Every time you get a report card after a physical examination, we will be confused, right, such as some indicators rise or fall, how to see the report card as well as the last doctor to give the total inspection report in the dark words what it means do not know so, Here, I'll teach you how to look at the ~
First of all, we need to know that the physical examination of the main items included, it : internal medicine, surgery, eye examination, otolaryngology, stomatology, gynecology internal examination
**This type of program usually tells you right away if there is any abnormality in your body when the doctor performs the examination. (So the physical examination should inform the doctor about the past medical history and whether the recent body abnormalities, in order to facilitate the doctor to do the judgment)
The second, imaging, inspection class examination
Mainly with the help of large-scale professional medical equipment to check the project, including:
Medical imaging class examination project: electrocardiography, ultrasound, and so on.So, how do you look at the imaging and testing tests, follow me down the road to continue~
Imaging projects: directly look at the results of the test
These projects include: electrocardiogram, B ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, reproductive system ultrasound, etc.), ultrasound (abdominal, urological, thyroid, gynecological, breast ultrasound, etc.) The company's products are also available in a wide range of colors.
In addition to looking directly at the conclusion of the examination (also known as the examination summary), It is also important to pay special attention to the conclusion of the "recommended regular review", "recommended further examination" and other items.
In addition, in this kind of physical examination found in the hyperplasia, nodules, cysts, etc., do not need to be treated? That's not necessarily true! You need to distinguish between the following four situations:
Hyperplasia: most will not be cancerous, but should be reviewed annually.
Nodules: If there is a sudden change, be wary.
Cysts: 90% are not malignant, but need treatment if they grow too large.
Polyps: it depends on where they grow and how big they are.
And then follow me to understand how to interpret the common signs on the medical report and the doctor's suggestive words:
First of all, to understand the common signs on the report:
1, in the picture above, "small red upward-pointing arrows The "small red upward pointing arrow" in the chart above means that the indicator is above the normal range, and the "small green downward pointing arrow" means that the indicator is below the normal range.
The red box refers to the reference range. It is also known as "reference range", "normal range", "normal value", and refers to the interval from the lower reference limit to the upper reference limit.
2. The + and - on the above chart represent positive and negative respectively.
Finally, there is the + sign on the test, which represents a quantitative change. For example, +, ++ and +++ indicate a gradual increase in positivity.
Then there's the "suggestive words" section. This is where the doctor's advice is given in the final report, and there will be hints of the following, which you will have to learn to recognize:
"Observe": "Just observe": "All you have to do is observe": "It's a good idea to observe".
"Regular review": the abnormalities detected this time need to be further examined and followed up.
"Follow-up examination": If symptoms appear, or if you develop symptoms later, you will need to go to the appropriate department for further treatment.
"Consultation": is to recommend that you go to a specialist for further examination, there may be some physical problems.
"Timely medical consultation": is the most serious, which is likely to clearly indicate that you have suffered from some kind of disease and need to be treated immediately.
Well, the full analysis of the medical report is finished. Additionally, there are two things you should be aware of:
One is that a clean bill of health doesn't mean that you're in perfect health
Because most of the "reference values" for physical exams are based on the criteria for the illnesses that are being examined. The fact that they are normal only means that the body is "qualified", not that it is absolutely healthy. The "threshold" indicators also require special attention.
The second thing is that you don't need to be overly nervous about abnormalities, but you need to keep an eye on them
The results of the physical examination can be affected by a variety of factors, such as diet, rest and relaxation, and emotional state before the physical examination, so the abnormalities in the physical examination do not necessarily mean that you are suffering from some kind of disease, but it is recommended that you have further examinations in the short term to make sure that you are.