How do I change this configuration for those high-end single player games that are currently available.

Arriving, the high-end 5-10 player copies have had some changes. The quality of many items has been improved, plus the drop chances of some epic gear (such as the Dean's Staff and Sword of Rivendell) have been significantly increased. In order to accommodate these changes, the cap on the number of people in this section of high level replica dungeons has been lowered. Stantholm, Psychic Academy, and Blackrock Abyss will now only allow up to five players inside at a time, and Blackrock Tower will only hold 10.

Experience gained from completing quests after level 60 converts to money

Previously, when level 60 players completed quests, the experience value they gained was wasted. In this version, any experience rewards completed after level 60 will be converted into a generous monetary reward, giving you more incentive to complete these quests.

New flight path design!

If you want to reach a certain place by flying multiple times, you can preset a flight route at the Flight Manager at your starting location. The amount of money spent remains the same, but you won't have to manually select a flight point midway through the flight. The user interface for flight routes has also been significantly improved.


All spells or abilities that remove an existing effect from the target (e.g. Disenchant, Cleanse, Remove Curse, etc.) will now verify that the target has a dispellable effect on the spell before casting it, and will fail to cast if they do not.

After being affected by a group control spell (e.g. Fear, Shapeshift, etc.), you will no longer lose your current target.

The extensive explanatory text has been updated.

Killing pets will no longer affect your reputation.

When you are hit by a snowball, you will no longer instantly teleport to your flight destination.

Passive damage effects (such as Oil of Sacrifice) will cause monsters affected by that effect to attack you.

Turning off the Engaged state does not cause Neutral Guards to stop attacking you.

Attempting to illegally extract an item link message will cause you to drop.

Fixed the message when you try to start a fight while unable to attack.

Guided spells are canceled when the thief disappears.

Guided spells are canceled when you switch regions.

Once cast, the effects of persistent damage spells no longer change their effects as you change equipment.

When you are too far away from your target, you no longer stay in combat just because you are in auto-attack.

Ranged effect spells and skills will no longer treat totems as valid targets.

When a monster has the Charm skill, the player cannot charm it to charm the next target by charming it.

Fixed a bug that caused Magma Flow to be invisible or not display properly.

PvP and Battlegrounds

Outlander Valley

Army banners in the defense towers of Outlander Valley will not be available outside the walls.

Korlak the Blood Rage and his fellow trolls have rolled up and left the Valley of Otterland and moved to warmer, more pleasant, watery places.

Some of the fun little items that can be picked up from players or NPCs, such as musket import company documents and worn running shoes, will now be able to be stacked and sold to vendors for a small income.

Players in the Valley of Otterland will no longer drop things like Dark Spear Troll's Magic Essence, Forsaken Hearts, Orc's Teeth, Gnome's Hair, and the like. All related quests have been removed. When a player is killed, all hostile players on that player's hate list gain 1 point of Frostwolf Clan or Thunder Spear Guard prestige.

The rate of prestige growth in Battlecry Canyon and Arash Basin will be significantly increased.


Healing Touch - The mana cost of Healing Touch has been reduced by approximately 9% at all levels.

Destruction - Can no longer be dodged, beckoned, or blocked.

Sanitize - Will not be able to cast this spell while in lord form.

Wild Blessing - Distance and reach increased.

Tear - It is now correctly recognized as a bleed effect.

Items in equipment will be able to be used under various morphing effects.

Natural Swiftness - It is now possible to make Revive and Pacify Animals instantaneous.

Bear & Giant Bear Forms - Will now not suddenly die when morphing into another form while very low on life.

Surge - This ability no longer triggers a bleed effect when dodged or missed.

Previously, some creatures' mana-sucking skills could take effect even after the druid shapeshifted into a form that didn't use or display mana; this has now been fixed.

Previously, shapeshifting into an animal could give the druid a 1-second immunity to Whisker Entrapment and Entrapment, which has now been changed to disable the Entrapment and Entrapment effects.

A new level 52 druid quest has been added to Angorlo Crater.


