Rules for organizing archived documents

Arranging rules for archived documents are as follows:

1 Scope

This standard specifies the principles and methods of arranging archived documents that should be kept as clerical files.

This standard applies to all levels of organs, groups, enterprises and institutions and other social organizations should be kept as a paper file filed documents. Other categories of archives can refer to the implementation. Enterprise units have other special provisions, from its provisions.

2 normative references

The following documents are essential for the application of this document. Where a cited document is dated, only the dated version applies to this document. Where a cited document is not dated, its latest version (including all change orders) applies to this document.

GB/T18894 Specification for Filing and Management of Electronic Documents

DA/T1-2000 Basic Terminology for Archival Work

DA/T13-1994 Rules for the Preparation of File Numbers

DA/T25-2000 Technical Specification for Archival Repair and Mounting

DA/T38-2008 Technical Requirements and Application Specification for CD-ROM for Filing Electronic Documents Requirements and application specifications

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.


Archivaldocument archivaldocument(s)

Archival unit in its functional activities, formed, processed, and should be preserved as a paper archive of documentary materials, including paper and electronic documentary materials.



The filing of documents to pieces of components, classification, arrangement, numbering, cataloguing, etc. (paper filing documents also include trimming, binding, paging, boxed, shelving; electronic documents also include format conversion, metadata collection, filing packet organization, storage, etc.), so that the process of ordering.


Piece item

The unit of organization of archived documents.



In the process of archiving documents given to a group of character codes to reflect the archived documents in the category and order of arrangement.

4 principles of organization

4.1 Archived documents should follow the formation of the law, to maintain the organic links between the documents.

4.2 Archived documents should be organized to distinguish between different values, easy to store and use.

4.3 archived documents should be organized in line with the requirements of integrated document management, computer management or computer-aided management.

4.4 archived documents should be organized to ensure that the paper documents and electronic documents are organized in a coordinated manner.

5 General Requirements

5.1 Components (pieces of the organization)

5.1.1 Composition of the pieces

Filing documents generally to each document as a piece. The main text, annexes as a piece; the original document and the final draft (including laws and regulations and other important documents of the successive revisions) as a piece; forwarding text and the forwarded text as a piece; the original and the copy of a piece; the original and the translation of a piece; the Chinese text and the foreign text as a piece; statements, rosters, charts and other books (this) as a volume (this) (except as an annex to the document); briefings, weekly reports and other materials as a period of a piece; meeting minutes, Minutes of meetings are generally one for each meeting, and one for each year's minutes; communications and replies (requests and approvals, reports and approvals, letters and replies, etc.) are generally independent of each other, and can also be one. If there is a document processing order or paper, the document processing order or paper and the relevant documents for a piece of paper.

5.1.2 Ordering of Documents within a Piece

When ordering the archived documents, the main text comes first, and the annexes come second; the original text comes first, and the final draft comes second; the forwarding document comes first, and the forwarded document comes second; the original document comes first, and the copy comes second; the texts in different languages, if there are no special provisions, the Chinese text comes first, and the texts of the minority nationalities come second; the Chinese text comes first, and the foreign text comes second; when a document and a copy of a text are taken as one piece, the copy comes first; the copy comes first, and the copy comes first. When the text is in different languages, the Chinese text comes first, the minority text comes second; the Chinese text comes first, the foreign text comes second; when the communication and the copy are in one document, the copy comes first, the communication comes second. If there is a document processing order or a transcript, the document processing order comes first, and the receipt of the document follows; the original text comes first, and the transcript and final version follow.

5.2 Classification

5.2.1 The filing unit shall scientifically classify the filed documents, and the same whole file shall maintain the consistency and stability of the classification scheme.

5.2.2 Archived documents are generally classified at three levels using the methods of year - organization (issue) - custody period, year - custody period - organization (issue).

a) Classification by year

Documents are categorized according to the year in which they were formed. Across the year should generally be based on the date of issuance of the document. For plans, summaries, budgets, statistical reports, recognition of advanced and regulatory documents and other content involving different years of documents, uniformly according to the date of issuance of documents to determine the year. Inter-annual formation of meeting documents into the closing year. Documents processed across years are categorized into the closing year. When the formation of the year can not be verified, the year for its filing year, and explained in the notes.

b) by agency (issue) classification

The documents will be formed or contractor according to its agency (issue) classification. Institutional categorization and issue categorization should choose one of them to apply, not at the same time. The use of institutional classification, should be based on the formation of documents or contracting agencies on the classification of archived documents, involving the formation of multi-departmental archived documents, filed in the document host department. Using the issue of classification, the archived documents should be classified according to the issues reflected in the content of the document.

c) Classification according to the period of custody

The documents are categorized according to the period of custody assigned to them.

5.2.3 Archiving units that are small or whose procedures for handling official documents do not lend themselves to categorization by institution (issue) may adopt a two-tier categorization by methods such as year-period of custody.

