1, postal collection and delivery stop.?
Because of the impact of international airlines to reduce or suspend flights to mainland China, some of the routes of international mail delivery has been affected, some countries and regions to suspend the handling or transit collection and delivery of letters and parcels from mainland China,
2, cargo control.?
At present, most countries, guided by the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), have not taken cargo-specific control measures against China, but there are still some countries and regions that have taken a series of cargo-specific control measures. As of February 11, *** there are 21 countries and regions to take goods control measures against China. Control measures in the ban on imports of 11 goods from China, mainly animal and plant products and their products; prohibit or restrict the export of 10, mainly to limit the epidemic medical supplies; strengthen the goods quarantine measures 3.?
3, customs clearance ports closed.?
As of February 11, six countries and Hong Kong, China, on the Chinese mainland to temporarily close or restrict customs clearance ports. 4. Suspension of passenger and cargo transportation. As of February 11, *** counted 45 countries and regions suspended or partially suspended with China between air, sea, road, rail passenger and freight transportation.