Multiple Shots - This ability will use the attack strength application formula for melee instant attacks. This means that all ranged weapons will use an identical base value in place of the speed of the weapon itself when calculating their attack strength bonus. All long-range weapons will calculate the bonus they receive from attack strength at an attack speed of 2.8. Weapons originally faster than 2.8 will be able to deal slightly more damage on equal terms, while weapons slower than 2.8 will deal slightly less damage.

Aimed Shot - This ability will use the attack strength application formula for melee instantaneous attacks. This means that all ranged weapons will use an identical base value in place of the speed of the weapon itself when calculating their attack strength bonus. All long-range weapons will calculate the bonus they receive from attack strength at an attack speed of 2.8. Weapons originally faster than 2.8 will be able to deal slightly more damage on equal terms, while weapons slower than 2.8 will deal slightly less damage.

Enhanced Eagle Guard - The duration of the gain granted by this talent has been increased from 8 to 12 seconds. Note that this accelerated effect does not start until the shot after the one that triggers the effect itself. This change is to compensate for this delay.

Hunter's Mark - This spell will not be triggering any other effects that the caster can inflict. This is to prevent the caster from abusing this ability by placing other mitigating effects without entering the creature's hate list.

Claw Strike and Tear - Pets will generate the correct amount of hate when using these abilities. Previously, only claw strikes of ranks 7 and 8 were able to generate the correct amount of hate.

Wild Rage - No longer generates hate against the hunter itself.

New high-level boars will live in the Eastern Plague Lands, where they are born with the level 6 pet ability: charge.

The Turtle's special skill "Turtle Shell" will no longer hold the pet in place, but will simply cause melee attacks to be 30% slower. The cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.

Freeze Traps are now affected by diminishing returns.

Pet Rampage - This effect is activated by any lethal hit dealt by the pet.

Fixed a bug where tamed pets disappeared when a hunter died while just finishing taming.

Disturbance will no longer work on Hunters who have faked their death.


Enhanced Protection Frost Boundary - This ability now works properly again.

Enhanced Protection Flame Boundary - This ability now works properly again.

Detect Magic - This spell will no longer activate any other effects that the caster can inflict. This is to prevent the caster from abusing this ability by placing other mitigating effects without entering the creature's hate list.

Ignite - This talent will only be energized after a Flame Damage critical hit produced by a mage spell. Additionally, after a flame-based spell is rebounded to the caster, the caster will also take ignite damage.

Arcane Radiance - Casting distance and area of influence increased.

Shock - When a Flame spell is bounced back at the caster, the caster is also affected by the Shock effect.


Blessing of Light - Stacking Blessings of Light of different levels will not produce any additional effects. The designers never tried to design them to stack with each other, so this bug has been fixed.

Just Judgment - This judgment will always hit.

Justice's Wrath - Justice's Wrath will now be able to generate additional threat values based on all Divine Damage. In previous versions, several abilities, including Aura of Punishment, did not work properly with Wrath of Justice.

Holy Shock - This ability will now be able to be affected by Divine Grace and Enlightenment.

Sacred Shield - Mana cost is reduced by roughly 15%. Its effect will be slightly augmented by items and effects that increase spell damage.

Eye for an Eye - This talent can be triggered correctly while the Paladin is mounted.

Blessing of Sacrifice - This blessing will no longer prevent the target from escaping the cost of death when using spells and skills that would otherwise require a life sacrifice (e.g., Sacrifice, Demonic Sacrifice, Divine Intervention, Ritual of Doom).

Seal of Command - Its effects will now be activated when the paladin is silenced.

Enhanced Seal of Justice - The description information has been updated to properly reflect its function. This talent increases the damage of the Seal of Justice and its judgment by 3% to 15%.

Holy Healing - The casting distance is increased.

Holy Interference - Casting distance increased.

Sacred Shield - The description information has been updated to properly reflect the skill's functionality. Damage generated by this ability will now generate an additional 20% threat value. This change was in effect when 1.9 was released, but was not documented in the skill description information.

Cast distance has been increased for all powerful blessings and more.

Holy Shock - Mana cost reduced.

Most creatures that were immune to Scorpion Sting are now immune to the Paladin's Defense talent.

Fixed an issue where repeated casts of Devotion were failing to deal damage.

The Eye for an Eye effect does not trigger if a paladin avoids damage through Holy Shield.