5.3 Arrangement

5.3.1 Archived documents shall be arranged by time in combination with the subject matter within the lowest level category of the classification scheme.

5.3.2 Documents in the same subject matter shall be arranged in the order of their formation.

5.3.3 Meeting documents, statistical reports and other sets of documents can be arranged centrally.

5.4 Numbering

5.4.1 Archived documents should be classified according to the program and arrange the order of file numbering. File numbering should follow the principles of uniqueness, rationality, stability, expandability and simplicity.

5.4.2 The structure of the file number should be as follows: full file number - file category code - year - custody period - organization (issue) code - piece number.

The upper and lower codes are connected with "-", and the same level of code separated by "-". For example, "Z109-WS-2011-Y-BGS-0001".

5.4.3 file numbering is prepared in accordance with the following requirements:

a) Full file number: the archives to the filing unit to prepare the code, with four digits or a combination of letters and numbers to identify, in accordance with the preparation of DA/T13-1994.

b) file category code - annual: archived documents file category code by the "paperwork" 2 Hanyu Pinyin initials "WS" identification. Year for the formation of the document year, 4 Arabic numerals labeled A.D. chronology, such as "2013".

c) custody period: custody period is divided into permanent, regular 30 years, regular 10 years, respectively, with the code "Y", "D30", "D10" identification.

d) organization (issue) code: the organization (issue) code using three Chinese pinyin letters or Arabic numerals to identify, such as the office code "BGS" and so on. Archived documents are not categorized according to the agency (issue), the agency (issue) code should be omitted.

e) piece number: piece number is a single filed documents in the classification program at the lowest level of classification within the order of the number, with four Arabic numerals to identify, less than four, in front of the "0" to make up for, such as "0026".

5.4.4 Filing documents should be filed in the upper part of the first page of the blank position of the filing chapter and fill in the relevant content. Electronic documents can be generated by the system filing chapter style or other forms of bar codes and other forms of identification on the archived documents.

5.4.5 filing chapter should be the components of the file number, namely, the full file number, the year, the period of custody, the number of pieces, as well as the number of pages as a mandatory item, the institution (issue) can be used as an optional item (see Appendix A, Figure A1). The full file number, year, period of custody, piece number, and institution (issue) in the filing chapter are prepared in accordance with 5.4.3, and the number of pages is identified by Arabic numerals (see Figure A2 in Appendix A). In order to facilitate easy to recognize, filing chapter storage period can also be used "permanent", "30 years", "10 years" abbreviation identification, institutions (issues) can also be used "Office" and other standardized abbreviations (see Appendix A, Figure A3).

5.5 Cataloging

5.5.1 Filing documents should be based on the order of file number to prepare a catalog of filed documents. Cataloging shall be accurate, detailed, and easily retrievable.

5.5.2 Filing documents shall be cataloged piece by piece. When the communication and the copy as a piece, the cataloging of the copy shall reflect the content of the communication. The catalog of archived documents shall be set up with items such as serial number, file number, document number, responsible person, title, date, classified level, number of pages, and remarks.

a) Serial number: fill in the archived documents sequential number.

b) file number: file number is prepared in accordance with 5.4.2-5.4.3.

c) Document number: the document's issue number. If there is no symbol, it is not necessary to identify it.

d) Responsible person: the organization or person who produces the document, i.e., the issuing authority or signatory of the document.

e) Title: the title of the document. There is no title, the title is not standardized, or the title does not reflect the main content of the document, not easy to retrieve, should be all or part of the title of their own, the content of their own plus square brackets "[]".

f) date: the formation of the document time, the international standard date of expression marked month and year, such as 19990909.

g) classified: the document classified according to the actual labeling of the document to fill in. There is no classified, do not have to identify.

h) pages: the total number of pages of each archived document. The document has a graphic page for a page.

i) Remarks: annotate the document to explain the situation.

5.5.3 archived documents recommended by the system-generated catalog or the use of electronic forms for the preparation. Catalog form in A4 format, the page should be set horizontally (see Appendix B, Figure B1).

5.5.4 In addition to the electronic version of the catalog of archived documents, should be printed and bound. The bound catalog of archived documents shall be prepared with a cover (see Figure B2 in Appendix B).

The cover set the full number, full name, year, custody period, institutions (issues), of which the full name of the full name of the filing unit name, fill in the full name or standardized abbreviation should be used. Archived documents catalog can be bound by year, can also be distinguished each year custody period bound book.

6 paper filing documents, finishing, binding, paging, boxing and shelving

6.1 finishing

6.1.1 filing documents before binding, should not meet the requirements of the document material to be repaired.

6.1.2 Archived documents have been damaged, should be repaired in accordance with DA/T25-2000; fuzzy handwriting or easily faded, should be copied.

6.1.3 Archived documents should be in accordance with the requirements of the custody period to remove the corrosion, oxidation of metal or plastic binding supplies.

