did a A4 size illustrator file, done, are vector graphics, and now want to change to A3 size output, how to do?

many ways, upstairs said in AI to solve, I teach you a simpler way, you installed Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro (version at will) did not, no I strongly recommend installing, because the design is to give others to see, and vector software to do things that are not convenient to carry and give people to see (fonts, ah, ah, version, and other people do not usually have this software) after the installation of the printer! Adobe PDF this printer, you print in AI, and then select this printer, page settings for A3 and then select the appropriate page, print the printer's options in the quality of the print quality, and then print on the OK, anyway, the method and the printer is almost the same, so you do not have to worry about the complexity of the file, then, the layer forget to unlock, or something drag in the change, and fast, but also the advantages of a vector software to make things easy to carry around and after the installation of the printer. Almost automatic, there is a benefit is that you want to modify when you can then import into AI, text and some attributes of the stone can be modified!