Fixed an issue with Paladin's aura stacking, where only the aura with the highest effect of its kind could take effect.


Due to a major restructuring of the talent system, Priest talent points will be reset. Spell/skill training costs associated with talents will be significantly reduced.

All racial spells that have been modified for Clerics have had their training costs reduced.

Prayer of Fortitude - Casting distance and area of influence increased.

Sacred Fire - This spell is now available to all clerics at level 20.

Spiritual Pacification - Now an instantaneous spell.

Shadow Form - As stated in its descriptive message, will now mitigate all physical damage taken (melee and ranged).

Feedback (Human) - This spell has been redesigned. Clerics will be surrounded by a cloud of anti-magic energy, and any successful hit from an offensive spell targeting a cleric will sear that caster's mana and deal shadow damage to them.

Elohim's Blessing (Dark Elf) - Now also increases dodge chance. Ranged damage reduction is increased, duration is increased, mana cost is reduced, and it has a cooldown.

Shadow Guard (Troll) - Now instant. Description updated to clarify that "Reflected damage dealt by Shadowguard will not pose a threat", which was not documented in the description, although the effect was in previous versions.

Mindfire - This spell has been redesigned. It will now significantly increase the armor value of the spell being cast, but will have a 20-shot limit. Each melee or ranged physical attack will consume 1 round. Lasts for 10 minutes with increased mana consumption.

Desperate Prayer (Dwarf/Human) - Cooldown reduced.

Touch of Weakness (Undead) - Now lasts 10 minutes. It will be a gain effect that stays on the caster, activating after the caster takes a melee attack. The effect has not changed. Mana cost has been slightly reduced.

Weakness Demon (Troll) - On top of the original effect, it now also deals a gain that cuts the healing effect by 20%. This medical reduction does not stack with Warrior Lethal Strike, although its damage reduction effect stacks with Curse of Weakness and Touch of Weakness. Mana cost is slightly reduced.

Star Shard (Dark Elf) - This spell is now similar to Curse of Agony, with relatively low initial damage that gradually increases over the course of the channeling process. Mana consumption is reduced by approximately 30% at all levels. level 1 and 2 duration increased to 6 seconds. Total damage increased by approximately 17%.

Secondary Healing - Mana consumption cut by approximately 9%.

Healing - Level 2, 3, and 4 healing spells will have their casting time reduced to 3 seconds. level 1 healing spells will have their mana cost reduced by approximately 9%. level 2, 3, and 4 spells will also have their healing amount lowered to match the reduction in their casting time to maintain their original healing amount per second. At the same time, level 2, 3 and 4 healing spells will also have their mana cost/healing ratio reduced by 9%. All in all, the general effect will be a rise of about 10% in healing per mana for all levels of Healing Spell mana, with a fixed casting time of 3 seconds and no change in healing per second. Note that due to spell casting times of less than 3.5 seconds, it will no longer be possible to get the full bonus from items that increase healing effects.

Powerful Healing Spell - Casting time decreased to 3 seconds. The amount of healing per mana of the Strong Healing Spell mana rises by approximately 10%, and the amount of healing per second remains unchanged. Note that due to the spell taking less than 3.5 seconds to cast, it will no longer be possible to get the full bonus from items that increase the healing effect.

Vampiric Embrace - Damage resisted by the target will no longer be converted into healing by this ability.

Holy Word: Shield - This ability will receive a minor bonus from items that increase healing effects.

Sacred Nova - Its cooldown is removed and its mana cost is increased.

Spirit Eating Plague - No longer keeps the player in combat for the duration of the effect.


Cutting - This ability may no longer be blocked, beckoned, or dodged, and will no longer miss. When you attempt to use this ability while the target is dead, you will receive an error message instead of the spell animation effect being displayed.

Smothered Stick - Lightning Shield no longer destroys the sneak effect when Stifle is resisted.

Cold Strike - This ability cannot be triggered when slain monsters do not grant experience points and slain players do not grant honor.

Disruption - This ability no longer triggers Shaman Priest's Lightning Shield (Lightning Shield causes Thieves to lose their sneak effect).

Blade Flurry - The extra attack from this ability will be calculated by correctly applying the second target's armor value.

