The Four Races >>> Altanrans NOX Asgard Furlings
The Four Villains >>> Goa'uld Ori Wraith Replicators
The Others >>> Chulak Ashen Tollan The Ancients (Altanrans) have time ships, stargates, special powers, and can ascend to the heavens ......
The Ancients are a very ancient race whose history is estimated to take hundreds of millions of years, and the planet on which they first originated is untraceable. They explored the universe in huge flying cities. There may have been more than one flying city like Atlantis, and it changed many generations. The ancients were the first to master wormhole technology and build stargates. With the goal of finding the meaning of life and the pursuit of creating the perfect life form, the ancients constantly sowed the seeds of life on planets with the right conditions, modifying the environment for evolutionary development while the ancients observed and studied. Earth was one of those laboratories, so many of the planets we see now have biological environments similar to Earth. And Goa'uld and other extraterrestrial creatures are in fact also the Ancients experimental products, only the Ancients are more intoxicated with and they are similar to the study of humanoid life, these creatures were treated as experimental side organisms, can only evolve on their own. So to the Earth calendar more than a million years ago, many planets in the universe have evolved to the stage of humanoid life, the ancients in the process of exploring the universe, found and their own level of science and technology is similar to the NOX (Milky Way Galaxy) Asgard (Ida Galaxy, but later moved to the Milky Way Galaxy) Furlings (no news at present, I guess in the SGU will be mentioned), and formed a 4-race alliance, the ancient people are still in a state of shock, but the ancients are still in a state of shock. In comparison, Earth humanoid life is still in a relatively primitive stage. At this time, a mysterious force appeared in the universe, destroying life in the universe, manifesting itself in the form of a plague, many civilizations on the planets were destroyed, in order to prevent the spread of the plague, the Ancients cut off the stargate, the four races alliance disintegrated, Asgard turned to the direction of the development of hyperspace leaps and cloning technology, Nox turned to the direction of the spiritual power, Furling whereabouts are unknown. In addition there are some lower humanoid races that survived the plague and they took the path of independent development, such as the Tollan, Aschen, etc., while races like the Unas stagnated their civilization as they were still relatively primitive in their developmental stage.
The remnants of the Ancients then piloted Atlantis to a planet at the very edge of their known world ----- Earth, where the South Pole held a base for their advance. Scientists here discovered a distant galaxy, the Pegasus Galaxy, and through observation they determined that it was a galaxy with many suitable planets, a new world. So the Ancients decided to fly Atlantis to the Pegasus Galaxy. This would likely be a one-way trip since hyperspace jumps and ZPM technology were not yet available. So a small group of Ancients stayed behind, thinking that they could escape the plague and it would be a double insurance policy for the Ancients' civilization, since the Pegasus Galaxy was also an unknown world. The Ancients who arrived in the Pegasus Galaxy soon settled in and continued their business of spreading life, and since they had just escaped the cataclysm, the Ancients accelerated their experiments, and soon the Pegasus Galaxy was peppered with races of humanoid life, as well as the establishment of new stargates.
The Ancients who remained behind did not escape their fate, the plague came to the Antarctic base on Earth, and after a thrilling story that cannot now be told, the plague was contained to the base, and life on Earth was unaffected, but only one female Ancient was left.The Ancients' language evolved into what is now known as Latin, and Dr. Daniel Jackson credits them with creating the first spoken language of Earth's Ancients. the earliest spoken language of Earth's antiquity. The Altera, a race of human beings born in a galaxy millions of light-years away, came to the Milky Way to establish their new home, which we now know as the Ancients.
Ascended Beings are a higher level than material life, a purely energetic form of life. Their forms can become very similar to what they touch, such as the Daniel Jackson look-alike in 6.06 Abyss.
