"Warranty period" refers to the "three packages of goods" of the three packages of validity, generally for one year. At present, the state expresses the 23 kinds of goods (bicycles, color television sets, black and white television sets, home video recorders, camcorders, recorders, electronic keyboards, household refrigerators, washing machines, electric fans, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, household air-conditioning units, suction and discharge hoods, gas water heaters, sewing machines, clocks and watches, motorcycles, furniture, mobile telephones, fixed-line phones, microcomputers, home audio-visual goods), in the These goods within the validity of the one-year three packages, the operator for consumers to repair the quality of goods, shall not charge any fees.
"Warranty period" refers to the "warranty period" for non-three-package goods or the "warranty period" for three-package goods after the first year. In this period of time the operator for consumers to repair the quality of goods, you can charge the cost of parts but can not be charged for repair costs. For example, consumers buy the whole TV warranty for three years, then the first year for the whole set of "repair period", after two years for the whole set of "warranty period". If there is a quality problem in the second year, the operator can charge the cost of parts.
For the warranty and repair, & lt; Consumer Protection Law & gt; Article 45 is stipulated as follows: the state or the operator and the consumer agreed to repair, replacement, refund of goods, the operator shall be responsible for the repair, replacement, or return, in the warranty period, two repairs can not be normal use, the operator shall be responsible for the replacement or return. It can be seen that the warranty and repair, are two different concepts, repair means that in the warranty period, the purchase of goods back in the repair can not pay any fees. And the warranty is not so, it is nothing more than the manufacturer to ensure that responsible for the maintenance of the commitment, you can pay the repair fee, you can not pay, pay or not to pay the repair fee in the law are not based on.
Currently, consumers buy goods, manufacturers give the warranty card on the majority of the indicated in the warranty period is indeed the quality of goods repair, replacement, refund of the "three packages" service. However, if the damage is caused by improper personal use and maintenance, it can only be warranty, the manufacturer may not be free for you to repair.