Blinding - Now considered a ranged attack. Cannot be dodged or parried.

Monsters will no longer receive a single Thief attack until Sneak Attack takes effect.

Shaman Priest

Lightning Shield - Damage dealt by other environments such as campfires will no longer consume Lightning Shield rounds. Various gain effects in Battlecry Canyon will also no longer consume Lightning Shield rounds.

Root Totem - This totem is no longer able to absorb effects from the following weapons: Ice Guardian, Annihilator, Canine Shortstaff, Chieftain's Enforcer, Mallet of Judgment, Titan's Hammer, Shahram's Black Sword, and Bone Sharpening Blade. It will be spelled out more clearly in the description message.

Scramble - Your acceleration effect will only be effective for the next three attacks.

Healing Wave - The mana cost of Healing Wave has been reduced by approximately 9% at all levels.

Items in your equipment will be usable while under the effects of Ghost Wolf Morph.

Shaman Priests cannot avoid falling by using the Post Totem.


Curse of Pain - The sustained damage effect portion of this curse will only energize those effects that can be energized with a sustained effect; effects that cannot be energized by a sustained effect will no longer be able to be energized by Curse of Pain.

Shadowburn - Players will now be able to see the presence of a mitigating effect capable of generating Soul Fragments, which spawns on the target after a Shadowburn spell hits and lasts for 5 seconds. Warlocks will no longer be able to utilize this mitigating effect to spawn two Soul Shards on a single target's death through certain methods. Targets that cannot grant honor and experience will also not grant shards.

Rain of Flames - This ability can now properly trigger Flame Rush again.

Master of Demonic Learning - A previous version of this ability prevented the owner from receiving a gain when the pet was affected by a group control skill the moment it was summoned, this has now been fixed.

Curse of Doom - This curse can no longer be used on players under the control of a creature.

Shadowburn - This spell cannot add mitigating effects to targets when resisted. Targets that cannot grant experience points or honor will not be able to spawn soul fragments.

Curse of Weakness - Mana consumption is slightly reduced.

Curse of Recklessness - Mana cost is slightly reduced.

Creatures that are immune to fear will now also be correctly immune to the fear effect in Death Wrack.

Crucifixion (Voidwalker) - Range increased, description info updated.

Death Entanglement - Undead monsters will no longer be affected by fear effects.

Life Siphon - Will no longer keep players in combat for the duration of the effect.

Enhanced Shadow Arrow - After a Shadow Arrow spell is bounced back to the caster, the caster is also affected by the Shadow Vulnerability effect.


Decimate - This ability can now be used in conjunction with a sweeping attack again. If the second target's life value is below 20%, then both targets are subject to a full Decimate attack. If the second target's life value is above 20%, then both targets will only be subject to two normal melee attacks under the influence of Sweep.

Cyclone Chop - When this ability is used in conjunction with a sweeping attack, it will only consume one sweeping attack count, but it will also only generate one additional attack.

Messy Dance - Levels 1 through 4 of this talent can now be activated normally.

Counter Storm - This ability's efficacy can now occur normally at melee range.

Gut-Busting Roar - If the target resists the roar, then flinching in fear will no longer occur. Additionally, Roar affects a maximum cap of 5 targets.

Scramble - Your acceleration effect will only last to affect the next three attacks.

Sweeping Attack - The additional attacks from this ability will be able to be calculated by correctly applying the armor value of the second target.


The game has introduced "holy" items. These items are designed for Paladins, Druids, and Shaman Priests, and are equipped in the Ranged Weapons bar of these professions. Some of these items are now available in Blackrock Abyss, Blackrock Tower, Mallet of Doom, Statholme, and Temple of Angelus. We hope players enjoy these new items, and more like them will be added in future patches.

Many of the items that drop within Blackrock Abyss, Statholm, Psychic Academy, and Blackrock Tower have been re-evaluated and their properties adjusted to make them more valuable. In addition, a number of new items have been added to these copies.

The following items have had their set bonuses adjusted: Courage, Learned, Lightcast, Swift Shadow, Ghostly Mist, Piety, Wildheart, Beastmaster, and Elemental.