(Ascended Beings first appeared in 3.20 Maternal Instinct.) Can be invisible, raise the dead, have large spaceships, and are super peace-loving
They are a race of people who have great mental powers, who can teleport any object, who can turn themselves and things around them invisible, as well as activate, without using a DHD, the Stargate. It is a race of elves who can invisibly resurrect people, also mentioned and appeared many times in SG1, belonging to the faction that has no quarrel with things and is pure and kind, this faction of the race has a kind face and mind, and the sense of self-protection is very strong, and the place where they live belongs to the kind of place that is even more out of this world, this race reveres the nature, and the technology held by them relies on the power of the nature to obtain it, and basically they have not seen any machine things, but they are a race with strong spiritual power. But their home is indeed a planet-sized spacecraft, really surprising!
(The Nox were first introduced in 1.08 The Nox.) There are beautiful light transmissions, energy shields, hyperspace engines, giant spaceships, etc., and occasionally love to pose as gods.
As one of the strongest allies of Earth's human population, Asgard protects Earth and many other planets through treaties.Asgard began to study humans long ago, and has become the subject of many UFO sightings - little gray men over a meter tall, with large heads out of proportion to their bodies, and big, black eyes.Asgard has a lot of advanced technology, such as giant spaceships, cloning and cloning, and the ability to use the world's most advanced technology. The Asgard have many advanced technologies, such as giant spaceships, cloning and memory transplants, etc. The Asgard are also members of the Galactic Alliance of the Ancients, a race of extraterrestrials that are friendly to Earth. They live in another galaxy and have a patrol fleet in the Milky Way. Their own galaxy is threatened by a ruthless enemy called the Replicators, and the Asgard are dedicated to maintaining the balance of power in the galaxy. the Goa'uld fear the Asgard's high tech force, and so the Asgard keep the Goa'uld's expansion in check. The race that looks like the aliens in the ET is on the side of justice, with the advantages of logical thinking, teleportation, spaceflight, and a tendency to protect others. The disadvantages of this race are also prominent, that is, the body is too thin, the possibility of winning in close combat is almost zero, so they were beaten by the machine spiders, although the technology is advanced, but a little too rationalized. The way of considering problems is also too complicated, and will not solve problems with simple thinking.
(Homeworld - Halla First Appearance - Thor's Chariot Thor's Chariot) Has a portal and aspires to a utopian paradise life
We know very little about the Furlings. A member of the Galactic Alliance of the Ancients. Technologically advanced, but we've never found them and don't know if they exist now.
Goa'uld aquatic parasitic organisms that live forever, heal, have sarcophagi, love to impersonate gods, and gain technology through genetics and hosts. Earth calendar more than 100,000 years ago, in the galaxy an unknown planet (P3X-888), an aquatic animal nervous system rapid evolution, due to their size is too small, and the ability to adapt to the extremely low, after many years of evolution, they evolved into a new species, they can survive in the water, but also can **** born on the lower mammals, and control their bodies, due to their own genetic characteristics. They had the characteristic of inheriting the memories of the previous generation, which allowed them to develop geometrically, and eventually parasitized the Unas, the local mammals with higher intelligence and physical strength, and thus they became the higher population of the planet. They called themselves the Goa'uld, and years later this ****-born population discovered through archaeology a number of technologies left behind by the Ancients, which they worked to incorporate into their own knowledge, passing it on from one generation to the next.
Under the research of Goa'uld scientists, Goa'uld spaceflight technology matured, and they began to fly off their planet, and interstellar exploration began. However, the original host Unas have congenital defects problem gradually revealed, the host's health gradually declined, the phenomenon of rejection gradually increased, Goa'uld internal existential crisis, so the Besthost medical research program began to operate, operated by an investor Ra, who dispatched scientists to seek out various planets to explore new medical technology, looking for a more suitable host, the Earth calendar Tens of thousands of years ago, finally discovered a blue planet, and in this planet's primitive Mayan tribes found an ancient medical device, he created the first sarcophagus through his own research, and at the same time found that the sarcophagus treatment technology is very adapted to Earth's aborigines (that's because the sarcophagus restoration technology originated from the Ancients' medical treatment, but the disadvantage is that it's addictive and deteriorating, and the Ancients are some of the Earth's ancestors, and the Earth's people are genetically again relatively similar), and in the midst of his research on the Terrans, he surprisingly found that the Terran organism was 90% harmonized with the Goa'uld and its adaptations.
