scenarios are constructed to be highly instructive, so they are created with the hope that they will be correct, and in order to ensure that we can predict the correct scenario, we need to capture a lot of information and process it.

Good scenarios are more than just user-based information capture.

Project Background

Is it possible to maximize the value of a feature like this at this time, and does it pay for itself in terms of the cost of the time spent, knowing that in a 2C project, 50% of the features are normally redundant.

Team Background

In the actual R&D process, we often have a lot of non-product directly related to the development tasks, such as some of the framework adjustments, some of the underlying structure of the adjustments, and even the development of internal collaborative systems, just as the chopping of wood needs to be balanced with the cost of sharpening the knife.

When there is a lack of demand sources, what does our R&D need to do that doesn't belong to the new requirements, but is helpful for future programs? The product is not a one-dimensional iteration of the visualization part, there is a lot of energy is invested in the user invisible place

such as WeChat's information arrival rate and traffic savings, as well as film and television software clarity, smoothness, which are part of the invisible part of the background of the team we are in the moment is there a need to stop product iteration of the footsteps to do some plus points, as well as to strengthen the team's own output rate. The team's own output rate.

Market context

The product iteration process is basically a race, sometimes we need to maintain the same characteristics as the opponent, the other side has done a good module, we can learn from it, but we also need to take into account that the function itself is not necessarily in line with their own positioning of the product, and at the same time, we also need to take into account the opponent's next step plan.

We need to be very clear about one thing, whether it is a good demand, bad demand must have products have been done, the so-called existence is reasonable, so do not rashly refer to the market products, the existence of the theoretical basis, but may not be the right, at the same time, but also from the product's performance to push back the logic behind the demand.

More often than not, our conceptualization is not a problem, but in the implementation stage is easy to make things into another form.


If you have been trapped with the shaping of the scene, and your proposal is always unrecognized, why don't you think outside the confines of the product to consider whether the information in other parts of the process is missing or the analysis is not in place. Product manager is not strictly a class of strong implementation of the industry, but the industry of strong thinking, in our company's product manager will not only develop their own program, thinking is also very agile, he thinks about the information far more than just the product's expression, more is the only information on the comprehensive thinking.