The droppers for the Waist, Wrist, and Hand kits have been changed for some dungeon sets, including the Lightcast gauntlets and the Boots of the Learned. In addition, drop rates have been increased for some other hard-to-drop kit parts.

All dungeon kits for hands are to be equip-bound items, and the Belt of Courage will also be an equip-bound item.

The Dead Head Tunic and Wolf Harnesser's Moccasins now have properties that are more appropriate for cloth users.

Items that restore life every 5 seconds now have the same value as items that restore mana every 5 seconds. As a result a portion of items that restore life every 5 seconds have received an effect enhancement.

The Biznik 247x128 Precision Scope now only affects Ranged Attacks, while the Elemental Grinder no longer affects Ranged Weapons. The construction diagram for this scope will be re-dropped in the Heart of Molten Fire.

Using items will no longer trigger the effects of the Five Thunders set and the trinket Dark Moon Card: Blue Dragon.

The "Use:" attribute on the Blade of Infinite Darkness has been changed to a "Chance on Hit:" attribute.

The Spell Instant Bonus of the Spirit Wind Set will not be consumed because the mage is not facing its target. Additionally, the effect will not be consumed due to Pranic Stance. After the mage has turned on Prana Fixation and gained the Spell Instant effect of the Spirit Wind Set, only Prana Fixation will be consumed.

The Lightning Shield bonus of the Endless Storm set now works in the same way as other Lightning Shield auras, including generating its own spell damage bonus.

The description text for Thunderbolt has been updated to clarify that only the primary target is affected by the slowing effect. Additionally, the two effects are now separated into two different mitigation effects to prevent incorrect information from misleading people about the perception of the effect that the second target is supposed to get (it used to be assumed that the second target would be slowed as well, when in actuality it wasn't).

All damaging spells will be able to trigger Cenarius' Wrath.

Zandara's Heroic Amulet's rounds are now consumed by a number of melee and ranged abilities that can deal non-physical damage. These abilities include Hammer of Wrath, Judgement of Justice, Holy Seal of Command, Judgement of Command, Spam Shot, and Arcane Shot. Some sustained damage/healing spells and area aura effects also consume a number of rounds of this trinket each time they take effect, such as Blizzard and Devotion. Each wave of area effects will only consume one round, rather than the number of rounds consumed being based on the number of targets.

The Leopard Skin Bag dropped by High Priest Yarrow will no longer drop separately. Going forward, it will be a possible addition to other normal drops.

The following items have overly excellent attributes and will be adjusted to fit their class: the Satyr Longbow, the Inventor's Focused Sword, and the Scepter of Evil.

The Green Hatchling Chest Armor can no longer affect level 50+ targets, and the sleep time has been reduced to 10 seconds.

A large number of recipes have different icons. The icons will now vary depending on the quality of the item; green glowing scrolls represent green recipes, while blue glowing scrolls represent blue recipes. Additionally, all white recipes are available from vendors around the world, so players won't have to pay much for them in the auction house at all.

The effect of Shadow Blade now prevents players from going sneaky or invisible.

The Silkmelon and Ephemeral Energy Amulets now have an asking price.

The effects of Spirit Crystal, Defense Crystal, and Oil of Sacrifice now have explanatory information.

Wicklore's Royal Festival Staff replaces the melee hit effect with the correct spell hit effect.

Damage dealt by Demonic Runes and Dark Runes will no longer be affected by items that increase spell damage for the caster.

The target of the Demonic Casting Breastplate effect no longer needs to be standing in front of the user.

Spell hit effects on the Robe of the Demon's Heart are now correctly listed as "Equipped:" effects.

The Heraldic Hood and Spider Tank Tarpaulin now have properties that are more appropriate for cloth users.

Skull Guardian and Skeleton Berserker drops now match their non-elite properties.

Small items in the Stensom Mailbox are now labeled as rough quality.

Black Diamonds and Primal Black Diamonds, like other gems, can now be stacked in stacks of 20.

The description text for the Sweeping Heavy Hammer effect has been rewritten.

The properties of both the Colorful Boots and the Fallen Hero Boots have been adjusted.

The effect duration of Desert Marauder Statue has been increased, but the effect has been reduced.