On a moonless night, Ra, who was about to die (presumably ****-born on Unas at the time, when there were not so many planets occupied), chose to parasitize this young Ancient Egyptian who had entered the ship out of his own desire to enter the ship (cf. the movie version of StarGate), and at the same time retained the knowledge he'd accumulated over the years, and thus he began a new life of immortality, while the The other Goa'uld also discovered the secret and flocked to Earth and sought out their hosts BESTHOST The program was declared a success, and after the new Goa'uld were on their feet, they held themselves to have advanced technology and so subliminally exerted their influence on the people of Earth in the name of various gods. This led to the creation of different civilizations everywhere. The massive application of new hosts marked, the dawn of the Golden Age of Goa'uld. But the Goa'uld with their more evolved hosts did not realize that the choice of Earthlings as hosts also signaled their inevitable demise.
The interstellar expedition continued, during which they discovered stargates and more of the Ancients' technology on Earth and other planets, using which they began the application of the new fuel, Naquadah. Through years of experimentation they managed to develop a vast array of weapons that relied on this technology, which they used to conquer many of the other races of the galaxy.
In order to have more loyal warriors, and in order to increase the adaptability of their hosts to their own bodies, the Goa'uld scientists in charge of genetic development succeeded in modifying the genes of the Terrans to create genetically engineered Terrans, which no longer served as slaves and hosts, but instead appeared as warriors who began rigorous training as soon as they were born, and served as breeding hotbeds for the young Goa'uld after puberty. Breeding hotbeds, this group of warriors were more dependent on their masters, without whom they could not survive, and were fearless on the battlefield, they were named Jaffa, and appeared as personal guards, while the primitive earthlings were not qualified to hold weapons, and could only serve as slaves.
When, due to the effects of their use of the sarcophagus and the local primitive Terrans' insane worship of them, the Goa'uld grew addicted to the lure of power, dictatorships began to emerge, and they fantasized about becoming the rulers of the universe, and the Goa'uld civil war broke out, and they began to fight each other, with the Earth causing almost irreparable damage and the conflict escalating from the Earth to the entire galaxy and the Jaffa became the most powerful and most dangerous of all the Jaffa. Earthlings and Jaffa became cannon fodder.
Meanwhile, using the Stargate, they opened up their colonies to other corners of the galaxy that they had conquered and brought large numbers of Terran slaves and Jaffa to these Naquadah-rich planets to build their respective empires, and in the meantime, Ra's crony, Tok`ra's ancestor, saw that Ra was becoming more and more brutal, and she eventually left Ra for The planet of Ra, which is the ancestor of Tok`ra, saw Ra becoming more and more brutal, and eventually she left Ra for other planets, spawned many offspring, and began her journey to free Tok`ra, and the planet of Earth, although some of the people of the Awakening Uprising buried the Stargate, of course, the Awakening Uprising does not rule out the possibility that there may have been Asgard in the shadows to help them.
Because of the many Goa'uld wars, it has been devastated as a ruin, and the Goa'uld who have emigrated to other planets had no time to care about this ruined planet, and soon after forgot about it, and so did not come back, and the people of Earth (the Tauri) had the opportunity to rebuild their homes and continue to evolve, but the belief in God was still retained.
To be honest, the Goa'uld started out as an interstellar expedition as well, and it was the sarcophagus that caused them to go bad, in fact, they probably played quite a bit of a role in the enlightenment of Earth's civilization, albeit in the form of a god. Proto-Homeworld - P3X-888 (SG1 4.08) is a combined human-***bio-organism that has been using guerrilla tactics against the Goa'uld. they are allies of the SGC, and have often provided manpower and ships to help Earth.
