I. Electronic industry. Gum solvent can be used for soldering, repairing and washing of electronic devices, as well as cleaning contaminants and residues from circuit boards, components, relays, capacitors, transistors and other electronic components.
Two, machinery manufacturing. Adhesive dissolvers can be used to clean mechanical parts such as bearings, pistons, oil seals, linings, bearing housings, turbines, pumps, gearboxes and gearboxes.
Three, printing process. Adhesive dissolvers can be applied to clean the printing machine so that its printing quality can be improved, thus improving the printing effect.
Four, paint industry. Gum solvent can be used to clean paint molds, wash the surface of the paint mold contaminants, as well as cleaning spraying equipment and paint filters.
Fifth, the adhesive industry. Adhesive solvent can be used to clean the adhesive mold, remove the mold surface dirt and residue to ensure the quality of the adhesive gel.
Six, food processing industry. Adhesive solvents can be used to clean food processing equipment, remove the dirt, pollutants and other residues left on the surface of the equipment to ensure food safety.