Most trinkets create a cooldown of a length equal to their own duration of effect when turned on to prevent multiple trinkets of the same type from being used at the same time. These trinkets include the Heroic Amulet of Zandalar, Heroic Emblem of Zandalar, Heroic Medallion of Zandalar, and other trinkets from Zul'Gharb, as well as Earthstrike, Transient Energy Amulet, and other trinkets rewarded by the level 50 Profession quests such as the Eye of the Demonic Storm Dragon.

The odd rum obtained from fishing is no longer a soul-bound item.

The innkeepers in Winged Hope now also sell winter sauerkraut.

The drop rate of Air Essence has been increased.

The Stone of Destruction now has a unique icon.

Spelling errors in the names of last month's lamb and last year's lamb have been resolved.

The Armor Breaking Weakness effect of the Hunter's Dragon Harnesser Set can no longer be treated as magic resistance.

Dawn Leather Boots, Woodthroat Combat Gloves, and Woodthroat's Strength now make the correct sound when moved within the pack.

Zulian Stone Axe has once again received a proper chart.

The descriptive information for the Hand of Justice and Force of Will has been updated to more clearly articulate their functions.

The effect of Blade of Chipped Bones has changed. Instead of lowering the target's armor value, it will allow your attacks to ignore a portion of the target's armor value. The effect's trigger chance and usefulness have been slightly increased, plus the item now provides a 16-point stamina bonus.

Players will no longer be stuck in telescope view due to the use of refined telescopes.

The Abyssal Cloth Shorts previously did not properly add the Spell Deadly Strike bonus effect; this error has been fixed.


Players who have forgotten Engineering or Leatherworking can re-select the direction of specialization when relearning those specializations.


Statues within Ankira now drop obsidian that can be used to craft a variety of armor. Crafting artifacts are either available at the vendors in Senario or dropped.

The materials used to make Dawn Gloves have been cut.

A number of new world drop epic artifacts have been added for Hammer Specialization, Sword Specialization, and Armor Specialization.


Alarm bots perform pulse detection every 7 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

Fuses can now be stacked into a stack every 5.

Firework bouquets now require solid explosives, while large firework bouquets require dense explosive powder.

Active Dummies will now work for shorter periods of time, but will have more life and the cooldown to use them has been reset to 3 minutes.

The maximum range of the Goblin Mortar has been increased from 20 yards to 40 yards.


The Mooncloth Bag will only require one piece of mooncloth.

Tailors will be able to create two types of 24-compartment pouches designed to hold enchanting materials and herbs. The styles can be purchased from the NPC in Hylissus that sells enchanting materials.


A new enchantment formula that adds 25 points of agility to two-handed weapons can be bought there by players with a Friendly reputation in the Woodthroat Fortress.

Enchanted Gloves - Healing effects will only require a single Justice Pearl.


Many of the Beast type alpha level monsters in the game are now skinnable creatures with high yields.

There is a fourth item in the Thunderstorm Armor set: the Thunderstorm Gloves.

The Heavy Scorpion Shell Tunic style is no longer soul-bound.

The Fantasy Dragon Scale Breastplate is now an equipment-bound item.

The Red Dragon class in the Wetlands will drop Red Dragon Scales more often.

Golden Dawn Lined Shoulder no longer requires the Pearl of Justice.

The Fantasy Dragon Scale Chest Armor only requires 6 Fantasy Dragon Scales to make, instead of the previous 12.


There is a new recipe for a powerful fire potion. The Black Iron Dwarves of Scorched Canyon are rumored to have possession of this recipe.

Quests and Prestige

The head of the sorcerer is no longer required for the Zul'Grab quest "Gather the Heads".

Servers that have opened the Gates of Anguilla will be able to get some new quests from Fortress Senario.

The Cursed Lands teleportation point will teleport the entire party to Polluter's Heights when anyone in the party has the "Demon Rasilek" quest.

The tablet shards needed for the "Discover History" quest in the Wetlands are now easier to find.

The lava elementals of the Scorched Canyon now drop the Flame Heart required for the quest.

The Library Books quest in Mallet of Doom can no longer be completed repeatedly.

Teams and Dungeons

The four green dragons will now refresh simultaneously as they were originally designed to do.

Skins of Shadow have a chance to drop from monsters in the Psychic Academy.

