How many days before the tender deadline must bidders answer queries from bidders

In the bidding process, in order to ensure the fairness and transparency of the bidding, the bidder has a clear time frame in which it needs to answer the queries of the bidders. According to the requirements of Article 47 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Bidding and Tendering, the issuance of reply and clarification documents must be completed fifteen days before the deadline for submission of bids. This means that the bidder has sufficient time after receiving the bidding documents to answer any questions that the bidders may have and to ensure that all potential bidders have a clear understanding of the bidding project so that they can make accurate bidding decisions.

Also, the law provides for other key aspects. Bidders are prohibited from engaging in substantive negotiations with bidders before determining the winning bidder in order to maintain a level playing field. Members of the bid evaluation committee are required to perform their duties impartially to protect the rights and interests of bidders. The bidder is required to notify the successful bidder and the unsuccessful bidder immediately after the winning result is determined, and any change in the winning decision after the notification of the winning bid is issued will incur legal liability.

After winning the bid, the bidder and the successful bidder shall sign a written contract within thirty days, and there shall be no other agreements deviating from the substantive content of the contract. If the bidding documents require the submission of a performance bond, the successful bidder must provide one. These provisions are designed to ensure the legality of the bidding process and to safeguard the rights and interests of all participants. Therefore, answering the bidder's query fifteen days before the bid deadline is an important part of the bidding process.