Sterilization of dry heat sterilization

(1) dry baking: the use of dry oven, heating 160 ~ 180 ℃ for 2 hours, can kill all microorganisms, including bacillus. Mainly used for sterilization of glassware, porcelain and so on.  (2) cauterization and incineration: cauterization is a direct flame to kill microorganisms, suitable for microbiology laboratory inoculation needles and other metal equipment that is not afraid of heat sterilization. Incineration is a thorough sterilization method, but is limited to the treatment of discarded contaminated items, such as useless clothing, paper, garbage and so on. Incineration should be carried out in a special incinerator.  (3) infrared: infrared radiation is a 0.77 ~ 1000 micron wavelength electromagnetic waves, has a good thermal effect, especially 1 ~ 10 micron wavelength of the strongest thermal effect. Also considered a dry heat sterilization. Infrared light generated by infrared bulbs, without air conduction, so the heating rate is fast, but the thermal effect can only be generated on the surface of the irradiation, so it can not make an object before and after the left and right uniform heating. Infrared sterilization and dry heat similar to the use of infrared oven sterilization of the required temperature and time is the same as dry baking. Mostly used for sterilization of medical equipment.  People exposed to infrared radiation for a long time will feel eye fatigue and headache; long-term exposure will cause damage to the eye. Therefore, workers should at least wear protective glasses against infrared damage.  (4) microwave: microwave is a wavelength of 1 millimeter to 1 meter or so of electromagnetic waves, high frequency, can penetrate glass, plastic film and ceramics and other substances, but can not penetrate the metal surface. Microwave can make the medium messy polar molecules in the microwave field under the action of the frequency of the wave back and forth movement, mutual collision and friction and generate heat, the temperature of the medium can be increased, and thus at lower temperatures can play a role in sterilization. It is generally believed that its sterilization mechanism in addition to the thermal effect, there are electromagnetic **** vibration effect, the role of field effect. Sterilization in the commonly used microwave 2450MHZ and 915MHZ two kinds. Microwave irradiation is used for food processing. In the hospital can be used for laboratory supplies, non-metallic instruments, sterile room food utensils, medicine cups and other supplies disinfection.  Microwave long-term irradiation can cause eye clouding, testicular damage and neurological disorders and other systemic reactions, so you must close the door before starting the operation.