What is rated power

Rated power refers to the specified ambient temperature, the equipment can continue to operate under the highest stable power. Also refers to the equipment in the normal room temperature can withstand the maximum power for a long time, in the purchase of electrical equipment, the rated power is an important indicator must be concerned about. Purchase of electrical equipment to pay attention to matters: determine the required power rating: different electrical equipment has different power ratings. For example, electric ovens usually have higher power ratings, while rechargeable batteries have lower power ratings. When purchasing electrical equipment, you need to choose the right power rating according to the actual demand to avoid overloading or under power. Consider the ambient temperature: The power rating is the result of measurement under the specified ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature is too high or too low, the rated power of the equipment needs to be reduced accordingly. For example, when using electrical appliances in a high-temperature environment, you need to reduce the rated power of the equipment by 10 percent; when using electrical appliances in a low-temperature environment, you need to increase the rated power of the equipment by 10 percent. pay attention to the energy-efficiency level of the equipment: the energy-efficiency level of the equipment is also a factor to be considered in the selection of electrical equipment. The higher the energy efficiency rating, the lower the rated power and the more energy efficient it is. When purchasing electrical equipment, you need to choose the equipment with a higher energy efficiency rating.