6.1.4 Documents that are too large in format shall be folded without affecting their effectiveness for future use.

6.2 Binding

6.2.1 Archived documents are generally bound in pieces. Archived documents binding should be firm, safe, simple, so that the document does not damage the page, not reverse page, not pressure word, after the binding of documents flat, conducive to the protection and management of archived documents. Binding should minimize the impact on the archived documents themselves, the original binding method meets the requirements, should remain unchanged.

6.2.2 should be based on the archived documents custody period to determine the binding method, the binding material and custody period to match the requirements. In order to facilitate the management, the same period of the archived documents binding method should be as consistent as possible, the binding method of different periods should be relatively uniform.

6.2.3 The materials used for binding must not contain or produce substances that may damage the archived documents. Binding materials such as paper clips, tacks, dovetail clips, hot melt glue, office glue, binding strips, and plastic seals are not used for binding.

6.2.4 permanent custody of archived documents, it is appropriate to take the wire binding method of binding. Fewer pages, the use of right-angle binding (see Appendix C, Figure C1, Figure C2) or sewing machine edge binding, thicker documents, the use of "three holes a line" binding. Permanent custody of archived documents, the use of stainless steel staples or paste binding, binding materials should meet the long-term preservation of archived documents.

6.2.5 permanent custody of archived documents, do not use stainless steel clips or envelopes.

6.2.6 Archived documents in regular custody that need to be transferred to the Comprehensive Archives shall be bound in accordance with 6.2.4-6.2.5. For archived documents that are regularly kept and do not need to be transferred to the Consolidated Archives, the binding method may be carried out in accordance with 6.2.4, or stainless steel clips or envelopes may be used for binding.

6.3 Pagination

6.3.1 Paper filed documents shall generally be paginated in pieces.

6.3.2 Page numbers should be prepared page by page, it is desirable to be marked on the front of the document in the upper right-hand corner or the back of the upper left-hand corner of the blank position, respectively.

6.3.3 Documentary material has been printed and paginated; the proposed page number and the original page number of the document is the same, you can keep the original page number unchanged.6.4 Boxing

The filed documents are sequentially loaded into the archive box and fill in the spine of the archive box box and the docket items. Archived documents from different years, organizations (issues), and retention periods cannot be loaded into the same archive box.

6.4.1 Archival Boxes The cover of the archival box should be labeled with the name of the entire file. The external dimensions of the archive box shall be 310mm x 220mm (length x width), and the thickness of the spine can be set to 20mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, etc. as required (see Figure D1 in Appendix D). file boxes should be placed according to the different ways, in the spine or bottom edge of the box to set the full file number, the year, the custody period, the starting and ending piece number, box number and other necessary items, and can be set up in the organization (issue) and other options (see Appendix D Figure D2, Figure D3).

Which, from the end of the piece number to fill in the box of the first document and the last document of the piece number, from the piece number to fill in the upper frame, stop the piece number to fill in the lower frame; box number that is, the arrangement of the archive box number, according to the requirements of the Museum of the archive box box spine or the bottom edge of the compilation. file boxes should be made of acid-free paper.

6.4.2 Docket

The docket is placed after the boxed documents, and the items include a description of the condition of the boxed documents, the organizer, the date of the organizing, the inspector, and the date of the inspection (see Appendix E).

a) Description of the situation of the documents in the box: fill in the box of documents missing, modification, supplementation, removal, destruction and so on.

b) organizer: the person responsible for organizing the filed documents signed or signed.

c) date of finishing: the date of completion of the archived documents.

d) Checker: responsible for checking the quality of archived documents organized by the person's signature or signature.

e) check date: the date of completion of the inspection of archived documents.

6.5 shelving

6.5.1 filed documents after finishing the box, the arrangement of the shelves should be consistent with the classification of the unit's filed documents program, shelving methods should be avoided to avoid frequent inverted shelves.

6.5.2 filed documents by year - institutions (issues) - custody period of classification, the library shelves, the annual formation of files according to the sequence of institutions (issues) on the shelves, to facilitate the management of the entity.

6.5.3 filed documents by year - custody period - institutions (issues) classification, library shelves, the annual formation of files in accordance with the custody period sequential shelves, to facilitate the transfer of files into the museum.

7 archived electronic document organization requirements

7.1 archived electronic document components (pieces of the organization), classification, arrangement, numbering, cataloging, should be consistent with the Rules, "5 General Requirements" of the provisions.

7.2 Format conversion of archived electronic documents, metadata collection, archived data package organization, storage and other finishing requirements, with reference to the "Guide to the Construction of Digital Archives" (2014), GB/T18894, DA/T48, DA/T38 and other standards.

7.3 Archived electronic documents shall be organized using an application system that complies with the Digital Archives Room Construction Guidelines (2014), GB/T18894 and other standards.