New chests containing only holy water have been added to Stanthom. The original chests still exist.

In the "Break the Cage!" mission, Marshal Windsor will open the door to the supply room instead of going through it.

Anchira Ruins

Hunter Ayamis will now land earlier.

Lieutenant General Andolov will provide some supplies if he is still alive at the end of the battle.

The plague effect of Anubisas Defender and Anubisas Sentinel will no longer be enhanced by equipment that increases spell damage.

Some monsters' life values have decreased.

The Itsra Scorpion and Itsra Beetle will provide one point of experience value.

The Temple of Angelus

Vancris' minions will enter an enraged state if they are not killed within a certain amount of time.

Fixed a bug that caused Shaltura's low-life-value Rage effect to be insignificant.

Heart of Molten Fire

You no longer fall into lava for charging Ragnaros.

Hammer of Doom

The Mayor of Kaledis is now moved to the center of the hall.

Guard Srikik's patrol route has been changed.

Blackstone Tower

Some monster groups have been removed to shorten the time required for the entire journey.

The milk of the Smokeweb Arachnid's queen now only affects the player character.

The life value of the Spire Tiny Spider has been reduced.

Blackstone Abyss

Lokol is no longer a rare creature. His patrol route has also been slightly changed.

Lockpicking and Exploding Salt Bombs now work on Dark Furnace gates.

Battles with Isendios and Ambassador Frelas have been made more difficult.


Some of the undead creatures that invaded the Scarlet Crusade fortress after Banazar's death have now been removed to ensure that players can leave quickly.


Summoned zombies will attack all players within the replica after the grave is touched.

User Interface

The Prestige page will be greatly revamped:

You can now click on a camp in the Prestige panel to see detailed information and related options.

You can now choose to display one prestige slot for a particular camp where the experience value used to be displayed, or two finer slots, experience and prestige, if you haven't reached level 60 yet.

You can mark any camp as "not showing". The entries for these camps will be moved to the bottom of the prestige panel in case you do something wrong with them.

Your experience bar will not be displayed after level 60. That spot will be reserved for the prestige system.

Shift-R will now show the last person to receive a message you sent, instead of the last person to send you a message.

Purchasing banked packs will now have a confirmation line.

All package rewards will be displayed regardless of whether or not you have a sufficient number of package components, though bonus effects you can't get yet will be displayed in gray font, along with a note stating how many components it takes to get that bonus.

Mousing over an item in your mailbox will allow you to view the item's properties without opening the mail.

The team option "Show castable gain spells" now works correctly.

If the "/who" command is used to look up names and they are displayed directly in the chat interface due to the low number of results, they will now be right-clickable and display the invite/whisper menu.

Fixed a bug that caused the life/mana displays in a squad or team to not update in a timely manner.

Fixed a bug where character-specific macros would be overwritten by generic macros.

You can't modify Blizzard XML and Lua files anymore.

Plugins and macros won't be able to inspire or fetch commands that can cause a character to move anymore.

SpellStopCasting() requires input to work, just like if you cast a spell manually.

Toggling a pet's autocast skill requires input to work, just like if you manually commanded your pet.

New API features

frame = CreateFrame("frameType" [, "name"] [, parent]) -- Dynamically creates a new Frame of the specified class

font = CreateFont("name") -- Dynamically creates a Font object

num = GetNumFrames() -- Get the number of currently created Frames

nextFrame = EnumerateFrames(currentFrame) -- Get the Frames that come after currentFrame (internal ordering, use currentFrame= nil to get the first Frame)

seterrorhandler(errfunc) -- sets up a new script

Shenzhou Ogilvy recently announced its upcoming games for 2006:

First-person shooter Super Troopers

Parenting strategy game Evil Genius

The strategy game Blitz 2

The basketball management simulation game 〈Championship Basketball Manager〉, will be represented by Beijing Soar, the launch date

will be announced at the end of March.

〈Superman Agents〉, which will be represented by Russia's Buka Software, is expected to be released in the second quarter of this year.

Super racing game 〈Fast and Furious〉, to be released by Russia's Buka Software.

The quality of the game definitely exceeds that of the top-quality Need for Speed 9.

Release date not yet determined