Does a sleep apnea machine work
Before we understand that a breathing machine is useful for snoring treatment, let's understand what is snoring? Let's look at a chart to illustrate this first.
ResMed s9 Autoset Ventilator
Schematic diagram of snoring: the circled area is the key to cause snoring. (The airway is blocked in the picture.)
Schematic diagram of snoring: the circled area is the key to cause snoring
The circled area in the picture below is the key to snoring. This part has no bony structure, all by soft tissue composition. In front of the upper soft palate, uvula (is often referred to as the "small tongue"), under the root of the tongue, on both sides of the tonsils (which is not pictured), behind the back wall of the pharynx. If the overgrowth of the uvula, tonsil hypertrophy, or sleep soft tissue tension decreases and relaxation, the root of the tongue fell back, resulting in this part of the narrow, collapsed, ventilation is not smooth, snoring is inevitable.
People who do not snore have a very smooth airway when they sleep at night.
The picture shows the upper airway of a non-snorer, from the nose and throat to
While a snorer's upper airway is blocked by all sorts of things.
Please click on the losing figure blue airflow in the semi-obstructed upper air
Tonsils, adenoids, tongue root ...... There are all sorts of soft tissues in a person's throat. Once there is any hyperplasia and hypertrophy, when lying down, it is easy to collapse down, squeezing the originally small space, so that the snorer's upper airway is more narrow.
When breathing, the turbulent airflow through the upper airway is blocked, the soft tissues of the upper airway, mainly the soft palate and uvula tremor, resulting in the familiar "snoring sound".
Through the explanation of the above picture, I believe you have an understanding of snoring, snoring is such a process. Next, let's talk about whether or not a ventilator is useful for snoring. Here we have to start from the origin of the respirator, when for why it will be by the home respirator. Here for you to mention the origin of sleep apnea, the so-called sleep apnea is also I mentioned above snoring, in the 1800s, doctors will be a combination of various sleep apnea symptoms, and named "Pickwick syndrome" (Pickwickian Syndrome), this disease originated from Dickens's The Pickwick Papers. Pickwick Papers, in which a weighty, chronic snorer named Joe could fall asleep standing up, suggesting what would eventually be called sleep apnea.
Pictured here is a tracheotomy with a breathing line inserted for ventilation
Initially, the disease was blamed solely on excess body fat. While weight obesity is an important factor in sleep apnea snoring, modern research has shown that it is not the only cause. In addition to obesity, there is a group of people who suffer from congenital problems such as short jaws, enlarged tongue, enlarged tonsils, deviated septum, etc., as well as muscle relaxation as they age can cause sleep apnea to occur.
In the beginning, to address sleep apnea, a tracheotomy (invasive surgery) was used to address sleep apnea.
Pictured here is a tracheotomy with a breathing line inserted for ventilation
Pictured here is a tracheotomy for ventilation
Before the 1980s, the only treatment for severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) was to have a tracheotomy. A hole would be cut in your throat and a tube inserted to allow them to breathe.
It's easy to imagine how painful a tracheotomy can be. Luckily, we've caught up with today's technological advances and the evolution of invasive surgery to today's non-invasive ventilators.
The picture shows the evolution of home ventilators in the 80's to today's portable home
The development of home ventilators has had so many years, for the ventilator whether snoring is useful or not, I think it is self-evident. Breathing machines exist to solve tens of thousands of people due to snoring caused by hypoventilation. Can be in the traditional concept you think snoring nothing is sleeping problem, about snoring, in fact, we are affected by the current mainstream values, and secondly, snoring is a disease publicity is not enough.
There may be some people question, what is low ventilation? It is a nightly sleep process apnea repeated episodes of more than 30 times or sleep apnea hypoventilation index (AHI) > equal to 5 times / hour and accompanied by sleepiness and other clinical symptoms. Apnea is defined as the complete cessation of nasal and oral respiratory airflow for more than 10 seconds during sleep; hypoventilation is the reduction of respiratory airflow intensity by more than 50% from the basal level during sleep, accompanied by a decrease in oxygen saturation from the basal level of >equal to 4% or microarousal; AHI is the number of apnea plus hypoventilation per hour of sleep time.
Therefore, the harm of snoring is self-evident, snoring clinical manifestations: (night) snoring, apnea, suffocation of wakefulness, hyperactivity, nocturia, (day) drowsiness, fatigue, cognitive disorders, headache, dizziness, men can cause loss of libido and even impotence. Severe can lead to sudden death.
Complications: hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, heart abnormalities, mood disorders. Can also cause left heart failure, asthma recurring attacks at night.
The home ventilator is precisely the solution to the problem of ventilation, if there is snoring to pay enough attention, snoring is a disease. If snoring is found to occur for polysomnography.
Speaking of which, you should know the benefits of a home ventilator, a home ventilator, also known as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation (CPAP) uses a machine to help people suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) to breathe more easily during sleep.The CPAP machine increases the air pressure in your throat and improves the problem of obstruction caused by sleep apnea.
Therefore, breathing machines are effective in treating sleep apnea, and they require a long-term process of use, and their use can reduce the occurrence of complications caused by snoring.
Article source know: breathing help, reproduced with attribution, thank you!