Their ****biotics are the same as the Goa'uld, but are inherited from Queen Egeria, a ****biotic that does not hijack its hosts.The Tok'ra ****biotics seek a true relationship with their hosts to connect with them, one that they share rather than monopolize. (The first Tok'ra introduced was Jolinar of Malkshur in 2.02 In The Line Of Duty. Sam Carter's father, General Jacob, was incurably ill with cancer and had no choice but to have his life extended by implanting a Tok'ra Selmak.) They are also a type of ascended body that manifests as a "wall of fire" and lives in the "City of the Gods" on a planet called Celestis in a distant galaxy.
This seems to be the birthplace of the Ancients (called Altera), and the Ori see themselves as gods of the living, served by those who believe in their faith. This belief is called Origin, and all follow their beliefs through the Book of Origin, which Ori calls Altera "evil." The Ori called Altera "evil" because Altera did not teach the people of the Galaxy the so-called "Truths of the Universe" The Ori, now aware of the existence of the Galactic Beings, sent Priors with their advanced abilities to the planets to lead the people there on the "Path of Enlightenment" to believe in their beliefs. "to believe in their beliefs, and those who do not believe in The Origin will be destroyed. (The Ori first appeared in 9.02 Avalon Part 2 and 9.03 Origin Part 3, and became the most powerful enemy of the SGC.) Belonging to an offshoot of the Ancients, but having gone evil in order to ascend to the heavens and gaining power by sucking the faith out of people, the Ori were made the main enemy of SG1 by the writers in the latest season 9 of SG1. Their faces are pale and bloodshot due to demonic attacks, their eyes are bulging out, and they claim to have been born from the fires of hell. It is as if they were the Satan of Christianity. This race has the ability to spread plague and cure disease and death, and has the destructive power of a powerful storm that can destroy a planet in an instant (rather exaggerated). Fortunately, the Ori are very few in number and they can be affected by electromagnetic waves, also, all of their power comes from the faith of their followers, without which they would gradually die out. (Ghosts, Phantoms) A mix of human genes and Pegasus bug genes that feed on humans.
It was the Wraith (cannibalistic race) that appeared in the SGA, in fact, this race is a combination of human and bug evolution (kind of like the bugs of the Tenebrae), with a strong ability to reproduce, and feed on humans, in fact, it was, the Ancients of the Pegasus Galaxy later found a kind of bugs native to the Pegasus Galaxy in one of their explorations, and they had a unique mental network transmission system, the Ancients discovered through research that the Through their research, the Ancients discovered a method of "ascension", but created a demonic "ghost" in their experiments, which was a mixture of human and bug genes, and they soon became a nightmare for the Ancients. At first, the Ancients fought with the Spectre to protect the Pegasus life, but because of their ego, the Wraith captured three ZPMs, and their numbers skyrocketed. Finally, the Ancients gave up their protection of other humanoid races, and retreated to Atlantis, where they were besieged by the Wraith for a long time. Although the Ancients, with their satellite-based weapon systems and advanced warships, made the Wraith attacking them unable to come back, they have, however, defeated 10 Wraith warships today. Although the Ancients had used satellite weapons systems and advanced warships to keep the attacking Wraith at bay, they knocked out 10 Wraith warships today, and 20 or more will come tomorrow (the Ancients' warships were built, while the Wraith's warships grew out of their own), and the tide has turned. So 10,000 years ago, the Ancients returned to Earth with information on how to ascend to the heavens and continued their research, and the Wraith are probably the most vomit-inducing of all the races. Individuals of this race can communicate with each other and understand each other's mind, but because of the difference between individuals and **** bodies, they are not united internally, and in order to compete for food, i.e., human beings, they are also at war with each other, counting on each other. Their strengths are that they have a physiological mechanism of self-recovery (including all battleships, fighters), strong, long and lean bodies, fierce faces, fast reproduction, and a race with superhuman endurance. There's something about this race that makes it feel badass and scary. As if they haven't been introduced to where they live? (Replicators) are an artificial life form with nanoscale technology.
