Full details for art (algebraic reconstruction method)

art, algebraic reconstruction method, correction of two classical superposition formats.

Basic introduction Chinese name :Algebraic Reconstruction Technique Foreign name :art Applicable to :Image reconstruction method Function :Correction of two classical superposition formats Reconstruction method, other meanings, words, explanations, commonly used sentences, softwares, partners, company profiles, information in German, main fields, main models, **** vibration theory, reproductive medicine, monocular lenses, definitions, properties, Reconstruction method ART ( Algebra Reconstruction Technique, ART), or algebraic reconstruction method. Among the image reconstruction methods, the classical methods of superposition reconstruction are Algebra Reconstruction Technique (ART) proposed by Gorden R. et al. and Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) proposed by Gilbert P.... Reconstruction Technique (SIRT). (1) Joint Algebraic Reconstruction Method (SART) Algebraic reconstruction algorithm in the superposition process, each projection calculation of the correction value is not exactly the same, across the same pixel grid line, the blurring error correction of the image will cause the reconstruction of the region of serious noise, and the algorithm requires more superposition times to get a better reconstruction results, reconstruction efficiency is not high. For these problems Anderson and Kak proposed a joint algebraic reconstruction algorithm in 1984. The algorithm for each pixel is the same projection angle through the pixel of all the ray error value of the cumulative, in essence, is the ART noise in the smoothing, so you can get a more satisfactory reconstruction results. (2) Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction (MATR) The ART algorithm described above is often referred to as the "additive" ATR algorithm because the correction process of each pixel is realized by adding a correction value during the solution process. If the correction of each pixel is realized by multiplying a correction value, the so-called "multiplicative" algebraic reconstruction method is obtained. The MATR algorithm is characterized by the fact that each component of the initial estimate must be greater than zero. And at the point where the value of the pixel becomes zero during the superposition process, it will always remain zero. (3) Modified Joint Algebraic Reconstruction Method (Modified SATR, MSATR) The joint algebraic reconstruction algorithm can suffer from severe edge effects when reconstructing for a simple centrosymmetric image with fewer projection angles. Although the edge noise distribution region is not the image region of interest and is not the main contradiction affecting the image quality, it makes the error between the reconstructed image and the original image close to zero, resulting in the superposition process can not be carried out, and the final reconstruction results in the middle region of the distortion, which can not meet the reconstruction requirements. The improved joint-algebraic reconstruction algorithm is to solve the problem of edge effect appeared, is proposed by Chunfang Li et al. of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, due to the projection and reconstruction data computation process are from the product of the weighting factor and the valuation, the error originates from the inconsistency of the valuation in the superposition process, and the weighting factor only plays a role in amplifying the error, so should not be taken to joint-algebraic reconstruction with the weighting factor as the Therefore, instead of using the weighting factor as the only criterion for error assignment in the joint algebraic reconstruction, the same magnitude of correction should be applied to the edge part and the middle part of the image.The initial value of MSART should not be adopted as zero, but should be set to a non-zero equivalent value. Its essential meaning is very similar to Elliott's theory, up after the fall, down after the rise, not much use value, but it is just one more layer of digital conversion, a kind of blindfold Other meanings art. art". Derived from the original Indo-European root *ar-ti-, cognate Sanskrit word rtih meaning "manner, mode", Greek arti meaning "just," artios "complete, suitable," artizein "to prepare;" Art (disambiguation): Art refers to works of creative expression, and to works of art, as well as to works of art. refers to works of creative expression, and also to a skill, a learned applied technique. (disambiguation) noun n. 1. art; fine art [U] She teaches art history. 2. art; fine art [U] There has never been an exhibition of African Art ever held in our *** all town. 3. humanities; liberal arts [P] She received a bachelor's degree in arts in 1974. 4. arts (including painting, music, architecture, etc.) [P] There used to be a department of arts containing such specialities as music and painting. 5. technique, skill, technique [C][U] Language teaching is both a science and art. 6.计谋[P] Getting the balance beeen o political forces involves 常用句子 I am going to do art projects. I have math, art, English and PE. Ok, fifth lesson is Art. Some have pictures of famous art works. You'll see beautiful works of art there. Which do you like better, art or music? In art, we ask for beauty. Art of war. Art Studio Rendering Companion. Full name: Artlantis Studio, short for ART, is a rendering software often used for interior design and outdoor landscape design. The interface is relatively simple, the operation is also simpler than other rendering softwares, can be used with sketchmaster! Latest version 4.016 Partners Company Profile We are a leading high-tech company with 17 partners, engineers, computer scientists and physicists. The company was founded at the end of 1999 and has been developing, producing and selling infrared vision tracking systems. We understand our customers' requirements for development through the feedback we receive from them, and react in a timely and flexible manner in line with the market situation. A.R.T. is a joint-stock company; the directors and collaborators*** together hold 100% of the shares. Since the beginning of the financial year 2001/2002 the company has been consistently profitable. The company's office and laboratory area is approximately 700 square meters; the station is only a 5-minute walk away. Munich is