Chongqing Gaojin Bio is not a listed company. It has not met the listing conditions, and a listed company is a specific component of a joint stock limited company, which issues shares publicly, reaches a considerable size, and is approved by law for its shares to be traded on a centralized securities trading market. Gaojin Biotechnology Limited was incorporated on December 31, 2019 and is legally represented by Wang Jian.
Conditions possessed by a listed company
The following conditions must all be fulfilled without fail. Its shares have been approved by the State Council's securities administration department to have been issued to the public. The total amount of the company's share capital is not less than RMB 50 million yuan. It has been in business for more than three years and has been continuously profitable for the last three years. Former state-owned enterprises established through legal reform, or newly formed after the implementation of the company law, and its main sponsor is a state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, can be counted consecutively.
The number of shareholders holding shares with a nominal value of RMB 1,000 or more shall not be less than 1,000, and the number of shares issued to the public shall amount to more than 25 percent of the total number of shares of the company. If the company's share capital exceeds RMB 400 million yuan, the percentage of its public offering to the public shall be fifteen percent or more. The company has not committed any major illegal acts in the last three years, and there are no false records in the financial and accounting reports. Other conditions stipulated by the State Council.