Starting out as toys for a robotic Reese, they soon gained an independent consciousness and survived through their constant replication of themselves.Asgard tried to stop them from devouring other civilizations, but unfortunately caused them to evolve from worm-like to humanoid. The Humanoid Replicators have the intelligence of their creator, Reese. (Replicators first appeared in 3.22 Nemesis, while humanoid ones appeared in 6.12 Unnatural Selection.) A race of human-made, machine spiders. Self-replicating (extremely strong reproductive clones), capable of rapid evolution, eventually evolving into humanoid form, with a mind, capable of devouring all solid matter except glass (silicon compounds), capable of absorbing the advanced technology of other races, and one of the most threatening of all races in the physical form, with surprisingly evil intentions of expansion and aggression, but originated from a child with superpowers, though This race has the same immature flaws of a child, no ego. And it feared an anti-matter weapon of neutron guns to the point of eventual extinction. development culminated in SG1-8.01 onwards, with the Galactic Replicators being destroyed by the Ancients' weapons in SG1 8.16.
The more advanced Replicators in the Pegasus Galaxy came out in SGA 305, with Ancients technology, and city-class ships like Atlantis. Originally programmed to destroy the Spectre (the program was later modified by the Spectre during the war between the Ancients and the Spectre) and not to attack the Ancients (which was later accidentally lost by RONDY), they began to become a threat to the SGA. After being infiltrated by an SGA crew in the SGA to modify the program, they were on a mission to destroy the Wraith. Being metal and more technologically advanced than the Wraith, they began to pose a serious threat to the Wraith. But in the end, under their own intellectual decisions, they decided that eliminating their food source would be the best way to wipe out the Wraith, so they began a mission to cleanse the Pegasus system of life. As a result, they also became the public enemy of the entire Pegasus System civilization. Finally, before they planned to build a large number of warships to attack, SGA scientist Mike found a way to destroy the replicants: using a fake replicant created by the Earthlings as a core that could absorb all the replicants' nanoparticles, it would eventually reach a critical state and self-destruct, achieving the complete destruction of the replicants. Under the siege of dozens of warships sent by Earth, including the Daedalus, Wraith, and Voyager, the fake replicant created by Mike was able to have the time and opportunity to infiltrate the replicant city and start executing the destruction plan. The replicants' combat power was quite terrifying, so much so that under the siege of many civilizations, they still held a huge advantage on the battlefield. At a critical moment, the fake replicants powered up and destroyed the replicant civilization. Before blowing themselves up, other civilization warships escaped the big bang by jumping away through hyperspace. The Replicant civilization was thus destroyed.
In passing, during this unprecedentedly thrilling battle, one of Wraith's leaders took the opportunity to invade with a small fighter and steal a number of ZPMs, and set the stage for some of the subsequent episodes of SGA. Ascended Beings
Ascended Beings are a higher level than material life, a form of purely energized life. Their forms can become very similar to what they touch, such as the Daniel Jackson lookalike in 6.06 Abyss.Ascended Beings first appeared in 3.20 Maternal Instinct.
Tok'ra are a human-**** beings combined creature that has been using guerrilla tactics against the Goa'uld.They are allies of the SGC and often provide manpower and ships to help Earth. Their ****biotics are the same as the Goa'uld, but are inherited from Queen Egeria, a ****biotic that does not hijack its hosts.The Tok'ra ****biotics seek a true relationship with their hosts to connect with them, one that they share rather than one that they monopolize. The first Tok'ra introduced was Jolinar of Malkshur in 2.02 In The Line Of Duty.
According to the theories of Daniel Jackson and Robert Rothman, the Unas arose on the same planet as the Goa'uld, and that they were the Goa' uld's first hosts. The Goa'uld later chose humans as their hosts because they found them to be better controlled.The Unas, with their robust physiques, were turned into slaves of the Goa'uld, and were mainly sent to mine the rare mineral naquadah, which was needed for the Goa'uld's technology. First introduced to Unas in 1.10 Thor's Hammer.
GadMeer people-
Sulfur elemental beings, 10,000 year old civilization, destroyed by a superweapon, fled from their enemies, traveled great distances to take refuge here, giant spaceships, light teleportation, replicated humans.