about 40 minutes away by car. A.R.T.'s tracking systems are mainly used for feedback and application over large areas; they are also increasingly being used in medical technology and instruments. Our customers are the automotive, aviation and aerospace industries and their suppliers in Western Europe, as well as a large number of research facilities and university colleges. In Europe, our company is also becoming a market leader, and our tracking systems are now the industry standard in BRD and France. Last year, we started to expand beyond Europe (USA, Russia, Japan and China). Information in German Wir sind eine kleine Hightech-Firma mit aktuell 17 Mitarbeitern, überwiegend Ingenieure, Informatiker und Physiker. Seit der Gründung Ende 1999 konzentrieren wir uns auf infrarot-optische Trackingsysteme. Enicklung, Fertigung und Vertrieb sind bei uns unter einem Dach. Kurze Wege und eine direktes Feedback von der Kundenanwendung bis zu den Anforderungen an die Enicklung ermöglichen eine schnelle, flexible und marktgerechte Reaktion. A.R.T. ist ein inhabergeführtes Unternehmen; die Geschäftsführer und einige Mitarbeiter halten zusammen 100% der Gesch&. auml;ftanteile. Seit dem Geschäftsjahr 2001/2002 ist die Firma kontinuierlich profitabel. Unsere Büro- und Laborräume umfassen knapp 700qm; wir sind in Weilheim i.Ob. angesiedelt, 5 Min zu Fuß vom Bahnhof entfernt. Der Zug von München braucht ea 40 Min. Die Trackingsysteme von A.R.T. werden überwiegend für VR- und AR-Anwendungen eingesetzt; medizintechnische und messtechnische Applikationen werden allerdings immer häufiger. Zu unserem Kundenkreis gehören vor allem die Automobil-Industrie sowie die Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie in Westeuropa und deren Zulieferer, sowie Forschungseinrichtungen und Universitäten. Im europäischen Raum haben wir uns inzwischen als einer der Marktführer etabliert, in der BRD und in Frankreich sind unserer Trackingsysteme heute der de-facto-Standard. Im letzten Jahr haben wir Verstriebsaktivitäten im außereuropäischen Ausland (USA, Russland, Japan und China) begonnen Main Fields Motion Capture; Virtual Disassembly Main Models A.R.T. DTrack2 A.R.T. System Solutions A.R.T. TrackPack A.R.T. Passive Markers-Flat markers A.R.T. Passive Markers-Spherical Markers A.R.T. Active Markers A.R.T. Passive Markers-Spherical Markers A.R.T. Active Markers A.R.T. Passive Markers-Spherical Markers A.R.T. Active Markers A.R.T. Active Markers .T.Active Markers A.R.T.Custom Targets A.R.T.Standard Targets-Tree target A.R.T.Standard Targets-Motion Capture targets A.R.T.Standard Targets -Large Hand targets A.R.T. Standard Targets-Hand targets/Claw targets A.R.T. Standard Targets-CrystalEyes® targets A.R.T. Standard Targets- Passive glasses targets A.R.T.Camera ARTtrack2/C *** Vibration theory The ART network is a self-organizing neural network built according to adaptive resonance theory proposed by Gros *** erg in 1976. It mimics many features of the human brain's nervous system in many aspects of neurophysiology, and has amazing potential for development.The purpose of ART is to embed a competitive learning model into a self-regulating control mechanism so that the system accepts inputs when they are sufficiently similar to a pre-existing pattern, and processes them as a new category when they are not sufficiently similar.The main advantages of ART are that it can learn in real time, and that it can be adapted to a The main advantage of ART is that it can learn in real time and can adapt to non-smooth environments, with stable and fast recognition of learned objects, while adapting quickly to new unlearned objects. It has the ability of self-normalization, which sometimes treats certain features as key features and sometimes treats them as noise, depending on their proportion in the total number of features. When the system reacts incorrectly to the environment, new objects can be quickly recognized by increasing the alertness of the system. ART nets come in three forms: type ART1 handles bipolar or binary signals; type ART2 is an extended form of ART1 for processing continuous analog models; and type ART3 is a hierarchical search that is compatible with the functionality of the first two structures and expands the two-layer neural net to an arbitrary multilayer neuronal net. The ART3 type is highly functional and scalable because it incorporates the bioelectrochemical reaction mechanisms of biological neurons into the operational model of neurons. Reproductive medicine Assisted Reproductive Technology Assisted Reproductive Technology is the abbreviation for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), which refers to the use of medically assisted means to achieve pregnancy in infertile couples, including Artificial Insemination (AI) and In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer ( It includes Artificial Insemination (AI) and In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) and their derivatives. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the method of IVF-ET that is used to give birth to babies. The birth of the world's first IVF baby was hailed as another miracle of the 20th century in the medical field after the success of heart transplantation, and inspired many countries around the globe to research this high technology. Monocular Lenses art is a high-end category of Sigma lenses Sigma ART 30mm F1.4 DC HSM Definition Android Runtime Nature The Android operating system has matured, and Google's Android team has begun to turn its attention to a number of under-the-hood components, one of which is responsible for the apps Google developers have spent the last two years developing a faster, more efficient, and power-saving alternative to the ART runtime. ART stands for Android Runtime, and it handles application execution in a completely different way than Dalvik, which relies on a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler to interpret byte code. The developer's compiled nested code needs to be run on the user's device through an interpreter, an inefficient mechanism that makes nesting easier on different hardware and architectures. ART completely changes this approach by pre-compiling the byte-code into the machine language at the time of nesting installation, a mechanism called Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation. By removing the process of interpreting the code, applications execute more efficiently and start faster.