How did President Bush convince the American public against the Gulf War?

The US President started the Gulf War on the grounds of the existence of chemical weapons. In fact, the American people were very annoyed by the Gulf War, but President Bush started the war overseas because of the existence of chemical weapons, which is a kind of hegemony of the political power. Overseas wars not only make the country suffer from the disaster of war, but also make the U.S. military expenditures high. Because of the large number of sacrifices of American soldiers in World War II, together with the sacrifices in the Korean and Vietnam wars after the war, it made the American military

have high casualties. Especially for the United States, the war spending money may be nothing, but the death of people absolutely can not afford to die. So after the Vietnam War, the American public that is strongly against the war, fear of falling into the same predicament as the Vietnam War again. So since then the United States within 15 years, no longer able to launch a large-scale war,

Except for some foreign disengagement of contact bombing. After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, although the U.S. President and the U.S. government know that it is necessary to teach Iraq a lesson, to avoid the Middle East's energy security is threatened, it is necessary to war settlement. Began to embark on the war, but at this time the U.S. domestic public opinion that is strongly opposed to the war, fearing a repeat of the Vietnam War tragedy. Because of the Iraq at that time, that is the Middle East's powerhouse, and just won the Iran-Iraq war, so the strength is very strong, not inferior to Vietnam.

Iraq invaded Kuwait, making the Kuwaiti people suffer greatly, so the United States wanted to sanction Iraq, so they wanted to launch the Gulf War, the Gulf War made the Iraqi fiasco, but the United States also paid a lot of military expenses and a lot of military personnel casualty costs.