Tollans are a race of humans with very high technology. They had shared their technology to help their neighboring planet, but the people of that planet used the technology unwisely and caused their own destruction, which also affected the Tollan planets causing devastation and the Tollan had to find a new planet to survive. They traveled by spaceship to Tollana, a new homeworld, and later built their Stargate on this planet. A few years later Tollan was destroyed for the Goa'uld, and contact with the planet was lost, and it is unknown if there were any survivors. First introduced Tollan in 1.17 Enigma.
The Talthus-
Planet destroyed by the sun, forced to travel to Ardena, about 200 years advanced of Earth.Stromos ships***Three built, with dormant pods, no FTL engines.
Acshen people-
Biotech, teleportation technology developed, can make people live forever, have light teleportation. About 600 years ahead of Earth. This race was first mentioned in 4.16 2010. They have a high level of biotechnology as well as being very patient. But underneath their peaceful exterior, they use a systematic, slow population depletion method to achieve domination of a planet. Finally, in 5.10 2001, they were introduced into a black hole and were lost.
The Serrakin-
Privately owned and commercially developed, with an impressive variety and number of spaceships. Space probes picked up off the street and refurbished to work . A model for the future of America . The best place to buy high tech.
Descendants of the Teotihuacan, the people who gave away Earth's Naquadah Reactor, nanobots with brains and the ability to learn.
Euronda people-
Self-proclaimed descendants of the Terrans, perpetually at war with the Breeders, have dormant pods, drone fighters, and melting reactors.
Terran descendants, opposed to the Optricans by historical beliefs, at constant war with them, with energy guns and ships with force field generators.
Technology of brain connections (560 years old) and energy shields (400 years old). Technology has stagnated due to atmospheric pollution. Advanced about 500 years on Earth.
Harlan, the last survivor on Altair, 11,000 years old, mechanized and technologically advanced, with a set of SG-1 metal clones.
Reetou People-
Friendly race, but with a few radicals, flexible and fierce, the Reetou are intelligent insect-like creatures that are enemies of the Goa'uld. There are some Reetou who believe that the way to destroy the Goa'uld is to kill all potential hosts, including the Tau'ri (humans) of Earth.The Reetou's biological peripheral waves are 180 degrees out of phase with other creatures, and thus become invisible, yet they can see us. The Reetou were first introduced in 2.20 Show and Tell. the Oannes-
Aquatic creatures, gods of the Babylonians, live 4000 years, enemies of the Goa'uld, have all kinds of advanced equipment.
Quetlzelcoatl is a giant of the planet P7X-377, enemy of Goa'uld, ancestor of the Mayans, maker of crystal skulls, neutrino technology?
The Ataniks-
Existed and died before Goa'uld, makers of armbands, capable of superhuman strength and speed.
The Velona-
Attacked by the Goa'uld, helped by the Ancients, then invaded other planets and were destroyed by the Ancients, had superweapons.
Destroyer of the Goa'uld
Light-teleporting, biotech, colony Hadante 15,000 years old.
Salish deity who drove out the Goa'uld 1,000 years ago, specializes in transforming into any living thing, making people disappear with a wave of his hand, and healing.
Latin descendant, planet wiped out by Goa'uld, lots of tech, object of Goa'uld's desire to parasitize, human swapping machine.
Bounty hunter, physically strong, race that rejected Goa'uld parasitism, green blood, dependent on the drug Roshna.
P7G-989 Planetoid
Gamekeeper, 1,000 years old in the virtual reality world due to a chemical catastrophe, nice hibernation pod.
P3X-118 Planetoid
An alien creature, infiltrated the SGC in search of a habitable new world, has a shape-changing device.
Reol Man-
The Reol are creatures facing extinction hunted for the Goa'uld. They can secrete a hallucinogenic chemical that makes them look and sound quite real. The Reol were first introduced in 5.04 The Fifth Man.
Man of planet 884, maker of Urgo alien spores, hallucinogenic lifeforms in the brain, light teleportation and all sorts of novelty devices.
Archaeologist on planet P4X-639, with force-field generators and all kinds of novelty equipment.
Administrator on P3R-118, an Ice Age planet with advanced metallurgy and chemistry.
Person who infiltrated the planet to escape the war, planet under attack by the Goa'uld, has light teleportation and nice ships.
A close relative of the Ancients? Possesses psychic powers, can stop bullets, see people's thoughts, etc. .
An Alien race of people, cunning, devious, and stupid, who make a living as smugglers and have beam guns.
Daughter of a Deusian, maker of Replicators, planet destroyed by her own toys. 1) Abydonian's -
First alien race encountered by the SGC, once ruled by the Ra. Homeworld - Abydos First appearance - Stargate Movie 2) Chulak's -
The homeworld of the Teal'c, on which live the Jaffa and some priests, the priests are responsible for placing Goa'uld larvae into Jaffa children when they reach adulthood. the Chulak have a significant period of time in service to the Goa'uld. Chulak is one of the strongholds of the Goa'uld, and was a major recruiting ground for the Jaffa armies of Apophis. The Chulak played an important role in the resistance movement. Homeworld - Chulak First Appearance - 101 Children of the Gods
3) Athosian's -
Native humans of the Pegasus system, homeworld of the Atlantis Military Squad's female general Teyla. Perhaps not technologically advanced, the Athosians have shown remarkable talent in their dealings with the other races of the Pegasus Galaxy.The Athosians and their chieftainess, Teyla Emmagan, helped the Earth Expedition fight the Wraiths in the Pegasus Galaxy. Homeworld - Athos First Appearance -Sga101 Rising, Part 1 Rising, Part 1.
4) Acshen's-
Biotech, teleportation tech advanced, can make people live forever, have light teleportation. Advanced Earth by about 600 years.The Aschen are a race of humanoids whose technology is at least 100 years ahead of humans. They have formed the Aschen Alliance with many other aliens, and the Aschen have used genetic weapons to reduce the overall fertility of many other races, turning their homes into Aschen farms. They are highly skilled in biotechnology and very patient. But underneath their placid exterior, they use systematic, slow population depletion to achieve domination of a planet. Homeworld - P4C-970?First appearance - 4.16 2010. last seen in 5.10 2001 when they were introduced into a black hole without knowing where they were. [Return]
5) Altair-
Last survivor on Harlan Altair, 11,000 years old, mechanized and technologically advanced, with a group of SG-1 metal replicants once a technologically advanced race, but forced to relocate underground as their homeworld's surface became filled with radiation, who developed a technique to copy human minds into robotic bodies. First appearance: SG1 1.19 Tin Man Metal Man. Homeworld: PX3-989
6) ArisBochs-
Bounty hunters, physically strong, race that refuses to be parasitized by the Goa'uld, green blood, dependent on the drug Roshna.Aris Boch's race. --- The Aris Boch's race is unable to be parasitized by the Goa'uld due to a special physique, giving them a a unique advantage, yet they must rely on a drug to survive. Homeworld - Unknown First Appearance 307 Deadman Switch Safety Switch
7) 367 Planeteers - Originally a more advanced race, they were later genetically engineered by the Goa'uld Nirrti to have different superpowers, possessing psychic powers, the ability to stop bullets, see into people's minds, and more. They were eventually able to return to normal with the help of SG-1. Homeworld - 367 Planet First Appearance - 616 Metamorphosis Transformation
8) Atanik's-
Existed and perished before the Goa'uld, makers of the armbands, capable of superhuman strength and speed. No appearances, introduced in SG1 4.03 'Upgrades Upgrades'.
9) Argosians - [Return]
They live like the ancient Greeks. Their lifespan is only 30-40 days, which of course was arranged by that Goa'uld Pelops as a way to speed up evolution in the expectation of a more perfect host. Homeworld - Argos First Appearance - 108 Brief Candle Short Lifetime
10) BP6-3Q1 People -
A civilization with well-developed architecture, but turned into a bunch of nasty bugs. Homeworld - BP6-3Q1 First appearance - 210 Bane Poison